I'm glad to be in the first place. Nia enjoyed the little one and the wine, and Aisha and Berna drank quite a bit and talked about the party brightly.

None of the three of them could eat much of the food, so I picked up the snack menu Keith brought, and after less than an hour, I got drunk.

My cheeks turned red, my eyes moistened, and I was in my best condition for 5P, but it was relatively quick until I fell from it.

First Berna suddenly fell asleep with Kuten over the drunken limit of the example. Is that it? And next to Keith watching. Nia also "heh" and stays out of it.

"You're tired. Master Nia and Berna. I was so surrounded by people that I couldn't help it."

"Yeah!?" When Keith, surprised by Aisha's dialogue, saw the female knight, his eyes were already half asleep, too.

Speaking to Aisha ~... Aisha stared at Keith with her half-sleeping eyes once before falling asleep sitting down. Now all three are faded out.

Keith had no choice but to put the three of them in a big bed and he was drinking in the middle of it. Eat cheetahs.

Leonora, who just came there,

"Keith, what's wrong with you guys?

Keith smiled bitterly because I can't tell you I fell asleep when I got him drunk for 5P.

"Hey, when Leonora told me to drink lightly until she got here, we all got drunk right away... this is it"

"Really?" Leonora muttered with an unfortunate look at the words.

Actually, I was looking forward to Girls Talk after this, Leonora.

I've been looking forward to the whole party talking to the three of us about the dress and the song.

Keith stepped out of bed, guessing at Leonora, a rare face who was just a little pungent about what she couldn't do anymore.

"I'm sorry, Leonora... because of me. I've been looking forward to talking to you around the corner, but I can't believe you're alone with me."

That's what they said. Leonora looked up like a hack.

If you ask me, the fact that the three of them are asleep means Keith and I can talk alone.

That means I can keep Keith to myself until morning... and Leonora turns red when she realizes that again.

"As it were, well... all three of you must be tired... you can't help it... and Nia wasn't looking forward to having a conversation with Mr. Kuroshi or Mr. Thin, other than me."

"I'd appreciate it if you said so. Thanks, Leonora."

Keith stroked her head, Leonora dyed her ears slightly to Zhu for not much experience.

"Don't treat me like a child"

"Yes," he nodded and smiled gently, and Keith was fiercely determined that at least he couldn't have 5P, but only the lady elves would taste good.

Otherwise, they feel sorry for the hundreds of millions of sperm refined in the golden balls.

Without realizing that she was trying to fit the lowest purpose of the inferior species, Leonora caught Keith in the light and headed to the bed where everyone was sleeping.

The beds in the rooms are big enough for the three girls to still afford even when they sleep in the miscellaneous fish, and Keith and Leonora sit in the middle of it and start drinking light wine.

Leonora, dressed in her bedtime clothes, saw a little of the three sleeping men before blossoming into a conversation with Keith.

"No, but that was a great song. You were all in love."

"Naturally. It's me and Mr. Nia singing. There's no way they won't listen!

"I knew Leonora supported Nia's song like this... I don't know because she's an amateur, but it was nice like that"

"Hey, I did what I deserved as an elderly man! Oh, no."

"Leonora today that I did that really... sending dresses to Aisha and Berna... I don't know a woman full of such kindness"

"Yes, it is! Misty outfits can cause a party to lose its character... so..."

"Aisha and Berna were delighted. Looks like he was very happy. I've never seen such a beautiful dress before."

"Ho, is it true...? Otherwise! Oh, that's natural! You're using the pieces of my dress anyway, so that's about it."

Keith didn't miss Leonora, where the vegetables came out for a moment, smiling and staring,

"Leonora was lovely today...... really"

"Well then... it's not always pretty..."

"It's always beautiful, but it's many times that today. You really looked like a goddess. So surrounded by so many different people."

It's too praiseworthy, and Leonora, who is unfamiliar with praise, gets lightly confused when the feeling of saying more goes hand in hand with the feeling of stopping already.

I've been giving thanks and compliments to all kinds of people since I sent them dresses today. This was Leonora's first experience in more than forty years of her life.

Gubbi the wine to hide that feeling! Stir all the way up and try to pour another drink.

Keith hurriedly stopped his hand drinking Leonora's wine and hugged it toward himself when it became the other three dances as it were.

Keith makes a painful noise to Leonora, who whispers "I must" to her sudden embrace and is astonished.

"But I... you don't deserve Leonora like that..."

"Huh? Oh... duh, what do you mean, it is?

