
The moment the tyrannosaurus appeared, it roared angrily!

There was a huge sound that made the air roar.

Huge body stands tall in the air!

The dark scales shine!



When Zhou Tianyi's tooth summon appeared, he was affected by Lin Jiu's tyrannosaurus dragon, and his attack power decreased!

However, Zhou Tianyi didn't care about this.

She attacked at the beginning,


"Tooth tooth!"

"Use the Dragon's Claw!!"

The moment Lin Jiuyou saw Zhou Tianyi's teeth appear, his body turned into a black shadow!


Then, claws strike!

Countless claw shadows broke through the air and hit directly on the scales of the little carp, and there was a collision!!

Dragon's Claw!

Intermediate skills to attack opponents with sharp claws splitting!

"Little carp!"

"Use a water cannon!"

Seeing his little carp being attacked, Lin Jiuyou realized a problem.

That is Zhou Tianyi's elf teeth, it should be biased towards the speed type, otherwise, it is impossible to activate faster than his own little carp skill!


After Lin Jiuyou gave the order, the little carp had a big mouth!!


Huge water cannons bombarded out!

Hit the tooth hard!!


"Tooth Use Impact!"

Zhou Tianyi made an evasion order when he saw that his teeth were about to be attacked by Lin Jiu's tyrant carp dragon water cannon.

The power of the water cannon is too strong!

Especially after the little carp evolved into a tyrannosaurus, it became more powerful!

Zhou Tianyi didn't dare to underestimate it.

His teeth were only sixteenth, and he had not broken through the transcendental, so it was difficult to withstand the blow of Lin Jiu You's Tyrannosaurus.


The tooth fell straight to the ground like a stone!

And then.

In the corner of the ring, I used ramming!

Using skills to dodge another skill is the foundation of the trainer, and it is also a focus on training one's own elves.

In a few games, Lin Jiuyou had seen many times the elves who used this method to avoid his little carp water cannon.

Therefore, in the face of such evasion, Lin Jiuyou already had a way to deal with it.

"Little carp!"


"Eight o'clock, down attack!"

Lin Jiuyou made a predictive attack.

His own little carp water cannon is already proficient, and he can move at will during the attack.

In this way, the water cannon actually has a qualitative improvement.

This is also an outward manifestation of different skill proficiencys.

After Lin Jiuyou's order was issued, the little carp immediately took action!

A flick of the tail!

The body floats upwards again!

The field of view has become much larger!

And then.

The little carp turned its head, went down, and swept !!



The huge column of water was like a long knife, cutting through the sky and sweeping directly at the dodging teeth!!


Huge barometric shock!

The galloping tooth felt that his eyes were dark, and the huge water column had predicted his landing point in advance!!

The tooth slammed straight into the water!



"Lin Jiuyou's water cannon, one blow kills Yaya in seconds?!"

"Doesn't this mean that Lin Jiuyou is very likely to win?!"

in the audience.

Seeing that Lin Jiuyou's tyrannical carp dragon successfully hit Zhou Tianyi's teeth with a water cannon, many people were surprised.

"Don't worry!"

"Zhou Tianyi won't be so weak!"

"You don't really think that the daughter of the consortium is so good?"

"So far, Zhou Tianyi has not shown her true strength!"

There is a girl who is a friend of Zhou Tianyi and seems to know her very well.

"That's not right!"


"Oh no!"

"Lin Jiuyou's Tyrannosaurus is in big trouble!"


Some classmates shouted loudly.

This time.

The battlefield has changed again.

Lin Jiuyou saw that his little carp's water cannon successfully hit Zhou Tianyi's teeth!


What made Lin Jiuyou feel a little surprised was that Zhou Tianyi's teeth didn't fall!

On Yaya's body, Lin Jiuyou saw a belt shining!

Breath Belt!

Elves carrying this equipment can resist 1 fatal attack and keep their health at 1!!

A great defensive weapon!

Seeing the aura belt on Yaya's body, Lin Jiuyou shook his head.

She deserves to be a rich woman!

Such extravagant equipment can be used as soon as it is said!

Lin Jiuyou saw that the equipment used by Zhou Tianyi's teeth was a breath belt, and after using it once, it would be damaged after resisting a fatal attack!

Permanent aura belts also existed, but they weren't available to low-level trainers.

200,000 were used in one game!

What a rich woman!!

Looking at Zhou Tianyi, Lin Jiuyou's eyes became even hotter!

After the game, let Xiao Lizi and Zhou Tianyi contact more feelings!

There are a lot of thoughts in my mind.

However, Lin Jiuyou's movements are not slow!

"Little carp!"

"Use the Vortem!"

Lin Jiuyou gave the battle order.


Little Carp's new skill is online!!


Crash! Crash!

Countless currents of water are surging!

Trap your teeth directly in the rapidly swirling water!

One time!


The tooth and tooth are in a state of near death.

However, before Yaya lost his combat effectiveness, Zhou Tianyi gave the order again.

"Tooth tooth!"

"Final blow!"

"Use provocation!"


With Zhou Tianyi's instructions, Yaya made a provocative move against the tyrannosaurus!!

The next moment!

Tooth Tooth loses its combat effectiveness!


The little carp who was provoked by the teeth also changed physically.

The dark scales are glowing!

The little carp's eyes are red!



Destroy everything in sight!

Anger filled the whole brain, and the little carp fell into a state of rage!


Make your opponent angry, and for a minute and a half, you can only use moves that deal damage!

Seeing Lin Jiuyou's Tyrannosaurus attack, Zhou Tianyi smiled.


"Come out, then!"

"My pet!"


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