Keith and Berna hugging each other horizontally. Embraced by that Keith's chest, Berna moved her little tongue so hard that she kept licking her chest plate.

Her breasts, which leave a slight smell of soap from the bath she took with her before entering the bed, are even thin and sweaty in the heat she hugs in the afterheat.

Berna was delighted to feel the saltiness and spiciness in her tongue.

I can feel Keith's taste. I do what no one can do. It was such an excellent pleasure.

Keith leaned back laughing as the tickle became the limit to his tongue movement, which became more and more intense in the thought.

Then Berna crawls her tongue to the neck muscle as well as the pepper and chest, covered across Keith like she chases it.

Keith gently stroked Berna's head obsessed with Namename as she grinned bitterly at the blackness that she was a pet at all.

Keith in Berna, where the feeling of getting her hair combed goes hand in hand with licking, makes her happier,

"Is it that much fun? Are you gonna lick my body?

A beautiful girl's body can lick her all day long. That's what a man asks his pet. Besides, the pet replied "Huh" with his tongue out.

And if you slow down your tongue,

"No...? Can you lick it?

I lean my neck against Keith and ask him if I shouldn't lick him anymore.

His face is faceless, but there's some loneliness caged in there, and Keith, sighed, hugs a naked elf that hangs on him.

"Fine. It's only special for your pet Berna. Instead, lick about the other males, Nju, Chipu, Raju."

Berna tangled Keith's lips as she tried to say the usual dialogue before she let him say it all.

It's a slightly complicated feeling because it's a tongue I've been licking my chest and neck muscles or something, but when I'm responding to it without saying anything, Berna, with her tongue off, lips to her ear, whispered.

"I want to... I want to... just your husband... other than your husband... I don't think you want to do this"

Berna, who says so in a young voice telling me to understand, licks Keith's ear and from there she kisses her neck repeatedly back to the chest plate.

The owner, who was uttered such a word by the submissive keeper elf, therefore deposited himself greatly.

Berna's tongue now moves to the abdomen after licking it to irritate the chest, especially the nipples.

A pretty tongue showing a soft, small and crafty way of moving came sucking on to various places with her lips to warm Keith up and go.

A light stimulus, like a pleasure step ahead, hits the whole body and gradually impregnates the core with a slight feeling.

The soaked feelings accumulate and grow, trying to quench the fire of pleasure.

Lick your flank, lick your arms from there, and shake your fingers. Lick the five fingers in full and taste them with your tongue down to your finger crotch.

The middle finger and pharmacopoeia of the right hand, which always adores Berna, put it in his mouth especially with consideration, and finger fellas to tangle his tongue and thank him.

When I made it to the sound of sipping and tasted it fully, I now moved to my lower body with the thread of saliva pulled.

In the lower body, the erection had started slightly with a finger fella, but I would keep it there and lick it from the tip of my toes first.

"Ooh, ugh! Ah, ha...... kufu"

Keith raised his voice to that tongue that began to shake his toes just like his fingers.

I twitched and tickled. The pleasure in the back passed directly from the toe to the groin to collect blood on the meat stick.

Berna was happily licking thirty men's legs, albeit washed, as she watched them swell and swell.

Keith accidentally swallowed his saliva as he peeked at it, looking perfectly at the words saying he would serve somewhere Fu rather than blame him for what was there.

In the naked glossy lick of your serving pet, the beginning drips down the back muscles from your penis.

Berna's tongue, eagerly licking to the soles of her feet, made her lower body completely drizzle, but only her groin is about to bounce.

It feels like all the pleasure given from the tip of my leg is getting aggregated in my groin.

Keith, whose excitement couldn't heal, woke up his upper body and kept staring at Berna licking him with her elbows on.

Berna eagerly licked the diameter area as she crawled her tongue from her leg to her dilated tibia and through her knee to her thigh, from where she squashed her scrotum.

Roll the corned feel inside the two bags into the mouth and tip the tongue.

Massage with your tongue with care and care the plant that manufactures the male juice that will make you most happy with the smelly, eggy flavour clogged in this.

The stimulus to be rolled passed on to the meat stick in a frizzy way, and the rod that had erected itself early shook freakedly.

Berna, however, still continued to taste the golden balls, lifting her legs slightly and licking them to the perineum as she occasionally kissed the diaphragm.

Licking the overflowing part of a very dark smell and flavorful male odor like this, Keith's smell cages all over his mouth and all the way to his nose to cripple Berna.

I moistened my eyes with a face so vague that I said where my usual faceless expression had gone that I crawled my tongue out of my mouth into the inferior part. Berna hurt her uterus with its taste and smell.

