The old man was very angry.

It was too difficult for Ji Yun to find high-potential elves by himself.

Moreover, those high-potential elves were basically intercepted by those behind the scenes of the breeding house in advance.

He heard this news from Zhang Chuyao.

After all, her family runs a breeding house.

According to her, the elves in the breeding house will go through a round of screening before they are released to the outside world.

Those elves that are identified as having high qualifications and good appearance will be intercepted and then kept for personal use or sold to those local tyrants at a high price.

Therefore, the elves sold in the breeding house are basically the ones left after screening.

If Ji Yun looks for them by himself, he can only go gambling.

But those eggs are basically wild elf eggs of uncertain species, how can there be so many leaks for him to pick up?

Now, since there is this opportunity, it is better to let the official help him find it.

There are so many official channels, it would be a waste not to use them.

"Elves with high qualifications?"

After hearing Ji Yun's request, the old man was not surprised, but thought about it carefully, and then said:

"If you can complete the task, I can fight for the quota of those resurrected fossil elves for you to conquer."

"And, if you complete the task well this time and make a great contribution, I can help you apply for the qualification to enter the Dragon Cave Secret Realm."


Hearing this, Ji Yun was speechless, this pie was drawn...

To be honest, he was not very interested in fossil elves, but as for the Dragon Cave Secret Realm...

Then, Ji Yun asked with expectation:

"Are there many dragons in the Dragon Cave Secret Realm?"

As soon as this question came out, it was the old man's turn to be speechless.

"This kind of Pokémon has only appeared in recent decades, and most of them appear in Northern Europe."

"There are few Pokémon in Donghuang Country, and it is difficult to introduce them..."

Hearing this, Ji Yun curled his lips.

The implication is that there is none.

It seems that the wish to subdue Doron Messiah has failed. It depends on whether there will be opportunities in the future.

In this way, in the afternoon, Ji Yun boarded a plane to Beijing with President Huo and his party.

At the headquarters of the Trainer Association, President Huo introduced him to a person.

"His name is Yan He. He will be your guide from now on. You can ask him any questions."

Hearing this, Ji Yun glanced at the young man named Yan He, and then looked at the noisy bird on his shoulder.

I don't know if it's an illusion, he always feels that Yan He looks at him with a strange look.

After that, Ji Yun stayed in Beijing for one night.

The next morning, he and Pikachu were taken on a plane.

Ji Yun was sitting in the cabin. Besides him, there were also Vice President Gu Kangnian and a group of capable people on the plane.

Ji Yun looked at the group of people, then turned his head and asked:

"Uncle Gu, who are they?"

Vice President Gu Kangnian, who was sitting next to Ji Yun, looked at the group of people, then explained:

"They are field staff of relevant departments."

"I see."

Ji Yun nodded.

To put it bluntly, they are agents, and they are bodyguards for them!

"What about President Huo?"

"The president has gone ahead with the others."


"That's right!"

At this time, Gu Kangnian took out a Poké Ball and handed it over, saying:

"This is a gift from the president."

"What is this...?"

After taking the Poké Ball, Ji Yun asked with some confusion.

"There is a Rotom in this Poké Ball."

Gu Kangnian smiled and said:

"President, you don't have a Rotom phone yet, so I'll give you a Rotom."

"After you get off the plane, let it enter your phone."

Hearing this, Ji Yun looked at the Poké Ball in his hand with some surprise.

Pokémon like Rotom, whose bodies are made of plasma, are not easy to find in the wild.

In this regard, Ji Yun did not refuse and directly put the Poké Ball away.

I will thank President Huo in person when I see him again later.

Ji Yun thought silently.

Then, he leaned back, hugged Pikachu and began to close his eyes and rest.

After all, it takes a lot of time to fly from the capital to Hans.

In this way, nine hours later, the plane landed at the northern border of Hans.

After getting off the plane, Ji Yun immediately took out the Poké Ball that Uncle Gu gave him and opened it directly.

Then, an orange Rotom appeared in front of Ji Yun.


【Level: Lv.16】

【Attributes: Electric, Ghost】

【Features: Floating】

【Gender: Genderless】

【Potential: Elite】

After taking a look at Rotom's panel, Ji Yun didn't care.

After all, this Rotom wasn't meant to be used for battle.

Then, Ji Yun took out his phone and said to the floating Rotom:

"Come into your phone, Rotom."

Then, Rotom looked at Ji Yun's phone, and then turned into a flash of lightning and entered the phone.

The next moment, Ji Yun saw a lightning-shaped horn growing on the top of his phone.

Turning over and looking at the back, he saw Rotom's face emerging from the back of the phone.

Then, Ji Yun let go of his hand, and saw his phone floating in front of him.

Seeing this, Ji Yun smiled gently:

"My name is Ji Yun. Please give me more advice in the future, Rotom."

"Ji Yun, OK, Rotom~"

After that, after Ji Yun tested the changed functions of the mobile phone, he was taken to a car by Gu Kangnian.

After a while, the convoy set off and drove towards the secret realm at the border of Hans.

In the car, at Gu Kangnian's reminder, Ji Yun took out a wireless headset and put it on, and then asked Rotom to turn on the real-time translation on his mobile phone.

Most mobile phones in this world have the function of simultaneous translation, which can achieve real-time translation.

In addition, there is also a Pokémon Encyclopedia function.

Not long after, the convoy arrived at the border of Hans, and then drove directly into the castle secret realm.

"Look, that's the city of Orudran."

At this time, Gu Kangnian pointed out of the car window and said to Ji Yun.

Hearing this, Ji Yun turned his head and looked out of the car window.

On the opposite hill, a castle with white walls and red roofs, which looked very classical, was located there.

Outside the castle, there were many tourists taking pictures.

Orudran Castle...

He didn't have a deep impression of this castle, and couldn't tell whether it was the one in the anime.

After all, when watching anime, everyone watched the plot, dream, Lucario and the protagonists. Who would deliberately remember what the castle looked like?

Then, the convoy stopped in front of a heavily guarded building.

After getting off the car, Ji Yun saw President Huo waiting in front of the door at a glance.

There were also several foreigners with European and American looks standing next to him.

"Here we are. Thank you for your hard work along the way."

After seeing Ji Yun and the others get off the car, President Huo came up with a few people.

"Huo, is this child the hero you found?"

An old foreign man asked impatiently.

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