Instead of his usual thin, dirty clothes, Keith, dressed properly in his guidance clothes, stroked his hair, shaved his beard and ran around the palace looking crisp.

Today is finally dinner day. So Keith, who made it last year and prepared clothes that were fattening the closet as they were, was waiting for the relaxing party to start like last year.

But it seems the inquisitors won't wholesale it, and the maids have been calling in early in the morning to help the whole palace.

Speaking of what Dear Keith is doing to help,

"Master Magic! Please add ice over here!!

"Master Magic! Chill the refrigerator in the hotel room ~ Yikes!!

"Master Magic! Please refill the air conditioning cold air!!

What a lot.

You treat people like ice makers! I don't think so, but Mashua says, "Please," so I can't even go down there.

So I'm running east and west throughout the palace in the morning to do additional work on the ice.

That was even when the dinner party was close, and I didn't have time to go back to getting dressed, so Lou asked me to come over with clothes and hair wax in a nutshell, and I quickly changed in my empty room and ran to add ice again. That is how it is now.

It is the father of the ice shop who is wearing proper magician clothing and wearing a proper figure but still doing it.

Roo, who rocks his tail on his shoulder, said pleasantly.

"Your husband doesn't have time to do bad things when he works properly. I'm gonna work more seriously!

"Shut up! You're not making a serious noise. I'm too busy to feel good..."

My strength is there because I work out, but Keith is tired of working. He's a bad person from the roots.

Seeing as fun as that looked like, Lou, who wore a collar for his outfit himself, was waving his tail.

My husband turned his jito eyes to the swallowing user demon.

"Mostly, you can use one of the ice magic now, too, right? Then help me!

Let's call it a contract privilege with the Lady of Ice Falls. There is only a little magic in Lou connected by the magic line. How dare this user demon finally meet only one magic trick.

"Look, it's a lot to name..."

"Cold breath nya, but it's only as cold as a fan. And once a day."

"I can't grab it!!

"I'm sorry. I'm still young. I want you to look forward to this!

One day Keith arrived in the next room laughing with his nose at Lou dreaming of himself remembering an electrolithic fire or a shadow split.

That's how Keith, who has been very busy since morning, was taking a breather at the break he finally got.

Lou said he was coming for lunch, but Keith wasn't that energetic, and most importantly, he was determined to skip lunch in an effort to disappoint the dish leaving at the dinner party.

"Even so... I'm tired"

I don't have to worry about depletion of magic because of the magic of the nightclub, but I still have the mental power to use all this unfamiliar ice magic.

I'm blurring in the courtyard that I need to practice this in earnest and keep it available anytime, anywhere.

"Keith, well!!"

Such a voice turned my face. Then there was Nia waving her hand out the window.

I stood up and ran over, and when I looked indoors from outside the window, there was also Leonora, and the two wore a different, but very beautiful dress than the one I saw during this time.

'Cause that dress is for singing. Making such a luxurious dress just for the song is still royal.

"Dear Nia, and Leonora, it's beautiful again today"

The compliments gave the two of them a hazy grin.

"Master Keith is cool too!! You look great!

This one is with me last year, but Nia still compliments me properly, and Leonora, who sees Keith's outfit for the first time,

"Yeah, it's really ridiculous. I deserve it!

I don't know what kind of compliment you're giving me, so I thanked you both once and for all.

Saying and looking, there is no one behind the two princesses. Berna and Donna don't even have Aisha. When asked about it,

"Everyone went to help the venue. Aisha will be away for a little while with security checks, but there are guards outside your room."

"My maid of honor is here to help you."


So now it's just the two of us... the moment I thought so, the fatigue in Keith was converted into lust.

I thought this was a rare opportunity to prank Princess Dress. So when you go indoors through the window,

"I want to burn both of you beautiful in my eyes. May I?

That said, while delighting the two of them, I activated the silencing magic prop to block the sound.

Careful not to wrinkle and stroke each of the two little luxurious bodies and a limp body.

Nia was honestly happy to be stroked, but Leonora soon realized it was Keith's signature she wanted to fuck.

"Keith! No, you can't! Dresses... you can't get dirty."

"Huh? Do you think Master Keith will do something?

Keith whispers softly as he turns his ear to Nia, who doesn't know what it means.

"Master Nia and Leonora's dress is so cute I can't stop loving it...... so"

That's all they said. Finally, Nia understood that Keith's penis wanted to serve Zamen.

I'd do that to you if I could, but I can't get Leonora to get dirty, as I have to go out to dinner right after this with this dress today.

Especially since Zamen gets stained yellow with drool neva. Definitely not.

"Dear Keith... I will blame you after dinner! Me, Leonora, and Aisha and Berna, together, you know."

"Hey, Mr. Nia, we're both horny black and thin."

"No... you won't be able to. Tonight I also have a role to play in the end of the ice etc...... actually I've been making a ton of ice now...... such a tired heart for both of you...... you were exhausted. Excuse me."

Nia and Leonora stared with troubled faces at the inferior species trying to move away from their soggy faces and sadly out the window.

I didn't know Keith was in so much trouble. But you can't get your dress dirty.

"At least... I wish you two would at least be good kids... that was all"

Two faces lit up on the words.

"What the fuck! Then I can do it for you! I can give it to you!

"That's right. I would have told you sooner."

"Huh? Is that okay?

Keith smiled and nodded at the two princesses if you don't mind if I stroke them enough to give them a touching look.

