Half an hour later.

Su Xuan and his party took the special plane specially prepared by the Divine Mystery Alliance for Shirona.

Fly from Galar to Sinnoh.

As a regional combat power ceiling, the alliance will naturally eat and drink well.

After all, there is a talent like Konoha's own family.

It's not good to hold it in the palm of your hand.

Instead, he tried to kill the strange.

In the end, it is still a minority.

"Mr. Su Xuan, I heard Serena-chan say that you want to make Alora an alliance stronger than Kanto?"

On the way back, Hirona took the initiative to find a topic.

The key to the gun was stolen, and she went crazy.

But she is not Kakarot, she can move in an instant.

Just find some topics to calm yourself down.

"yes, so isn't this just going to your area to poach people?"

Su Xuan, who was holding his mobile phone to brush the recent news in the Shen'ao area, raised his eyes and said.

Sonia, who was sitting in the seat next door with Lulina, had black lines on her face.

Sometimes she really doesn't understand whether Su Xuan's emotional intelligence is high or low.

You say he's tall, and he doesn't hide anything when he talks about embarrassing topics like prying corners.

But you say he's low.

He often gave others steps down.

Especially when facing beautiful girls.

Sure enough, I heard Su Xuan's answer.

The corners of Shirona's mouth tugged fiercely.

Don't you hide it?

Hirona's anxiety was not calmed at all.

It's just that the theft of cultural relics is converted into brain drain.

The comprehensive strength of the Sinnoh Alliance.

To be honest, it belongs to the kind that is not up or down, just in the middle of the league.

One champion and five heavenly kings.

Yes, it is the main electric hall of the electric system that looks like the wave feng shui gate.

He also possesses Heavenly King-level strength.

Barely got by.

But compared to the next door to have plus thousands of miles, five heavenly kings.

Daigo, Mikolika Jindai's neighbor of the three champions of Toyomoto.

It's a bit embarrassing.

Not to mention compared with the pervert of Kanto.


Near noon, the plane landed at the airport in Zhuqing, one of the largest cities in the Sinnoh region.

"Or let's talk about the key of the gun later, I'll follow Su Xuan and them first, and find an opportunity to snatch that talent over?"

After getting off the plane, Shirona stared at Su Xuan's back and muttered inwardly.

"Stop thinking, Miss Shirona, you can't rob me."

Just as Shirona was pondering, Su Xuan suddenly turned around and interrupted her thoughts coldly.

Startled Hirona.

The Danfeng eyes on the left that were not covered by bangs stared at each other incredulously.

This man has mind reading, doesn't he?

"I don't have mind reading, the main thing is that you write everything you think on your face."

Su Xuan said quite amusedly.

Shirona's angry face puffed up slightly.

Since becoming a champion, there are not many things that can make her angry.

I met it today.

"I'm going to the EMI Museum in Momoyo City to investigate the site, everyone, let's say goodbye here."

Hirona forced a smile.

If nothing else, a guaranteed heavenly king-level talent in his own area will soon be poached.

In this situation, Hirona can still laugh, and she is of high quality.

"Thank you for your special plane, if you lose to the Galaxy team, you can call me and I will save you."

Su Xuan beckoned.


Hirona almost couldn't help but swear foul language.

How underestimated is this guy looking down on the old lady?

Think that a rooster who comes out of nowhere can win me?

Hirona flicked her long hair as beautiful as a waterfall, and turned away without turning her head.

"Why is your mouth so?"

Sonia said with amusement.

"I'm talking about the truth."

Su Xuan said that you women with long hair and short knowledge are really ignorant.

Although not in the anime.

But in the manga, Shirona really lost to Akahi once.

Afterwards, Mustard Lan also educated her -

Give up the dignity of a champion and start cultivating from scratch.

"Okay, okay, you're the master, you're right, okay?"

Sonia didn't have a good airway.

However, Lulina next to her said nothing.

She didn't get along with Su Xuan for long.

But it has been felt, although this man can always say strange things.

But every time he was right.

"Brother Su Xuan, where is the person we are looking for?"

Serena changed the subject.

Serena's question stunned Su Xuanwen.

Yes, where does Xiaoguang live?

He remembers most of the plot of the original book, but he really can't remember the details.

Before going to the Carlos area, I still searched for half a day, and I found out where Serena's house was.

"What's going on here?"

Ma Li suddenly spoke.

When everyone heard this, they looked up.

I saw the bus stop in Momoyo City, and some squares on the big screen.

All replaced with huge posters.

On the right side of the poster, there is a beautiful man with a white beret on his head, the same hair color as Hatsune Miku, neutral facial features, and even a wig that can directly join the debut of the girl group.

On the left, Menas, known as the "most beautiful elf".

One man and one beast in the middle.

It is a light blue ribbon-like badge.

"Mikkoli Champion."

Lulina said the man's name.

As a trainer specializing in water systems, how could he not have heard of Mikkoli.

"It's a poster for the Mikkoli Cup, I've heard that Mikkoli, the champion of Fengyuan, holds the Mikkoli Cup in major regions in order to promote the gorgeous competition, and the winner or water column ribbon can be used in the gorgeous celebration in any region."

Sonia interjected.


And the only male compatriot in the team looked at Mikkoli on the poster, and after being silent for a long time, he said coldly:

"It's so coquettish."

Sonia's waist was almost broken by Su Xuanxiu.

"You don't need to say it so badly, do you? Dr. Su Xuan. "

Without waiting for the four women to respond, a crying and laughing voice came from behind the five people.

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