I can't believe there's a day coming when Liz will give me a raw insert to thank you.

Trembling with emotion, Keith pushed the vaginal mouth meat that tangled in the tortoise head and put the meat stick inside.

Liz floated her hips "ugh," to the feel of her penis still pushing in her young, narrow vagina canal, but at the same time the joy quickly turns her sense of insertion into pleasure as Keith lays herself over and hugs her.

"Ki-su... Ki-su... ahhh"

He sends a kiss to the devil's daughter, who calls his name and clings to it, and from there he also crawls his lips on his cheeks and neck muscles.

As well as that, slowly moving her hips and rubbing her vaginal walls, Liz's body runs through feelings and turns her still immature flesh into a female.

The vagina quickly increases the softness and wetness of the meat and gets tangled up in the meat bars, and the force in the limbs holds Keith's body.

Nowhere is that girl who never tries to admit Keith to the way she desperately seeks, she just has a female looking for a male who feels loving.

Legs in red and black border-pattern knee socks wrap around Keith's hips glossy and arms tightly around his neck.

Every time I layered my lips, Liz's joy had swelled up and her face was no longer back to normal with a grin.

Even the pleasure of being scratched in the vagina is honestly accepted today because of the lack of rejection, which made this girl troll again.

Keith the boulder also had goosebumps in her slutty grin and bored with pleasure.

Normally, I'd say, "Come on!" or "No more! Stop!! ♪ or something from my mouth, ♪

"Ki-hyu, Ki-shu, more! More hits, more keeps!! Ahhh!! Kisanagi is not full!! Ki-hyu!!

In the unturned language of Lu Rhythm, he still seeks deeply and has a fragrant grin all over his face about a loving man.

When I think this is Liz, that's all there is to it, the current runs around her waist and feels good in her groin.

"... oh, this... hey."

Keith lost control of Liz, who usually even begged for a reluctant kiss from herself, and changed her position.

I thought if I kept being hugged and asked for, I'd be right out with my male instincts.

So once she let go of her body and woke up her upper body, she untied Liz's leg wrapped around her waist, and Keith put it on her shoulder.

When the tip of the meat rod hits a deeper position, Liz says to a strong stimulus, "Hiu!!" I grabbed the pillow backwards.

Keith moved his hips as he grabbed the pillow, closed his eyes tightly and watched Liz bored with pleasure.

When the pubic bone moves finely into the fulcrum, the stimuli I feel in the back come continuously and blame Liz for everything.

"Ah! Ugh! Ugh, uuch! Kee-hee...... Uh-oh!! Ki-hyu!!

The sweaty aroma excited Keith as she heard Liz's voice like asking for help and smelling the foot on her shoulder.

Moving your hips as you kiss your thin, supple legs over the knee socks feels so good that the meat bars seem to swing in excitement and irritation.

Keith would have definitely leaked it by now if he hadn't let it out at Ferra earlier.

"Liz... oh Liz, it's amazing... it's amazing. Shit."

Move your hand from leg to nipple as you say, and play the tip of the pointed naimne with your thumb.

"Ha!! Ha! Hiaaah!! Huh! Kiuuuuuu!!

A very cute, high voice leaks because I'm not even willing to suppress my voice. Hearing that voice, Keith pinched her nipples further and moved her hips with her spitting fingertips.

"She's cute, Liz...... she's so cute, Liz is the best today. You're so cute, you suck! Liz!!"

When the words I wanted you to say came down one after the other, Liz was filled with happiness.

That pushes back more pleasure and leads this immature flesh to blame and acme.

"Hiuu!! Ku! Ku Hi!! Oh, ah!! Ugh!! Kee-hee, Iku...... Aww!! Oh, my God! Ahhh!!

"Liz, fine! Yike Liz!! Cute Liz's Omako Acme Show Me!! To me!! Show me, Liz!!

Focused on his hip movements, Keith focused on blaming Liz for what he felt most. Liz trembled all over her body at the stimulus,

"Ya, la...... hey! Ki-hyu, I need to rakohi-yah!! La, la, la, la, la! Rakooo!! Mmmm!!