"... it's only natural that Leonora, full of beauty and charity, is surrounded by so many people... but when I look at it, I get overwhelmed and jealous... and I want to keep Leonora to myself... he's a lousy man"

It is something often said by a man who had always been humbled and disappointed in the rice while Leonora was surrounded.

But not knowing it, Leonora turned her hand around Keith's back as she honestly received the word and became even more red.

"Oh, no... and I... surrounded by what lord Keith..."

"Is that true?... Can I trust you?

"And you have to believe me... I don't... do this with people I don't even like."

Keith pressed his chest plate against Leonora's breast implants, telling her like she was lit, and buried her face in the neck muscle.

The slightly scented soap and lotion smell of the bath mixes with Leonora's own pheromones to arouse excitement.

"But I'm anxious... because Leonora doesn't say much to me that she likes me... because I feel like my thoughts are a one-way street"

"I'm telling you! I always... I'm telling you!!

"That's only when you're competing with Aisha or with Lady Nia... not when you're alone like this"

"Keith keeps me with someone else all the time... I'm sorry to say that!

Keith almost pounded his tongue at Leonora poking at him for accuracy inside. I knew it wouldn't be like Aisha or Nia.

But he indulged in it and let his lips touch his neck gently so as to delude him.

"Then will you tell me? If I made more time for both of us, Leonora would be... my only Leonora... yes."

"Phew... heh... KISU, no... lots of kisses, not so much... Mmm!

"You're just me because... you're just me Leonora... won't you tell me?

The kiss from the neck muscle rises to the ear and begins to lick the red-stained Sakuho ear gently. To the irritation, Leonora raised the poppy of her hot skin.

I've never seen Keith ask for words so strongly, and Leonora has a pale, flaming head at the feel of a tickling kiss that makes me think she might be really jealous.

Maybe Keith is really jealous of being spoken to by all kinds of men, and even letting me talk about the pageant and watching it.

That kind of pity trickles Leonora's maternal instincts the other way around when she thinks so, and makes her love come up and she can't help it.

Leonora stroked Keith's head as she stroked as her sweet exhale seemed to leak, with force in her arms holding Keith tight.

"Really... I can't help it... you don't have to worry about that, I'm just Keith... Keith the best... oh, I love you. I love it."

Keith mouthed Leonora, who seemed to have made some formal confession from herself and then lit up.

"Hapu, Chipu, Chipu, Lachu, Lachu, Chipu, Fuchu... Chipu, Lachu"

A dirty sounding kiss becomes a lick of its inner tongue. The act of getting each other's tongues out of their mouths and licking it makes Leonora cry many times more lewd than kissing each other.

Sometimes I can't believe the fact that I'm doing such a nasty kiss, and it makes Keith happy to be aware that he was dyed.

Leonora's body gets hot in excitement as she licks around each other's tongues that taste like wine, even if they salivate.

Keith, who felt it with his hugging arm, stroked Leonora's body over her thin sleeping clothes, placing her hand on her breast.

Big swinging breasts shake the body small and viculent when touched while kissing. Still sensitive to boobs.

Leonora leans back with pleasure at Keith, who rubs her soft, finger-sinking breasts with five fingers and continues to kiss obscenely.

Keith, who held that body and put it to bed, covered it on top and kissed it again before

"Leonora... I want... all the Leonora that captivated the nobles and royalties of all nations... May I have it?

If Aisha had listened, she would definitely have said, "I envy you!" Leonora, being sensitized, couldn't stop the lighting as she said a sweet dialogue that must bark.

But if you look to the right, you can't believe that Aisha did that, and if you look to the left, Nia and Berna are sleeping with Suyasuya in the middle of it...

"Keith, come to my room... magically, hmm! Chip, chip...... chip"

The kiss began again before finishing the words, and Leonora felt the heat rod's heavy pressure on her lower abdomen.

From the pubic bone down to the umbilical cord, the hot feel of a hard, rolling reproductive rod that is pressed gritty takes the resistance away from Leonora's body.

Keith told Leonora that he couldn't do anything beside everyone he slept with and still tried to be rational,

"Can't we do this here? … I want to be here."

"Hey, why... oh... Nia, and more... to be seen"

Keith whispers softly as he puts his mouth to Leonora's ear about the other members being gussy.

"That's why... it is. The best is Leonora, 'cause I want you to prove it... even my best is Leonora."

The best here does not mean that you think the most, but that you have the best tits.

