The price of the water stone is so high that it is difficult to make money.

"It seems that I have to make some money first."

Ji Yun walked on the street, thought about it, took out his mobile phone, logged into the Trainer Association's app, entered the trading section, and checked the trading price of the evolution stone.

After seeing the prices of the Water Stone and the Sun Stone, Ji Yun was slightly stunned.

Why is the Sun Stone so much more expensive than the Water Stone?

I saw on the price list that the trading price of the Water Stone is about 650,000, while the trading price of the Sun Stone is about 1 million.

As for the reason...

Ji Yun searched the post and soon found the reason.

The reason is very simple, because the output of the Sun Stone is lower than that of the Water Stone.

Moreover, the elves that need the Sunstone to evolve are relatively cute and are deeply loved by those noble ladies and young ladies.

Beautiful Flower, Sunflower Monster, Wind Fairy, Skirt Lady, Photoelectric Umbrella Lizard, these are all elves that use the Sunstone to evolve.

So the demand for the Sunstone is more scarce.

Good guy!

After reading the analysis post written by the brother, Ji Yun exclaimed good guy.

Sure enough, women's money is easy to make!

Then, Ji Yun searched the transaction prices of the immutable stone, hard stone, soft sand and master belt respectively.

The price of the immutable stone is about 300,000, which is okay.

However, in the trading section, no one sold the other three props at all.

Then he searched in the forum and found several auction record posts.

[March 2024, Magic City Auction House, the final transaction price of hard stone: 12.8 million]

[August 2023, Beijing City Auction House, the final transaction price of dragon's tooth: 13.6 million]

[June 2023, Hong Kong City Auction House, the final transaction price of mysterious water drop: 13.1 million]

[October 2022, Yangcheng Auction House, the final transaction price of soft sand: 13 million]


Looking at these records, Ji Yun raised his eyebrows and flipped through them.

No experts?

Even other ability-enhancing props are pitifully few.

He only found a record of sharp claws and a shell bell.

The final transaction price of sharp claws is 27.6 million, and the final transaction price of shell bell is 31.5 million.

How about going over the firewall to check the external network?

Ji Yun thought about it and decided to forget it. He didn't plan to sell the Master Belt anyway. Of course, he had to use this good thing himself!

However, he could consider selling the hard stone, but he couldn't sell it directly online. He had to send it to the auction house, so the price might be higher.

The Evolution Stone could be sold, but Ji Yun planned to keep a Sun Stone for emergency use, after all, the output of this thing was low.

The Immutable Stone could also be kept, just in case it was needed one day?

After all, the Immutable Stone was too cheap compared to other props. After learning the specific prices of other props, Ji Yun no longer looked down on this "small money".

Well... a little inflated.

Ji Yun took a deep breath and calmed his little heart.

Then he decisively put a Water Stone and a Sun Stone on the trading board at the standard prices of 650,000 and 100.

Evolution Stones are really easy to sell. Not long after he put them on the shelf, someone placed an order to buy them.

The next morning, Ji Yun came to the Trainer's Association in this city.

After showing his ID and transaction records at the service window, Ji Yun handed over the Water Stone and the Sun Stone to the association and paid the shipping fee.

After receiving a receipt, Ji Yun left the Trainer's Association in a happy mood.

After that, the two evolution stones will be shipped from the Trainer's Association in this city to the Trainer's Association in the buyer's city.

The messenger bird is usually responsible for the delivery, which is very fast.

Then the local Trainer's Association will be responsible for the delivery.

Of course, the Trainer's Association's platform is just a trading platform for Pokémon props.

These things are basically expensive, so people basically trade through the official platform of the Trainer's Association, which is trustworthy and guaranteed.

Others, such as buying home appliances and daily necessities, still have to go to other merchant platforms.

In the next two days, Ji Yun traveled around the city and experienced the customs of the city carefully.

In addition to the night market, Ji Yun also went to the city center square, which is the most prosperous place in the city. At night, there will be music fountain performances and light shows in the square, which is very spectacular.

In addition, the water park in Kungang City has various water facilities and amusement projects

, Ji Yun and Pikachu had a lot of fun, and the big jaw ants hid and didn't come out.

Ji Yun also went to visit the water street in Kungang City, which was quite beautiful.

In addition, there are many beautiful parks in this city. At night, the lights in the park will be lit, giving people a romantic feeling.

That night, Ji Yun was taking Pikachu and strolling in the park as a digestion after dinner.

Suddenly, he felt someone pulling his pants, and then a childish voice sounded:

"Mom, look, it's Pikachu!"

Turning his head, he saw a little loli standing next to Ji Yun, pulling his pants, pointing at Pikachu on his shoulder, and shouting excitedly.

"Xilin, let go, it's so rude!"

A beautiful young woman walked over quickly and scolded.


The little loli let go of her hand a little bit bored.

"I'm sorry, this child disturbed you."

Seeing the little loli let go, the beautiful young woman apologized to Ji Yun.

"It's okay, it's just a small matter, don't worry about it."

Ji Yun waved his hand nonchalantly, then looked down at the little Lolita at his feet.

Seeing that she looked a little depressed, Ji Yun squatted down and looked into the little Lolita's eyes.

"Your name is Xilin, right? How old are you this year?"

"I'm five years old!"

Hearing Ji Yun's question, the little Lolita was stunned for a moment, then blinked her big eyes and replied with a silly face.

Then, her sight quickly focused on Pikachu.

Seeing this, Ji Yun smiled.

"Oh, five years old, does little Xilin like Pikachu very much?"

"Yes, I like it very much!"

Little Xilin nodded vigorously.

"Does little Xilin want to play with Pikachu?"


Hearing this, little Xilin's eyes lit up instantly, and she replied without hesitation.

Seeing this, Ji Yun smiled slightly, then gave Pikachu a look.


However, Pikachu smiled and stretched out a small hand, gesturing towards Ji Yun.

Seeing this, Ji Yun's eyes twitched, and then he gritted his teeth and replied:


There was no way, words spoken were like water spilled, and in front of the cute little loli, he had to pretend.

Then, Pikachu jumped down from his shoulder lightly, came to Xiao Xilin's feet, raised his head and showed a sweet smile.


"Ah, Pikachu, so cute!"

Xiao Xilin quickly squatted down, stretched out her hand and carefully stroked Pikachu, with a happy smile on her face.

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