I'm not strongly blamed or forced to lick you, but just feeling Keith full like this makes the female part start having tantrums.

Most of all it was a weaker wet way than blamed, but Berna kept her hips twisting and squishing the important part in that slight reaction.

For how long he licked it that way, Keith's scrotum was sprinkled with saliva, wet and drooling everywhere.

Berna, with her mouth away from the heavily dripping golden balls, finally tries to reach out her tongue and touch the meat stick to taste the main dish.

Then before that, Keith put his hand on Berna's cheek and forced him to press a meat stick against the other cheek.

Berna, rubbing her nasty smelly penis against her cheek, roughed up her exhale as she felt the heat without distorting or disliking that poor face by a meat stick.

to Berna with such a slutty face. Keith was

"Berna, what are you going to do, make me do this... Berna's pepper feels too good and her penis is going to burst"

You told me it felt good. Not only was I happy to taste it, Keith felt better too.

I'm glad to hear that. Berna was desperate to move her face and try to lick the meat stick,

"Ohimpo, more himochi, himahiku... full, naemma hiku"

Say that with your tongue out. Keith, however, still kept it without letting him lick it.

"But it may not be enough for once... because it's full of golden balls licked and full of salmon... without three consecutive fellas... I need you to do this"

Three times. I get drunk three times in a row licking it, even though Zamen comes out and fills the Berna as much as I'm likely to swallow it back just once.

Berna nodded and responded to it over and over just imagining it drooling of saliva.

"I can... I can fill my penis... I want to fill my salmon, only"

I should have been licking it from myself at some point it makes me lick it. Without even realizing it, Berna opened her mouth to the meat stick on her cheek and clasped at once.

Even Keith's hands swung off. The tiny shabu-shabu sucked awesome, and suddenly the tortoise head swallowed up to the back of his throat.

Hot, wet and cramped, the meat bars that were stretched to their limits are still going to erupt on the stroke that begins while being tightened to Berna's throat like that.

"Phew! Gu, ah, ugh... oh, shit... all on such a cute occhi..."

Berna is in tears of bitterness as she cheeks the pole portion of the polar pole over her mouth and sucks and licks it with a zip zip as she tightens it behind her cheek.

Gastric fluid rises for the vomiting sensation that irritates the throat, and saliva flows from the nose with the momentum of the pharynx.

Nevertheless, he never let go of his mouth and continued to love the most delicious parts of the house.

The cracked feel of the bell mouth, and the tense feeling of the geese neck, all coming from the throat, hurt Berna along with the bitterness.

Keith turned to the ceiling and concentrated on his groin pleasure when he slept in full bold letters in bed to Berna, who didn't even speak a word and was heartless, just making a Nevah saliva buildup at the roots of his penis.

Ferratio pleasure, which is uninterrupted all the time, is transmitted billivily to Keith's body, which was swinging with a full body lick, doubling his comfort.

Besides, with plenty of golden balls, the samen were produced in thick and massive quantities, giving a hunch about the awesomeness of ejaculatory pleasure.

When Keith shook his hips at that feeling, Berna swallowed as much penis as she could swallow and began to move her tongue violently in that state.

Only the tongue crawls around with the nero in the warm tightening area and is pressed and rubbed against the back muscle and the yi part of the geese neck.

An overflowing saliva became the best lubricant and a slippery stimulus came and let Keith's lower back crush.

"Ah! Berna!! That...... awesome sole!! Oh, bye...... YES NO!!

Listening to Keith's stuffy voice and moving his tongue harder, Berna continued to give pleasure to the meat stick, enduring the tortoise head bitterness that hit the back of his throat as well.

"Chubby, chubby, chubby, chubby, chubby!!

The tongue surface pressed against the back muscle from the bell mouth has moved to ripple to make me feel stronger at once.

As he pressed Berna's head against his back, his penis pierced the back of his throat beyond the limit,

"Ohh! Ogu, Gube, Ogu... Nzachi, Ragabu"

Berna nevertheless continued to move her tongue as she was about to leak even her pee into bitterness.

Keith gets fucked by the tightening in the tightening of the powerful jaw and pushes up into the urethra by the dirt he was accumulating.

"Oh, oh!! Ooh! So... uuuuuuuu!! Belle!! So, ruuuuuu!!! Phew!"

Keith ejaculated the salmon he had been putting up with him stuck in the back of Berna's throat.

Bubble! Bubble!! Big! Big!! Bubble! Bubble! Byu!! - A violent burst flows directly into the esophagus and into the stomach.

