"Miao Frog Grass has lost its combat effectiveness!"

"Lin Jiuyou wins!"

In the ring.

The referee's voice landed and announced Lin Jiuyou's victory.

The crowd in the audience opened their mouths wide!

"Hemp egg!"

"Is this true?!"

"Within three moves, solve the battle?!"

"Are you sure Lin Jiuyou is a Xi trainer, not a junior trainer?!"

Some classmates began to be suspicious.

Is there a mistake in the trainer level?

Lin Jiuyou is a junior trainer, and Kong Tiancai is a Xi trainer!

Otherwise, it's magical!

Xi Trainer's Carp King Hangs Junior Trainer!

It's still one to wear two!!

If the carp king is so strong?!!

So what are their elves?


"Don't guess!"

"Lin Jiuyou is a junior trainer!"

"In this battle, he won the battle!"

"Even the referee has announced the winner, what are you still struggling with?!"

"By the way, the one who lost, three big milk pot popsicles, send them quickly!"

Zhou Aotian stood up happily.

Speaking of which!

This Lin Jiuyou is really his lucky star!

In the past, he gambled and lost!

Ever since he met Lin Jiuyou, now, he has won!!


Do you want to give Lin Jiuyou some gifts?

Zhou Aotian felt that he had to thank the mascot!


Lin Jiuyou slowly walked out of the ring.

on his shoulders.

The little carp is writhing around!

Praise me!

Praise me!

Little Carp's 36D Karanz eyes stared at Lin Jiuyou tightly.

"Don't worry!"

"As a bonus, I'll take you to a big dinner at noon!"

Lin Jiuyou smiled.

At noon, Zhou Tian met with Lin Jiuyou, and by the way, we talked about doing the little carp topic.

Since she was talking about the little carp, she wouldn't mind giving the little carp a big meal, right?

Plan to pass!

Lin Jiuyou had a smile on his face.

It's just that he didn't wait for Lin Jiuyou to return to his seat.

His path is blocked!


"Lin Jiuyou, right!"

"You must have cheated!!"

"With the strength of your carp king, how can you beat my wonderful frog grass!"

"Tell me quickly, what means did you use to evade the referee's detection!!"

In front of Lin Jiuyou, there was Kong Tian with a hideous face.

Before the battle, Kong Tian was very confident, and he could do it in ten moves after seeing Xi trainer!

His talent perfectly matches his elves, and as long as he is damaged by his elves, there is a high probability that he will fall into a state of poisoning, which can be picked up with a wave of victory.

However, what surprised him a little was that his opponent, Lin Jiuyou, was very arrogant!

A trainee trainer is just a Xi trainer, and he even threatens to defeat him within three moves!

In the face of such a self-defeating person, Kong Tian felt that the best way to fight back was to crush!

Completely crush Lin Jiuyou's elves!!

Let him understand what is called the gap in rank!!


The ideal is very plump, and the reality is very skinny!

Lin Jiuyou actually defeated him!

And it's within three moves!

Kong Tian, who couldn't accept this fact at all, had the first feeling that Lin Jiuyou had cheated!


"Which dog's eye did you see cheating?!"

Before Lin Jiuyou could speak, Liu Xin next to him stood up.

Do you cheat when you say cheat?!

Who do you think you are?

As Lin Jiuyou's friend, Liu Xin naturally knew his strength.


"It's not cheating, can his carp king win my wonderful frog flower?"

Kong Tian's eyes stared at Lin Jiuyou, full of disbelief.


"Are you blind as a referee?"

"Or are you better than the referee?"

Lin Jiuyou didn't panic for a minute, and asked directly.

"Stop quibbling!"

"Your elven carp king is so strong, did you use the tears of blood?!"

Kong Tian said directly.

Lin Jiuyou frowned.

Tears of Blood, one of the forbidden drugs!

The extremely dangerous drugs circulating in the black market, after the elves are used, they can greatly increase their strength, but the price is that after the effect of the medicine, the elves' lifespan is extremely shortened, and there is a high probability of sudden death.

