Yes, you know most of it from the beginning, but it wasn't just some secret medicine or anything Keith was applying to Nia's tits, it was just a moisturizing lotion.

In the cold weather ahead, the tiny ones and nipples will become crusty and peeled if they are not properly moisturized. The skin is not the foreskin. You are originally peeled off.

Especially since Keith uses his penis badly almost every day, he needs to remember to take care of it.

For this reason, I bought a natural moisturizing lotion in the city of Seimrad. Now he is lying and applying it to Nia's chest that it is medicine.

Using the slip of moisturizing lotion to massage Nia's chives, Keith nibbles at the soft, cute touch.

"Dear Nia, this is how you apply medicine to your tits, okay?

"Ha... yes, it is... ok, no!! Oh, hiaaah!! Mi!! Kicha ah!!

Nia shook her body and freaked out her spine as she became nastier and nastier to the touch.

I felt it when I was treated so that I could use magic, but I wonder why everything feels so good about Keith's treatment.

Because no one tells me it's a sexual prank, Nia still leans back on pleasure without being able to wipe that question away.

Keith inflated his nose with excitement when he saw Princess Elf, who was perfectly sensitive to long-time lying treatments.

(Pretty princess I feel with her tits ~. Eat up. in a sexual sense)

I gather blood on my penis and think so, Keith, but I rubbed Nia's chest harder that there wasn't enough to blame her for it to taste better.

"It is expected to be more effective if you massage it like this when you apply it, so here's the thing... and look at it."

"Yikes!! Hi-ha, ha-ha! Oh, ahhh! Awww!! Tits, Oguri Higuri...... Mm-hmm! Ohhhhhh!! Ugh!"

"Oh, and that's right. When I rub it, it's better to rub it while telling me to rub it. Let me tell you something. Look, Master Nia, come with me. Come on."

"Ohh...... come on, cum!! Kuhi!! Tits, tits, dude...... ahhh! Ahhhhh!!

Picon and cute nipples jumped out of the inside because of the feeling out.

As soon as he left, Keith picked that nipple with his fingers and applied a lotion between his thumb and index finger to twist it around.

"Miaaaah!! Micha, hicha!!

The stimulus to the nipples came high and Nia's voice grew so loud that it was close to screaming.

The nipples, which are usually hidden and vulnerable to irritation, could be taken for granted because they were pinched in the lotion after all the rubbing of the breasts.

Being pinched an over-sensitive erect nipple, Nia accidentally almost said "no" to the size of that stimulus.

But before that, Keith...

"When my nipples come out like this, I don't pick them and fill them with medicine and gently dust them. That way, you can give your baby boobs in a shape that stays right out."

"Ohhhhhh, ahhh, honey... Nhh!! Can you tell Aka-chan?

"Yeah. Because I can't give you breast milk without my nipples coming out like this. Keeping your nipples snapped is important to being a mother!

It was a word that made the point that Nia would definitely indulge.

In fact, the princess listened to what she was saying and focused her efforts on her body with determination to indulge in the part where she said "for the baby".

"Aww, your...... HI!! Huh!! Hiu!! Kisama, with... Akacha... Mm-hmm!! Mmm! Mmm-hmm!!

The word "baby" to indulge me further amplifies my pleasure by hurting Nia's womb.

Keith continued to blame his nipples satisfactorily as his entire body lit hotter and hotter, showing the female reaction.

The more I blame him, the less I can say no. Nia is desperate to endure it and on the contrary she gets stuffy and wheezy.

The way it looks is cute and horny and makes Keith's abomination lit and moving fingertips fine and intense.

"Hih! Hih! Ah, ahh! Ugh!! Tits! Sachi, Sora Guru...... Kihii!! Happy mochi!! Ahhhhh!

"I won't be fine. It's okay. It's hardening to a good feel. Keep it up a little more...... good luck!!

Nia's eyes opened wide as she picked her nipples with her thumb and middle finger and rubbed them to scratch the tip with her index finger.

Bikun on the back! and bounce loudly to the tip of my toes. The inside of the panties got wet and even stained the sheets.

The feeling so strong strikes Nia and makes the still immature flesh splendidly female.

