Late at night, in his own room, Keith twisted his hips slightly to the left and right, this time taking forward and backward bending positions several times.

I'll drop my back from there and try to squat lightly, but I don't feel any pain in my back.

"Ahhh...... fully recovered!! Excellent!!"

Berna kept staring at Keith, who said so after making the stretch, without saying anything.

Keith's hips had managed to fully recover from sex with Nightingale in childhood for a few days.

It was a back pain that I thought I might prolong because I couldn't make it along the way, but I was able to manage there at night with the shame of the night.

Keith, who managed to get a magical dragon water after convincing him of a reluctant night, was drinking it up and restoring his hips.

At that point, the lower back had already healed almost completely, but Berna still had night-time sorts and broke her back again, but she couldn't tell me that she had healed, so she kept quietly under healing magic for a while.

But I told Berna that it seemed to have healed completely and that it was time to demonstrate it now.

Berna quietly opens her mouth, perceiving that Keith is not really in pain.

"Really... good"

"No, really, it's completely healed! Here!! Right? Thanks to Berna for all this too!!

Haha, what a laugh Keith said Berna as she made her way home.

"I didn't take... even a good pill?


Why do you say things like this that perceive everything? Keith had a cold sweat on Berna's weird abilities.

But don't be frightened here, Keith takes Berna's hand to go home and pushes her down to the drawing bed.

"Bernah... Bernah Bernah Bernah... that was really helpful. If it weren't for Berna, it would be me... yes. I have to thank you."

"... I don't want to. I just did what I deserved."

"Yes, thank you is natural because you did what you deserved! Right?"

Tu kissing her, Berna has been staring at Keith with her usual faceless expression.

"I just healed...... my back...... it hurts again"

"It's okay because Berna cured me. Besides, Berna healed my hips, I think Berna would be nice to try first..."

Berna bit her lip at Keith's suggestion. If you say you don't feel like doing that, you're lying.

But as only slightly obstinate, Berna strayed from her gaze,

"First of all... it's a lie... I tried it first... Dear Nia,"


"Not yet... I told you not then..."

"Oh, that's..."

Not sure how to make an excuse, Keith sighed, guessing that Berna's opponent couldn't.

"Right, I'm sorry. But if Berna could at least just give me a hand job then"

Berna shuts up a little to the inferior species, who say it's Berna's fault because of the lack of it, and then spits out the words a little bit. That was a confession.

"... because your husband's... if you do that, you'll want it... and I won't be able to stand it,"


"... your husband... makes me want you to be adorable... and then I put up with him thinking that it would hurt..."

Keith was convinced by Berna's confession to tear into his eyes with a slight breakdown of his faceless expression.

Berna's unspeakable cold gaze at that time was not anger, but envy.

Even though I am desperate and patient, your husband holds another woman without knowing it either.

You're the one healing your hips, but I want you to, but don't give me that. Give me another woman.

I always wonder about your husband. Berna was so sorry to realize that, but she couldn't say it and sent such a strange gaze.

Thinking of it that way, his gaze seemed kind of cute then, and Keith kissed him all over as he stretched out to Berna.

"Chupp, chupp... hap, chupp, chupp, chupp... mmm, chupp... ha"

It was a long and intense kiss for Berna, who even put up with the kiss.

By the time it was over, his face was happily loose, and Keith kept his finger in Berna's mouth.

Berna, who begins her finger fella with her cum, begins to look happy to be able to stroke her teeth, gums, and tongue.

When my fingers reach the back of my throat, I weep at the bitterness. Still, I desperately squeeze my fingers and indulge in Keith's flavor.

Keith spreads his shabby mouth slightly with his fingers and salivates into it, saying it's a boulder Berna who can snooze at such an act.

It was supposed to be a shitty act. Berna happily put that saliva in her throat, tangled with her own saliva and licked Keith's fingers even more.

Keith slowly pulled that finger out as his fingertips tickled on Berna's tongue as she slutted more and more of her movements, and nearly fumbled.

his own fingers that became deroded. Keith licked gently to make sure Berna tasted, then

"So... can I thank you for sex? Or something else."

Berna hugs Keith from the bottom as he is pushed down.

"Sekuhi-ku... Eh, heh, heh, heh... Kehohohohoho... Eh, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey"

Berna strokes her inside, freaks out Lu Rhythm just a little bit, and tells her to finally be cute with her healed hips.

The act, which is definitely Keith's pleasure while saying thank you, but Berna wanted it from the bottom of her heart.

I didn't feel comfortable with your husband... Keith woke up once to Berna, whose lonely body hurt waiting just to think so.

Because I'm hugging you, I'm gonna sit next to Berna, and I'm gonna get up, and I'm gonna give her plenty of kisses.

"Berna...... will you tell me? Can you do it, please?

Berna stroked Keith's groin from the top of her pants as she nodded in a whisper that struck her ear even though there was no one alone.

On a slender, rubbing thin fingertip, the shriveled penis starts to pick up and flourish under the fabric.

Berna rubs and strokes only its round feel when she probes the tortoise head with her fingertips to make the reaction louder.

By the time some sense of comfort eventually turns into a sticking pain, Berna takes off her pants and takes out her meat stick just in time.

Berna stroked her tortoise head with her lips only slightly open with no expression on the obscene shape and smell of her long-time penis, which grew to look good.

With a turtle head stroke that feels raw. There was innocence at the fingertips stroking near the crisp and bell mouth.