However, by not saying it until the end, it is the hand of all times to supplement the contents of the words to the other person at will. Leonora caught on lightly to those hands at all times.

"Best of all... Wow, you...?

"Of course it is. Yes, didn't you feel it?

Leonora, who let her gaze swim, misrepresented the joy of being told that she really didn't feel at all and couldn't help but be anxious all the time.

"I was feeling it. I'm determined. Naturally!... I can't believe I'm not the least of them... Oh, that's impossible!

"Great... then you can prove that here, right?

Prove it to me. I knew it felt like I was happier than anything, and Leonora couldn't resist it anymore.

Leonora nods small because she wants proof that she's still the best, with some guilt for Nia, and for Aisha and Berna.

Besides, the fact that only one person is specifically asked to do so instead of these three makes Leonora wander.

Keith began to blame his body softly when he kissed Leonora, who would now gently peck at the face of a weak girl with the still slightly remaining high-flying atmosphere disappearing.

Rub the breasts you were rubbing lightly until just now with force and gently crawl your tongue from your clavicle.

"Ha!... Micha"

Leonora, who was about to raise her voice, whispered that she should not only be heard whispering in spite of all that noise.

But my voice leaks from the edge of my mouth along with my exhalation to my comfort.

Keith's fingertips softly touch the tip as she rubs them into her breasts. It gets more intense gradually and opens up before bedtime.

My tongue crawls around the exposed raw milk and draws a line of saliva like it did after the Namekuji moved.

The overly gentle irritation was also sufficient in its present sensitivity, and Leonora's nipples were erected with stiffness and pointy points while remaining pale in color.

Keith blamed the milk wheel to scorch and rubbed her lower milk in as she complained that the tip of her too big chest was stiff and pointy to lick.

The more I do, the hotter Leonora's chest gets for pleasure, zeroing out of the gap in her hand where her lit voice is pressing her mouth.

Keith finally included her nipples in her mouth and licked and rubbed her tip with her tongue tip as she gently sucked.

"Yikes!! Hiya, Mia!!

Aisha hit the leaked voice back and forth. Leonora almost cries wondering if she woke up for a moment.

I don't mind these three if someone finds out they're up and doing this, but there was still a desire for Keith to just love herself.

In fact, a very unsure young lady had asked for a special situation where she could only love herself in the middle of the three.

I feel like that would prove as if Keith is right that I am the most envisioned, and I really hope that this is the only time I have.

So I try to keep my mouth shut so no one wakes up and let them continue caressing themselves.

Leonora continued to be caressed by Keith, even though she felt sorry for Nia and Aisha and Berna, who became friends, and that increased her pleasure again.

Keith, who salivated the crying lady's breasts, now sugarbites her nipples from the milk wheel slightly stronger.

The irritation to the extent that the tooth shape remains is strong for nipples that were sensitized by gentle licking, and Leonora's hips float and bow for that pleasure.

"Hiku! Hiuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!

The freaking Leonora asks Keith to shake his head when he stops being strongly irritated, but the inferior species starts to pinch his nipples with his fingertips as they are.

Konekonekolikoli. And when treated, Leonora's nipples are pleasantly stiff to the bee and transformed into the best pleasure organ.

(No more! No more. Wow!! hey... hey hey hey... just be gentle at times like this... it's an Aunt Keishu!!

Nichunucho squeezing his wet nipples in his saliva. Keith enjoyed the crying Leonora face scattered before releasing his fingers.

Leonora exhaled with Hahihahi and looked up at Keith as the feeling of frustration and regret mixed up properly.

That Keith took the meat stick out when he took his pants off in front of Leonora,

"Leonora...... Leonora's tits, can I taste them?

That's what I say and try to put a meat stick in the valley of Leonora's breasts lying down. Leonora bit her lip on Keith, who won't do the last line though until permission is given.

I have such an absolute voice for pinching my penis in a sexy bandaged tit that is already to awesome.

But this pussy was also an act that turned the breast with the complex into a delight Keith would be happy with...... I mean Keith and his own special act, so.

"... my mum... you're always going to get dirty... if you keys"

"I'm loving and indulgent... Leonora's breasts... so"

"This... you would never do anything other than Keith, would you? Who else?"

Saying, Leonora pinched a meat stick between her breasts meat and held her tits from left to right herself. Keith decides it's permissible and starts moving his hips.

When the tortoise head, pistoned by the breast meat and protruding, delivered a male odor, Leonora became a female slutty face with just that.

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