Berna, who meditated her eyes on bitterness, seriously wet herself with the raw odor of hot filth flowing directly into her stomach.

That would go hand in hand with the pain of not being able to breathe, but more than that, there is still a great joy in being able to sip this amount of Zamen from Keith all at once.

Berna continued to suck on her penis with a turtle head in the back of her throat for a while, even as Keith, who was trembling in ejaculatory pleasure, finally let go of her hand.

Love the penis you just put out. When you love it like that and it sucks you cute, the muck and desire start to swell up again.

When Berna felt her penis grow in her mouth, she smiled happily with tears and kissed the bell mouth to suck away the remnants of her urethra.

I'm drooling with oral saliva and salmon, but when I swallowed the leftovers with no concern at all, I started licking the meat stick peppery this time.

I crawl my tongue all over the place like a kid licks ice candy and wipe off the saliva I just applied.

"Nfu, nfu, pfu, pfu, pfu, pfu, pfu... nfu"

Lick and crawl your pink little tongue onto your red and black penis, rubbing your goose neck, blood vessels and other decomposition at the tip of your tongue.

Unlike earlier intense sucking licks, the adorable stimulation softly rubs up the entire meat stick to make it twitch and wander.

(Pelopelofella from Swallow Fella and yes...... boulder Berna! Too good!!

Praising Berna for her excellence as she changed the way she blamed her, Keith stared at her peppery and tongue-moving pet elf face.

Berna smiles and licks her usual calm, faceless face with a bitter fella earlier, happy to mess up with tears, snot and covetousness.

When I thought I was the only man who could see such a slutty face of this elf woman, I stimulated Keith's meat stick by creating an indescribable sense of trance in the back of my mind.

"Berna, lick your penis so happy...... you like penises"

"Lai, Pei, Hui, Hiku... Hiku, Lai Fu, Nha"

"Oh, well, better than me? Do you like my penis more than I do?

Waking her body up a little and asking such a mean thing, Berna chewed the meat rod sweetly with her front teeth.

"Oh, my God... Oh, my God, I love you! So... I like it..."

Keith says something mean about wanting to see this sweetheart Berna after making her wander off full. A child?

But thanks to what I could see, the meat stick collects so much blood that even though it's the second time it seems to be ripped off, it shivers as the heart beats.

"Don't be. Ok. I got it. So, look, kiss me. Filled with penises! Say you love it, right?

Berna didn't even show her reluctance to pervert perverted favors, and she put her poor lips on the meat pole and made a noise of "cum,"

"dick, chick, dick, chick, chick... rack, dick, dick"

Even the mild irritation of the kiss was about to explode on Berna's expression and words as horny and cute as he wanted to keep a record on the magic prop.

Berna kissed the tortoise head intensively at the end, putting her lips on the whole thing and letting the kissing storm down so much that she could have a small kiss mark there.

Push your lips against the areas most vulnerable to irritation and kiss the tutu over and over again.

I repeat "daisy" between kisses, and I look up to Keith to tell him to understand.

Googling and golden balls stirred up in this fella, which has a stronger visual stimulus than pleasure, and as he came in, Berna, who sensed it, kissed the bell mouth and licked it intensely there with her tongue tip.

Keith accidentally distorted his face to this feeling of perusing the tortoise head tip near ejaculation,

"Ahhh! Ooh!! That, Kimochi no... Berna, that! Oh, Berna!!

I shot out a second shot with my name on it.

The second Zamen was also so impetuous that he couldn't beat it for the first time, it was like his penis was sticking out in return for kissing me.

Big cum! and took everything that popped up with a kiss at the bell mouth, Berna sucked out the contents as well like a straw and rolled the samen around in her mouth before swallowing it.

Every time a flavor that lingers forever, like a strained membrane, breathes, it stinks and gives a sense of well-being to Berna's pet spirit.

My stomach was already overflowing with salmon, but when I think I can drink this one more time later, my saliva will overflow.

I can't believe I was so humble, and Keith's telling me to do it, and I try to put my mouth on the meat stick again.

"Berna, you should take a look at Berna's so-called Omako for the last shot. I want to ejaculate while watching Berna's pink Omako ~"

Without reluctance to such a wish, Berna nodded small and moved her body across Keith's face.

Berna, who covered her body, began to crawl her tongue into Keith's groin as the pink wet Occasion Covira hit her face and made her smell the female.

Keith indulged in plenty as he was intoxicated by the smell of a female cock for the third time Fella, which began in a sixty-nine state.

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