Staring and touching his penis all at once, Berna rubs her back muscle through the geese neck from the turtle head surface while sweetening her exhale.

I applied the zero cowper to the entire tortoise head with my index finger. When I squeezed it slightly, I gently gripped the rod part.

Keith, who leaks his sigh into a delicate finger, starts to think his first shot of the day is as good as this.

So I stroked him thoroughly and then raised Berna's jaw to kiss him.

Having been disturbed by Ferra, Berna responds to the kiss with confusion, moving her tongue and shaving Keith's bello.

In that state, move your hands up and down with the coscoscos and handle the meat bars.

"Don't be, Chupu... Chupu, Chupu... Kimochi no, Chupu... Churu, Chupu"

Berna, who is called by name between breaths and otherwise gets kissed all the time, assumed that Keith wanted to squirt with his hands.

But as for Berna, I want to lick her very much. I wanted to salivate that stinky, inferior taste stick in my mouth.

I wanted to lick it around until it was dero, taste the dark taste of the geese neck at the tip of my tongue, sip the leaking cowper, and finally take the white, delicious juice in the back of my throat and drink it straight up.

Berna, who frowns a little bit at the inability to do so and kisses her sad face,

"Chu, Chu, Chu... Chu, I want to be... Chu... Chu, Chu... Let me be, please"

Keith laughs nicely when she hears the wish.

"No. It's Mate, Berna. You can wait a lot for something you love before you taste it and eat it better, right?

"... you don't have to wait... it's delicious"

To Berna, who sends her gaze to her penis and says sadly, Keith nevertheless lets her hand continue to pound.

Berna's face is about to cry by putting up with a reproductive rod that gets hotter and harder and thickens the smell.

But the fact that you couldn't let me do it caused you pain without cutting, slowly lighting the mazo body.

The pity complained by the back of his body after the mistreatment of waiting and being hurried carried Berna to excitement.

Hardening her kiss to distract her, Berna sluttily shaved Keith's protruding tongue, but that gaze has turned to her penis.

The harder you handle, the more meat sticks you increase the angle toward firing. Holding that turtle head in, Berna moved her hand hard.

This way, even if the male fluid leaks, it can be taken in my hand, so I can drink it. It was Berna's wish at least.

I got my tortoise head squeezed down by such a healthy Berna, Nyuzinyuzio! and Keith, who makes noises and gets cocky, can no longer keep his hips from freaking out.

Nothing but a reward for being shaved in the tongue by a poor elf in a samurai's clothes and a strong hand job.

Let Berna have patience and enjoy herself first as she says she will raise her reward. He is truly a lousy man.

But Berna kept her hands on without complaining, and when she handled him harder and faster,

"Oh, wow! Oh, oh!! Beh, don't ru... well... I'm leaving! Ahhh!! Huh!! Hmmm!!

I honestly followed Keith as he pressed his lips to kiss him until the moment he left, letting him spit out the samen in his hand with his tongue squeezed.

Big! Big! Big, big, big! Biggu!! Dobbu!! Dogugugu......

The samen jumping out of the pulsating meat bars are enough to zero in between Berna's fingers to stain that sticky odor all over her poor hand.

Feeling the hot feel in his hand, Berna cuddled the rod part with her other hand while holding the tip! and when treated, it also causes all the contents of the urethra to spit out.

And when I let go of my hand, the yellow mass of neva was dripping with a thread pulled between my fingers.

As Keith, who had finally finished his kiss, was exhaling satisfactorily into the end of his ho and ejaculatory pleasure, Berna began to lick her hand as if a fancy whipped cream was on her hand.

Lick it peppery looking happy and delicious, sip it loosely, and taste it right up to the stink of a creepy penis.

Berna, who let her hands clean and exhaled with a howling, zammen-smelling breath, was smiling really satisfied.

(Oh... why are you so horny already, you pet)

Keith's groin just out on a beautiful porn pet with long blonde ears still licking her fingers already hurts.

But the bad news is Berna. He's such a horny, submissive, lonely, sweet pet. I guess I'll just have to let him get ahold of this.

I seriously think so. Keith rushed off that samurai outfit when he pushed Berna back down.

Berna stares at Keith, dyeing her cheeks slightly in anticipation of what is to be done.

in front of that gaze. Keith took off his clothes and naked himself,

"Berna, thank you for healing my back today - I'll make you feel better."

When I said that, I smiled and stroked Berna's head. To the tickle Berna turned red on her cheeks and nodded "yes".

Keith is allowed to remove his bra and expose his small chest when he reaches out to Berna's body. And when I included my small grain nipples in my mouth, I started licking them gently.

That was such a gentle caress to Berna that she didn't feel any good.

Terrorist nipples with wet tongue tips, and pecking kisses. It was a really sweet lick.

So Berna stared at it without even leaking her exhale with no expression on her face and felt Keith's lips creeping down.

Nipples to abdomen, kissing around the umbilical as well, then to the lower abdomen. I know you'd be bored if you were normal for a soft feeling, but Berna doesn't raise one voice.

And finally, Keith's hand stretched out of his panties, and Berna was taken off her underwear while being done, making her look like just garter stockings.

Keith gently strokes his hairless, not even wet, clitoris foreskin that is not pointed at all and licks and rubs it with his tongue tip.

When I lick the clit until it moisturizes thoroughly, now I lick the pubic villa, and even the perineum, and lick the vaginal mouth so that it is all salivated with the tip of the tongue.

I feel tickled by the boulders, but still no pleasure. Berna kept quiet and gently blamed Manko.

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