Keith was frightened to say how far he would feel if he sweetened him, but still held Liz's leg off his shoulder and placed him in a hugging, face-to-face seat.

Liz cuddles and kisses Keith repeatedly as soon as she

"Ki-hyu, Ncha-chu, Ncha-chu, Ki-hyu... I hi-hyu, I hi-no... Ncha-chu, get laid, get laid, get laid... Ncha-chu!!

I received all the waves of pleasure running on my spine in the right position as I wished, weeping and floating in the joy of being held back.

A wave of pleasure running from the vagina through the uterus to the cerebral heavens makes Liz's lower body wander all at once and overflow the love fluid more than ever.

Une tries to lead the meat stick to ejaculation while the entangling vagina tiny and even cramped. As much as that, Liz herself repeatedly kissed Keith, trembling at Acme.

Both rough breathing and a heartbeat that's about to explode give priority to kissing Keith and hugging him over all of his suffering.

Keith began to shake his hips this time saying it was his turn as he nearly laughed at his sweet, elite daughter whose contents were outrageous if he stripped off the mask that poked at him.

Rub the meat stick, especially the goose neck area, relentlessly with the abusive use of the hips on the current vaginal fold, which is showing the best unnectar addition and subtraction.

Liz's meatloaf, which is just as sweet and tangled as his will, feels good just to be inserted with ACME welcomed, but when he uses his hips there like this, he gets so much pleasure that the meat stick is paralyzed.

Liz, trying to hug Keith even in a fierce move, had the Knee Sox about to take off one side, and the hoodie was about to take off.

Such a scent of sweat flowing from Liz's entire body makes Keith couldn't help but ask for Dawn.

As persistently kissed by her neck muscles, Liz desperately held her own man, waving her back carelessly, exhaling at the tickle and the feeling.

He stroked his hair, tangled his legs around his hips, and withstood the intense irritation of being blamed for his vagina, which had just been irritated with acme.

"Fine, Kee-hee...... Ee-hee!! More, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more."

Feel better and more comfortable to spit out enough male fluid to get pregnant inside.

I don't even know if Liz herself hopes so. But the body labored Keith to complain that way, and loved him.

The geese neck, which rubbed on the tangled vagina many times, even loses its senses, and the bell mouth demands firing towards the back.

Keith, who was likely to exceed the limit, shook his hips in the normal position violently as he lay on the bed holding Liz. Because if it's in this state, it pulls right through when you put it out.

"Rinu... Rinu, duh!! Oh... no, so... I'm already here!!

It was awkward to say this as usual.

The moment I heard Keith's words, Liz's limbs came so tightly wrapped around where such power remained.

Oh, do it, you can't get away with it. When I felt that way, Keith's meat stick was boiling semen all over his roots,

"Liz, hey, let go! Because it's painful!! Hey, Liz!?

Liz shook her neck hard, left and right, to Keith, who spoke desperately.

"Hey! Kee-hee, Nana, Rasu!! Rahina Yes!! Mmm!! Ahhh!! Meh, Mei Lei!! There are no more of me!!

Keith was in a real hurry when he felt Liz's uterine mouth make a sucking move on his turtle head as soon as he said it.

"Liz! Because I'm drunk!! Because you're drunk today!? Um, Rino!??

"Uruhi no!! Rasu!! Kee-hee, to me!! Mmmm!! Mm-hmm!!!"

The drunk daughter began to rock her hips with gnegne from herself feeling Keith slowing her hips in a hurry.

Keith, who is blamed from the bottom in his normal position, feels a meat stick with a near limit pink on this shaky stimulus and tries to pull his hips. But it's already late.

"Whoa! Oh, hey, Rizu!? Don't tighten it! Tighten up like that!! Ugh!? Whoo!!...... ah"

In a pitiful voice, Keith leaked his sperm toward the back with his hips drawn to Liz's feet.

Dubby! Bibby!! Bhu! Bhu!! Dobby! Dobby! Dobby! Dobby!! Big... Big!

"Ah... ahhh... only at times like this is awesome - it feels good... Tony... uhi!