These forbidden drugs are generally only used in large numbers by people in gray areas such as underground hunters and secret realm killers.

"You're the fuck using Tears of Blood?!!"

"If you can't win, you can't win!"

"And make excuses for yourself!"

"What I look down on the most is a coward like you without wheels!"


Spit out a mouthful of phlegm, Liu Xin took a few steps forward, wanting to directly start with Kong Tian.

This grandson!

It's so bad!!

What are the consequences of using banned drugs in the competition, which is to directly disqualify the competition and deprive all the results!

When he said this, he was taking a salary from Lin Jiuyou's cauldron!

Lin Jiuyou stretched out his hand and blocked the impulsive Liu Xin.

Eyes squinted slightly.

Lin Jiuyou said softly:

"There is no basis for empty words."

"You said I used the Tears of Blood, and I also said you violated the ban on the secret realm!"

"Where did your elven chrysanthemum grass come from?"

"Has the elf's proof of sale been officially inspected?"

"As soon as you advanced to the junior junior trainer, you have contracted a fifteenth-level chrysanthemum leaf grass, and there is reason to suspect that you have used the dance of the forbidden elves!"

Lin Jiuyou asked simply.

"You don't need to doubt these things!"

"Kong Tian's chrysanthemum leaf grass, I watched him contract, is there any problem?"

"It's you, Lin Jiuyou."

"I'm curious, is your Carp King really not using forbidden drugs?"

A blond-haired, black-clad man walked out.

Wu Bao walked over.

He is a seeded player in Class 6 and one of the few junior trainers.

In this school competition, Wu Bao's record is a complete victory, and he is considered by many people to be the champion of the school competition.


"Wu Baodu said so?"

"Could it be that Lin Jiuyou really cheated?!"

At this time, many people around him became suspicious of Lin Jiuyou.

Kong Tian is just that.

Wu Bao has a lot of fame in school.

In this competition, Wu Bao also gained a lot of fans.

Therefore, when Wu Bao spoke, the classmate who had not suspected Lin Jiuyou was also muttering in his heart at this time.

Could it be that Lin Jiuyou really used a forbidden drug?

Lin Jiuyou chuckled.

Forbidden drugs?

Is it necessary for him to use any forbidden drugs?

There's a cheat in!

How could he use this kind of thing that harmed the life and potential of the elves.

Take a step forward.

Lin Jiuyou prepared to fight back.


The next moment.

Lin Jiuyou felt a flower in front of him, and the pale black silk thread crossed it, and the sky and the earth seemed to disappear.

Lin Jiuyou felt as if he was isolated from the world.

This is?

Look at the silence around you.

Lin Jiuyou raised his hand, the little carp on his shoulder was already ready to attack.

"Don't be nervous!"

"I'm the principal."

A gentle voice came out.

Lin Jiuyou saw a flame appear in the darkness, revealing the figure of the principal and another person.

"Lin Jiuyou, right?"

"You're very nice!"

Lin Jiuyou saw the principal coming from the darkness.

However, what puzzled Lin Jiuyou was that the principal did not come to him.

The old man next to him walked over step by step.

"This is Lei Lao!"

"Last night, your report was meritorious, and today Lei Lao will personally reward you."

"Don't hurry up, thank you Lei Lao!"

The principal's voice sounded in Lin Jiuyou's ears.

"Thank you, Lei Lao!"

"I'm sorry for your trouble!"

Lin Jiuyou's attitude was respectful.

Although I don't know what Lei Lao's identity is, it is definitely not easy to make the principal so cautious.

"Your intelligence was very useful yesterday, and although it didn't allow us to find the real murderer, it was also very rewarding."

Lei Lao had a very gentle attitude.

"What do you want for these rewards?"

Lin Jiuyou saw Lei Lao's palm open, and four balls of light floated on it.

Elf eggs!

Skills Xi Machine!

Tickets to the Uncharted Realm!

A golden paperwork!

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