"Glad to hear it, Master Nia, Leonora!! Oh, I'm really happy to serve you both!!

Keith smiled at Leonora and Nia, who said, "It's a big deal." He took off his pants and sat in a chair.

Already the groin is a tired mara, splendidly slendered, and the turtle head is pampered.

"Sa, why? Please!

The two faces that were solidifying were hacked and trembling in amazement.

"Hey, why don't you... give me your penis!?

"Keith, you! Were you listening? So there it is...... haha!!

"It's okay! Enjoy it with your strength! Because even if I dirty it, I'll magically clean it right away. So...... PLEASE!!

They said it out and spread their legs and thrust into heaven. The two looked in deep trouble at the fool boasting it, but it was Nia who moved first, after all.

I told you I'd cheat you, and I wanted to do something for Keith who worked so hard at your job. I knew he was a good kid.

Leonora said to Nia, who sits on the floor a bit careful not to wrinkle her dress, "No more!" I say and follow.

It just makes me happy that two princesses of your species in a beautiful dress are sitting there to do the handjob like this.

But his penis was bicumbicum shaking for further satisfaction, which surprised Nia and Leonora.

"Ha! Your penis is brighter than usual... it's amazing."

"As it were, at all! I know you're excited about how beautiful we look... but this is"

Because of this, it feels like there would be a hell of a lot of momentum if Zamen came out.

Keith hastily stopped Nia and Leonora trying to remove the long-handbags made of silk to stroke.

"Oh, please wait for both of you! Keep that up! Be sure to stay put!!

Gloves are tight. And the real princess's gloves aren't tight enough to make a woman put gloves on.

What a luxury, what a man's dream, just imagining the stimulus of a thin finger stroking a turtle head wrapped in first-class silk gloves leaks ahead.

"Ah, so, but... gloves... doesn't it hurt?

Keith was worried about Nia rubbing her penis with gloves rather than getting dirty.

"Yeah, that fancy silk glove would be perfectly fine. I'll clean it as soon as it gets dirty, please."

"Please, it's not! No matter how many... Ah! Hey, Mr. Nia!!

Nia, dressed next to Leonora trying to get stuck, began gently stroking her erect penis with her gloved hands.

Grasp the meat pole part and stroke the tip with your palm, as you would say a good boy.

My lower back shivered at the feeling that the silk sara feeling was not comfortable giving me a different stimulus than the raw hand stimulus on the tip of the turtle head.

"Oh, oh... Dear Nia, Subula, Hino! Whoa! Whoa! Master Nia, it's a boulder! Awesome!!

Will Nia be happy with her praising voice? "Eh heh," she smiled, picking Saho's ear and continued her handjob.

The attack of picking and rubbing the turtle head with a thin fingertip or rubbing the geese neck with the belly of your finger shows variation.

Leonora, who was watching beside him, roared "Ugh," at it, and began to cock her hands over Nia's hand that she wanted Keith to compliment herself.

"Oh, fuck, Leonora...... Ooh! Oh! Oh, that's... wonderful... Leonora."

"As it were, at all! You're a real pervert if you keys to feel like this!!

Leonora dyed her cheeks as she sickened up and down the meat pole, which she picked with five fingers, leaving Nia to snap her turtle head as she said.

I tilted my neck as Nia moved her fingers when I heard the words.

"Leonora, what do you want...?

"Huh!? Oh, you know... you say perverted... that, uh"

Leonora said in front of Keith, who was going to teach him something extra.

"Er... well, that's right, perverts are those who want to get laid right away like Keith!!

"Really?! Heh... that makes me want to get laid as soon as Master Keith hugs me or kisses me. I want to get laid too!

"Ha! Oh, that's... come on, Keith! Don't laugh. You managed to say it!!

That's what Leonora cried out when Keith laughed at the conversation that was so natural.

wiped his overlaughing tears. Keith stroked the strange Nia's head away from touching Tiara,

"Right, me and Master Nia. And Leonora are perverts, too. But you shouldn't tell anyone else because the word pervert is a special word, right? It's just when I said that I or Leonora would be good. Can you promise me that?

The honest Nia said to it, "Yes!" He nodded vigorously. So Keith is a better kid. I'll be a good kid.

I'm kind of not convinced, but once it's resolved, Leonora's also horrified.

"Shall I say it quickly then? Master Nia, please tell me you're a pervert while you're in your penis."

"Huh? Oh, yes!

"Hey! Come on, Keith! You!!"

"Eh...... I want Master Keith!! Master Keith would love to!!

"Mr. Nia!! Oh, ahhh."

Leonora looked like she was going to cry when something terrible happened with the seed she sowed.

It must be a hell of a picture of that poor Nia calling a guy a pervert and giving him gloves for fun.

On that evidence Keith's penis is going to swell to joy and explode even now.

(Oh... I can't believe Master Nia perverted me so innocently... oh, bad princess... Princess Dos! Whoa!!

Leonora, who looked up at Keith with a nasty face who would think that and really didn't know what to do anymore, said she couldn't let Nia be the one to shame.

"Ho, it's true! Keith would be a pervert!! Pervert Keith!! He's a pervert. Wow!!

I turned bright red to the tip of Sakaho's ear and screamed perverted. Look at that. Nia speaks up more, too.

"That's right! I want to! Heh, heh, heh."

Keith's meat stick trembled tremendously on the sister-in-law elf sisters of an innocent sister princess who called her a pervert with pleasure and a sister princess who shyly matched it.

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