Keith kisses his neck muscles holding Nia tight from behind, twisting her legs many times and disrupting the sheets of the bed.

Even Nia, who was bored by the magnitude of her pleasure, became more comfortable with this kiss.

"So, aah!! Ugh! Ugh! Lame, y, y kuhi-yu! (a) Yum!! Ahhhhhhhhh!

Listen to Nia. Keith stops blaming her tits. Instead, she gets more harsh, touches her nipples big and rubs them.

Jinjin and his paralyzed nipples were crushed with Keith's fingers, and the little Elf princess couldn't even resist it,

"Ah! Ah!! Ahhh!! Uh-oh!! (a) (i) Kushuuuuu!! Boobs, you suck...... Yikes, no!! Miaaaaa!!!

Billy and pleasure ran into the womb from just ahead of her tits, and it rammed through her body to make her finish Nia's flesh.

Buzz! and zero female honey from the hole made leaky stains in her panties, and she still kept zeroing honey from it.

Keith removed his hand from the chest of Yi Nia and wiped the white foam and yarn-drawing lotion on his hand with a towel that called in metamagic.

Then without wiping Nia's chest, Keith gently took off the princess's bedtime clothes, letting her fall asleep in bed with her chips painted lotion.

Nia, who was made to look just like her panties, looked at her nipples that were still gin,

"Tits... Tits, Tits, Tits, Tits, Tits, Tits, Tits, Tits, Tits, Tits, Tits, Tits, Tits, Tits, Tits, Tits, Tits, Tits, Tits, Tits, Tits, Tits, Tits, Tits, Tits, Tits, Tits, Tits, Tits, Tits, Tits, Tits, Tits, Tits, Tits, Tits, Tits, Tits, Tits, Ti

I had tears in my chest that turned bright red after being overtouched. Keith rushed to stroke Nia's head.

"Master Nia, it's okay. It's not broken. I'm just done with the treatment. Maybe a little ginseng, but it'll heal in a while."

"Gusu... are you sure? Isn't that it?

"Yes. It's not broken. Plus, look, my nipples stay out. It's almost healed."

That was just a bunch of erections.

But Nia couldn't even take the gin when she was strapped so she could use magic, so I'm sure this is the same thing. I believed it was a cure.

That's how I'm convinced I suddenly get another embarrassment.

"Kissy... I'm sorry... me... tits, tickles... I'm so sick"


"Me... Kisushi, if you touch me... I'll be quick... I'm sorry"

I squirted even though it wasn't sex, and it wasn't a cure to get me to use magic. That was the embarrassment.

Keith's meat stick swelled up to the point where he was about to burst into the innocence of Nia, who planted all this and still believed that stupid story.

I even think it's impossible not to crave Princess Elf, who is out of love aura like this. So Keith drinks his saliva,

"Hey, Master Nia. Actually, there's another way to make your tits bigger, why don't you try it?

"Also, one thing... ah, ah, boobs, they're tickling me now... touch me, come on!"

"Rest assured. I don't rub my tits anymore. Uh, I'm gonna put some simmer on my tits."

Nia, with a Kyotong face, when she understood the meaning of the word, said, "Heh!" I was surprised and freaked out.

"Zamen...... are you full of boobs?

"Yes. You know that Master Nia has bigger breasts when she can have a baby. That's to breastfeed your baby. In other words, the baby's vegetables, Zamen, contain ingredients that make your breasts bigger!!

Don't throw up a hell of a lie.

"Huh! Is that so?

And don't be fooled.

"It is! Zamen contains ingredients that make babies and at the same time make that woman's tits bigger!!

"Heh heh... I'm hungry all the time, but how about boobs?

"Oh, that's... that's, yeah! Some of the ingredients in Zamen work easier on your breasts and harder on you!! Master Nia seems to be hard to work...... so I hope to apply some samen directly to your chest here!!

I lay lies on lies. I can't believe Nia was fooled by Keith. Don't even think of this. I looked at my lotion-painted breasts.

A wet slippery, flirty erect nipple shaking chest. I can't believe they put a simmer on it and paint it in there...... I'm thrilled why.

"... well... on my boobs... can I do it if I'm here?

"Yes, I will let you out as many times as I want for Master Nia!!