Keith was also surprised by the amount of ejaculation and his whole body bothered with pleasure. So much so that I wonder why ejaculation makes me feel so good about being a woman who wants to be pregnant.

Liz, on the other hand, who received it, was causing her feelings to wander even more when she felt her entire genitals freaked out by the hot, sticky male fluid that dobbed her uterine mouth.

"Haha... full... full of... hehe... full of me"

To that glossy grin Keith weakened to defeat and fell to cover.

Keith couldn't move right away because of the mess in his head of feeling and contentment that I think sucks.

But when Liz roared, "Oh no," she pulled out the meat stick and moved to the side, lying down to accompany her next to her.

Then Liz quickly clung to Keith with her lit face,

"Ki-hyu... a lot... to Kon La... Bhaka"

I grinned and pressed my face around Keith's bare chest plate to sweeten it.

"Kisanagi, I'm glad... I'm glad... Higuku, Kisanagi..."

Keith sighed when he saw Liz sleeping with him. And stroking the head of the sweet elite,

"... I wonder if I'm going to be deadbeat... come on... that's it"

I fell asleep myself holding onto the girl who I felt was just a little really cute from my heart.

Such a sweet night dawns......

"This one!! Awwwwww!!!


Keith kept desperately avoiding a bunch of little things flying across the room in fritin.

Towards that Keith, Liz covered her half-naked body with sheets and continued to throw nearby trinkets with tears.

The next evening Liz woke up with a dull and painful head because she drank too much.

And apparently, I was confused for a while when I thought I was asleep all day, and that Keith was holding me to sleep.

Is that it? What were you doing? Why are you here? I thought about it for a little while and remembered it all by accident.

Yes, Liz was a daughter who had a difficult way of getting drunk of remembering all of that all the time in a drunken quote.

How improbable a statement I made to Keith, how improbable a word I threw up, and...

"Let me get drunk... let me get back and forth unconscious!! Oh, I'm letting you inside on a dangerous day. Yeah!! What are you gonna do!! If I get deadbeat!! What are you gonna do, you idiot? Aah!

"Hey! Hido!! I'm out! Yeah, but Liz wants it inside."

"Huh!!!!? Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!

Said so. I remember perfectly. I remember wrapping my legs around my hips and snuggling around my whole body perfectly.

But you can't possibly admit it.

(That was an illusion that drunkenness showed! Hallucinations!! I mean, I definitely put on some weird magic that this inferior species would do to me!! That's how it's decided!!

Repeating empty desperate excuses in his heart, Liz finally ran out of objects to throw.

"Wow! No magic! No attack magic. Yes!! The room! The room breaks! Ugh! Hino!!

"Ugh, no loudness!! You... you!! Hikari. Yeah!!!


This noise continued until the old lady at the boarding house yelled at me.


Liz remembered all of that as she looked at the cosplay costume and immersed herself in embarrassment and nostalgia and laughed couscous by herself.

I guess since that time, I realized I loved Keith so much that I couldn't possibly do it deep down in my heart.

That dumb, dumb, horny demon...... but what I realized is that I really like a lowlife guy who is kind and just beside me and is horrible.

At about the same time, Keith began to stop using salutations against Liz. I mean, that night was just a little shrinking distance between us.

I remember such a night, and Liz thought about it just a little bit. If only the baby had been made then.

In the end, I soon found out that I had not been fertilized using intracorporeal fluoroscopic magic, and at that time, I was so relieved to die.

"... I wish I could..."

Then I may not have had to wait alone in a room like this by now.

Because of my personality, I'm sure the child would have been born. Then Keith would have definitely taken me and that kid when I was traveling, too.

Three parents and children, and one demon cat. It's gonna be tough, but it must have been a fun trip.

I couldn't help but feel so sorry for what I felt good about then... Liz fell asleep tired at some point feeling that way.

And Liz had a dream. In that dream Liz saw Keith walking with a child's hand in a strange city somewhere.

Hold on tight to the hand of a child very similar to yourself and Keith, and tell Keith to come and laugh at Liz. She said in her younger appearance, "Yeah!" He nodded and followed.

To such a very happy and slightly sad dream, Liz smiled and zeroed her tears as she slept.

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