
Hearing the name mentioned in Su Xuan's words.

Leith was slightly stunned.

Remember...... That was the name of the Galar tycoon and president of the Alliance.

What does Su Xuan want himself and Shinji to go to him?

But without paying taxes, Ress is still happy.

At least there is no need to sell the house.

"That... Digimon..."

Shinji came up and asked.

He doesn't care about the rest, he just wants Digimon.

Su Xuan glanced at this kid.

Immediately, several Poké Balls were taken out of the system space and thrown down.

Mushroom beast!

Little Demon Beast!

Coral Beast!

Seeing this, Shinji's eyes immediately lit up.

Su Xuan was not interested in explaining with the handle.

Fortunately, the information of these three has been recorded in the book.

Shinji hurriedly brought up their information for comparison.

Su Xuan took out his mobile phone and sent an email to Caidou——

【It's time to pack your bags】


Just after Su Xuan finished sending the email.

Shinji's voice sounded again:

"I want it."

I saw Shinji raise his right index finger.

Pointing to the target, it is precisely the mushroom beast.

"Mushroom beast?"

Su Xuan raised his eyebrows slightly.

It's a bit of a surprise, because the mushroom beast is not good-looking....

But the other two are no better.

"I have a bad personality and like to bully the weak, which suits the needs of my team."

Shinji nodded in satisfaction.

"It's in line with your personality."

Ma Li mocked coldly.

But that's a bit problematic.

Shinji's temperament is indeed quite bad.

But bullying the weak is really not enough.

It's just that the atmosphere of his team is indeed more suitable for the "wicked" type of elves.

Like Ash's skin god, who is soft when he encounters a weak opponent, and even loses to the vine snake.

Shinji is afraid that he wants to release the animal before he finishes fighting.


"I won't lose my face with Digimon."

After finally leaving a promise to Su Xuan.

Shinji left with his brother Ryoshi.

If nothing else, he is the owner of the new Traceability Town Hall of the Galar Alliance.

But to be honest, Lotz made it instead.

At the Sinnoh Alliance Tournament Suzuran Conference against Ash.

Shinji showed the strength of the quasi-king who was not inferior to the current Caidou.

In the Galar chapter, if not the peak of the heavenly king, at least he is a heavenly king.

Although it is strange that the Lily of the Valley Conference defeated Shinji's Ash, it stands to reason that he should at least start with the quasi-king.

However, the next region started with a loss to the Level 5 Vine Snake.

Bengbu lived, ah family.

Bell bell~

Just when Su Xuan was about to put away the little demon beast and the coral beast.

A bicycle bell sounded in everyone's ears again.

Turn your eyes.

Compared with Serena, Ma Li is three points less stunning and more elegant.

Stop the bicycle and trot all the way to Su Xuan's group.

"I'm sorry, I'm late... Huh? You, you are the one, the owner of that celestial beast!? "

Xiaoguang shouted in surprise.

Su Xuan's expression was a little strange.

The owner of the Celestial Beast?

It was the first time I'd heard someone call myself that.

The main thing is that the performance of the Mikkoli Cup Celestial Beast before was too amazing.

Not only men but also women.

He actually stole the limelight of his own master.

But it doesn't matter.

The Celestial Beast conquers the world and conquers the Celestial Beast herself.

Isn't that good?


"Huh? Ah, the Four Heavenly Kings of Alora? Me, me? "

Ten minutes later.

After listening to Su Xuan's invitation to jump ship, Xiaoguang only felt that a huge golden brick fell on his head.


This kind of windfall falls on the heads of ordinary people.

The first reaction is often not a surprise.

It's a huge sense of unreality.

Not to mention the 14-year-old girl in front of you.

He is a fledgling novice trainer who has not even taken the initial elf.

Make yourself the Four Heavenly Kings?

This, isn't this?

"You have a lot of potential, don't be presumptuous."

Su Xuan said with a smile.

If it weren't for the previous Mikkoli Cup, Su Xuan's performance with the Heavenly Female Beast left an indelible impression on Xiaoguang.

Xiaoguang was forced to treat him as a pyramid schemer.

Just like you are on your way to school, suddenly someone comes out of the roadside and says to you, "I am the director of a Fortune 500 company, and I want to appoint you as the department manager of my company."

Ghosts believe.

But recall the Fengyuan champion Mikkoli who saw on TV last week with a three-point attitude towards Su Xuan.

Xiaoguang couldn't help but start to emerge.

Are you really a genius?

"Then pick a Digimon first."

Su Xuan's voice interrupted Xiaoguang's YY.

Xiaoguang suddenly came to his senses.

Bow your head and meet the eyes of the little demon beast and the coral beast.

Two seconds later, Xiaoguang snorted.

Show a smile that is uglier than crying.

"That, that... Dr. Su Xuan, also, is there anything else? "

These two are too abstract, right?


The little demon beast and the coral beast suddenly looked confused.

Eyeless little smashed.

"Hmm~ do you have any preferences?"

Su Xuan did not refuse.

"This... That..."

Xiao Guang didn't give an answer for a long time, but his gaze couldn't help but glance at the Dilu beast on Su Xuan's shoulder.

Just like in the original anime, Haruka is attracted by the charm of coordinating trainer Megumi's hunting butterfly.

Xiao Guang was completely conquered by Su Xuan's charm of the Heavenly Female Beast.

"Dilu beast? I'm afraid you can't control it. "

Su Xuan glanced at the Dilu beast lying on his shoulder, reached out and scratched the little female cat's jaw, and then commented.

Just as the best initial partner for a novice trainer is the Gosanjia or even Little Lada, the green caterpillar, an easy-to-breed elf, is the best.

You give her a mini dragon, and Kira is not appropriate.

The trainer's own comprehensive ability can't keep up.

Alice couldn't control hypertrophy in the early stage.

Even some people can't control the three families.

Yes, it's you, Ash.

The seeds of the magic frog are disobedient after seeing the evolution of the fire-breathing dragon, so that people would rather not evolve for the rest of their lives.

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