"Hey, everything... it's a waste. If you don't stay with Aka-chan... it'll be a waste."

"Then after you put it out on your tits, now let's insert it in your baby's place and have sex, shall we? And then it's perfect!

Naia had no doubt that the conversation was going in a strange direction, even though it was supposed to be just a sleepover.

I was just happy to say that the kind Keith was giving me a lot of shite for myself, and I smiled my moist face and thanked him.

Keith nodded with a gentle face to it and said with his heart, "Yay! It's sex from a pussy," he said joyfully.

Keith crossed the princess's slender, luxurious body while playing the great nickname for Nia without showing any fine dust.

Nia raised her voice "hia" when she was placed over her chest with her already erect penis.

Keith starts rocking his hips back and forth as he gently places the meat stick on his slightly swollen, lotion-painted chest.

"I'll rub it a little to get the salmon out... are you okay? Titty gingin, are you okay?

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha"

Nia nodded that she would be fine with this for the soft irritation rubbing against Nucho Nucho.

Although physically fine, everything I feel from Keith's meat stick blames Nia in a different way.

hot and hard feeling, and visual information that is rubbing it. Besides, the male odor drifts and sets the female wet Nia on fire again.

Nia was unconsciously stretching her tongue at its tip as the tortoise head repeatedly protruded and pulled loosely against her face at the chest.

Keith rubbed the lotion onto the lube on his filthy face, breathing out his tongue even though he could never touch it. Back muscles went against the vibration.

"Oh... Dear Nia, she's adorable... she's so horny... she's so awesome... oh!!

As the lead zeroed out of the excited tortoise head, Keith floated his hips a little and applied it to Nia's nipples.

"Look, Master Nia. This transparency is also... good for boobs, I'm sure... probably... so this is how, with the coloring... hey!

Keith leaned back with a humble face at the stimulus of a small nipple kissing his bell mouth. And Nia, who takes it,

"Yikes! Micha... Micha... Hih! Pooh Pooh, Saki, Lamei...... KIUF!! Ah, Ami......"

A meat stick touches the nipple tip that is still sensitive and paints the lead and pulls the thread. The obscenity excited Nia, even if she didn't know what it meant.

Keith starts to cheat again by sticking his chest out and rubbing it easier on Nia when he finishes applying the run to his nipples.

The stiff, soft, just right feel gives me an irritation that won't rub all over the underside of the meat stick. But I need some more to get it out.

"Master Nia, uh, would you put your hands on your penis? Try to put your hands together on your chest like this...... oh yeah! Yes!! You're good!! Phew!!"

As Nia joins hands over her chest as she is told, a tunnel is formed with the princess's hand, and Keith's penis pistons through it.

The lower side is on the chest plate, and the upper side is on the small, soft hand. Keith's penis, completely wrapped up, viciously offended that hall.

Rubbing his chest and hands against a fierce piston, Nia uses her strength to push the meat stick against his chest. That feels great again.

"Dear Nia!! That's amazing!! It's amazing!! Oh, oh! Fine, once...... hey no!!

To Keith, who growled and barked, Nia felt her penis running zero ahead and her goose neck about to rip in her pampered, assembled hand.

"Uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh! Shh... Aww!! It's all over the place, honey."

Nia had a feminine face when it became so hot that the tiny pocket that rubbed against the center of her chest was about to burn.

Keith feels better in his own chest and in a hall made with his hands, and it was about to fire a Zamen that made the pure princess a crazy female to a male.

The salmon leaves. There's a lot of salmon here. There's plenty out there.

Because the pleasure was small, Nia, who could clearly perceive it, made Omango troll and waited for the moment.

Then I rambled Keith's hips back and forth for a moment,

"Ah! Uh-oh! Damn it, Master Nia!! So... Ugh!! So, ru!! Ruuu!! On my tits...... zammen!! Ahhh!!

I thought I barked like that and pulsed my penis hard inside a tunnel made of Nia's chest and hands.

Dobigu!! Dobby! Dobby!! Dobbub! Doobu, Doobu, Doobu!! Dubu...... Keith wholeheartedly wandered into the most exciting ejaculatory pleasure when he saw the penis putting it out in the form of a thrust of his hips and Nia feeling it.

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