The next day.

The No. 1 Duel Hall is densely packed with students coming and going.

Exaggerated rewards, extremely low thresholds, as soon as the news of the school competition spread, it stirred up a frenzy in the school.

In addition, I don't know which student said that when the school competition was held, fancy clothes were allowed, which aroused the great interest of the students.

What auspicious eggs, Geng ghost costumes are all trivial, the mythical beast splits the empty seat, Groud, and Gaioca doll dress-up is the mainstream. What's even more exaggerated is that someone directly dressed up as Kirbymon, or the adult one, and before he entered the No. 1 Duel Hall, he was stuck in the aisle and couldn't move back or out.

In the end, it was a group of people who carried this exaggerated guy away.

When Lin Jiuyou entered, he saw a scene of demons dancing wildly.

"Hey, hey!"


"We're here!"

Lin Jiuyou looked up and saw a wonderful frog waving to him.

Is this Liu Xin?

Lin Jiuyou didn't recognize it for the first time.

"Come here!"

"We've been waiting for you for a long time!"

"That's it!"

When Lin Jiuyou walked over, Liu Xin pulled him to the vacant seat.

Sitting in his seat, Lin Jiuyou could see the entire dueling hall.

It's like the Colosseum, with huge auditoriums on both sides and a ring in the middle.

Dozens of rings are like white jade, uneven, and can be freely manipulated and moved.

A translucent light curtain hangs high, and a pale blue light mask envelops the entire dueling hall.

The golden sunlight shone brightly, and the entire dueling hall seemed to be shining, and a divine aura came to the face.

The No. 1 Duel Hall is the largest dueling hall in the school, and it is also the most luxurious dueling hall, and it is said that when it was built, there were even monarch-level elves to help it.

So, Hall One Duel Hall was huge enough to accommodate all the students of the entire school, and there was still room to spare.

It is only on the most important festivals that the school opens the No. 1 Duel Hall.

In addition, the No. 1 Duel Hall is also an important source of funding for the school. If there is nothing major in normal times, the No. 1 Duel Hall is contracted by the organizer of the duel event and is specially used to hold master battles.

Before Lin Jiuyou's golden finger was opened, he would also buy a ticket to watch the battle of the high-level trainer.

I don't have elves, so it's quite emotional to bring it into battle.


"Nine Shades!"

"Have you heard?"

"Our school has produced a real genius!"

When Lin Jiuyou continued to think about the information about the Duel Hall, Liu Xin whispered.

"It seems to be Zhou Tianxiao of Class 6, a high-level talent, who has successfully advanced to an intermediate trainer a few days ago!"

"In this school competition, he is the hottest candidate for the championship."

Lin Jiuyou looked at Liu Xin with his fingers, counting them one by one.

"In addition, Liu Ou of the fourth class, I heard that he has also advanced to a junior trainer, he seems to be an intermediate talent, the heart of Lingmu, and he is also a master that cannot be underestimated."

"Mengtian of Class 7 seems to have advanced to a junior trainer yesterday, and his elf is an extremely rare thunder elf Pichu, and he is also a popular candidate to win the championship."

"Of course, the last one is Zhou Tianyi in our class, and I don't need to say anything more, you are more familiar than me."

Liu Xin is very familiar with this information, and he has obviously worked hard.

Lin Jiuyou listened to Liu Xin's words and looked at him with strange eyes.

"Dare to love these days, you just went to inquire about this?"


"Strategy, is this called strategy?"

"Know yourself and know your opponent, and you will not be defeated in a hundred battles!"

Lin Jiuyou saw Liu Xin's hatred and bitterness, obviously, he didn't understand Liu Xin's words, which made Liu Xin feel distressed.

"This time in the school competition, after entering the official competition, the point system is used, the winner gets two points, the draw is one point, and the defeat is deducted one point!"

"I don't expect to win the championship, as long as I can finish in the top 20."

"Therefore, the opponent is very important, if you encounter an incapable enemy, you can surrender directly, so as not to affect the state of the next battle!"

Liu Xin apparently delved into the rules of the game.

"Come on!"

"Don't you stink!"

"You're still in the top 20? Lin Jiuyou is almost the same!

At this time, Chang Kai spoke.

Lin Jiuyou found out that the baby bear doll next to him turned out to be Chang Kai.

Baby bear?

It turns out that Chang Kai is a tsundere man?

Lin Jiuyou felt a little funny.

Chang Kai, who looks irritable and impulsive, is wearing such a cute baby bear costume, which is too much contrast.

The next moment.


A soft whistle!

Huge ripples swept across the audience!

Lin Jiuyou felt that his body was cold, and his soul seemed to be frozen.

A loud voice rang out.

"Me, Headmaster Duncan!"

"Phoenix Hunter!"

"Now it's announced that the school competition has officially begun!"

Lin Jiuyou saw an exaggerated scene.

A black phoenix soars into the sky!

Red flames are burning, twisting, combining!

A giant flame rose appears beneath the phoenix!

Principal Duncan stood on top of a black phoenix, dressed in white.

At the moment when Principal Duncan's words were finished, a light bloomed on the translucent screen of the Duel Hall.

Lin Jiuyou saw the list of pairs on the translucent screen above.

Zhou Xiao VS Huang Xuan!

Liu Xin vs Lin Dong!



"It's time for me to play so soon!"

Liu Xin also saw his own list.

"Hey, hey!"

"Good luck to me!"

Lin Jiuyou saw Liu Xin take off his wonderful frog flower hood and bring his own small fist stone and happily went on the field.

This time, the school competition is divided into two stages

, the preliminary round and the official round, except for the seeded players, only the players who successfully pass the preliminary round can enter the official round.

However, if you want to pass the preliminaries, you have to play at least three games, and there are too many players who have signed up for the competition this time.

Lin Jiuyou raised his head.

A curtain of light appeared in front of his eyes, which was also the convenience of the No. 1 Duel Hall, where the audience could freely choose to watch the battle of any fighter in the ring.

On the screen in front of Lin Jiuyou's eyes, the battle in the fifteenth ring was displayed - Liu Xin vs Lin Dong.

The course of the battle went well.

Lin Jiuyou noticed that Liu Xin's little fist stone was already level thirteen, and he had newly learned the two skills of hardening and falling stones.

Liu Xin's opponent Lin Dong, the elf of his contract is a small elephant, a ground system, and a proboscis Pokémon.

The battle between the little fist stone and the little elephant was fierce, and in the end, Liu Xin's little fist stone was a step ahead, using rolling and falling stones, and a set of combos successfully took away the opponent.

Lin Jiuyou noticed that the contestants who participated this time were all very strong, and they obviously worked hard during the holidays.


When it was almost twelve o'clock, the preliminaries ended and the official competition began.

It wasn't until a minute later that Lin Jiuyou also saw his name and opponent!

Lin Jiuyou VS Zhou Qin!

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