Lushamina's strength as a trainer.

Probably just touched the height of the championship threshold.

For 99.9% of the people in the Elven Continent.

Already an unattainable existence.

Not to mention a rare beauty.

But you also have to see who it is compared to.

Su Xuan, let's not say this.

Saatchi, a hidden champion who can defeat Kona, also does not take her seriously.

But what Su Xuan was curious about was Saatchi, who was a senior cadre of the rocket team.

Why would she use Rosa Minai as a bargaining chip to negotiate business with herself?

The two sides can't fight together, right?


"Before Lulina comes back, listen to what you have to say. "

After meeting with Saatchi, Su Xuan showed an interested smile for the first time at this moment.

"Actually, that guy from Yulongdu has been quite annoying recently, which annoys our rocket team very much. "

Saatchi took a sip of coffee and said:

Under such circumstances, the gentleman felt it necessary to expand the Rockets' sphere of influence. "

"If one day the Rockets are hit hard, there is still a way back. "

"Doctor, if you were to stand in the shoes of Team Rockets and choose an area as a new base, which would it be?"

Saatchi asked a series of questions.

If Su Xuan couldn't hear it, he would be stupid.

"Eat persimmons and pick up soft pinches. "

Can develop Team Rocket into the first criminal organization in the Elven Continent under the noses of the alliance headquarters in Kanto.

Sakaki's ability is beyond doubt.

But he himself also knows the truth of "always walking by the river, where are there no wet shoes".

Or rather, eggs cannot be placed in one basket.

That's why he transferred the Three Beasts to the Chengdu area for development.

But it still doesn't seem to work.

Jojotori Alliance headquarters is still too close.

It is also the old nest of the Royal Dragon family.

In this case, choose another region as a spare tire.

Who to choose?

Give everyone three seconds to think.

Okay, three seconds to come.

Fucking Alora.

Far from the headquarters of the Union, the strength is weak.

Is there anything more suitable than it?

"To this end, we also bought a senior member of the Ethereum Foundation, who will act as our internal response when the time comes to attack." "

Saatchi said in due course.

Well, yes, it's all right.

Isn't this the plot of the original game Rainbow Rocket's invasion of the Aether Foundation?

And what Saatchi said should be....

A certain fly face had automatically appeared in Su Xuan's mind.

Even more impressive than Liliai.

No way, it's too personal.

"Make trouble in my territory, don't talk about Team Rocket, not even Arceus is here. "

Su Xuan's fingertips lightly tapped on the desktop.

Detect the anger emanating from the master.

The Digimon in the Pokéball also showed their fangs and sharp teeth.

"That's why we're here, because we really don't want to be enemies of you." "

Saatchi raised the corners of his lips and said again:

"We were planning this matter before Mr. Su Xuan and you became known as 'Digital Doctor', please believe in our sincerity. "

"The main thing is that since the plan to relocate Alora has been canceled, it must be replaced like a way. "

"Digimon. "

Su Xuan said these three words without hesitation.

"Yes, the battle between you and Dan Di left a very deep impression on our leader. "

Saatchi nodded

"The inside we put should only be a deposit, and that President Lusha Minai is the full amount. "

Speaking of this, Saatchi smiled even deeper:

"Lushaminay's type is not good, even if it's you, Doctor. "

Su Xuan did not refute this.

He is not Mitsuki Ota, and everyone who approaches him will like him madly.

"But I'm also a woman, women know women best, women love heroes, and Lusha Minay is no exception. "

Listen to Saatchi's sharp eunuch voice.

Even though he gradually got used to it, Su Xuan almost didn't hold back his complaints.

How do you look like a woman on a horse....


"Hyun, I'm sorry for keeping you waiting..."

At this point, Lulina returned quickly.

Although it is true that girls go to the bathroom much slower than those with handles.

But this time it did take a bit longer.

Well, Lulina can't always say that she uses her hands in the bathroom... Ahem.

Su Xuan's eyebrows raised slightly when he heard this.

This girl is a little ignorant.

I came back when it came to the most critical time.

When Lulina walked in front of her, she didn't have time to sit down.

Su Xuan suddenly took the initiative to stand up and took her into his arms.


The sudden hug made Lulina's whole person stupid.

The brain was blank, and the whole person was dumbfounded.

Just like that, he was held by Su Xuan.

Saatchi, who was sitting in the back, also got up at this time.

Taking advantage of the gap when no one was noticing, I walked quickly towards the exit of the restaurant.

And in the moment when passing by Su Xuan's side.

The hands of the two completed the handover in less than a second.

"Come, sit. "

Su Xuan pulled Lulina, who should have been sitting opposite, to sit next to him.

And Lulina's whole person is still in a dizzy state.


Leaving the restaurant, Saatchi dialed the phone and quickly turned into an empty alley with only a few meows pulling trash with their paws.


Ten seconds later, the call was connected, and the thick voice of a middle-aged man came from the other end of the phone.

"BOSS, he said to collect money first and ship later. "

PS: Do you have any thoughts on the Arola New Gosan?

According to other regions, it is a combination of water, fire and grass.

How about the combination of Goma Beast, Bhikkhu Beast, and Balu Beast?

The picture shows a mother-daughter rice bowl group.

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