
As Yue Tanxiao summoned his second elf, there was a shock on the dueling table.

A Pokémon that looks like a giant rock has appeared!

Overall dark blue!

In the very center of the body are the yellow cores located on either side of the rock in the center of the face, which are able to release energy.

There are four sharp orange prismatic stones on the top of the head, and three arms around the body, two on each side of the body, and one behind the body!

Mantle rock!

Rock Elve!

The Evolution of Ishimaruko!!


"Death Blast!!"

At the moment when his elf summoned, the more the Tiger King talked and laughed, he used his ultimate ultimate!!


Death Shock!!

Lin Jiuyou saw the flames turn into wings and appear on the body of the mantle rock again!

The mantle rocks of the rock system have directly gained the ability to fly.


The moment the mantle rock flew up, it did not directly attack Lin Jiuyou's little carp.


Power Rocks!


The wings of the Tiger King are liberated!



With the explosion of several skills, the mantle rock

body really turned into a meteorite of burning ground flames, accelerating, charging, and hitting the little carp!

Death Shock!

The power of the gift, combined with the combination of skills, forms a semi-mystery!!

This is the strongest trick that Tsuru Lao created for him based on his talent for talking and laughing!!

A huge roar rang out on the dueling table!

The mantle rock turned into a fireball at the moment, turned into a burning meteorite, with a terrifying momentum, impact!!

The flames are burning!

The air is hissing!

Lin Jiuyou felt that the temperature around him seemed to have risen by several degrees.

Death Shock?

Such a talent and skill are indeed powerful!

Moreover, the cooperation of elves and talents directly crossed the limit of attributes, giving the elves of the rock system the ability to fly.

This is a qualitative change.


So what?!

My little carp is stronger than you want!!

"Little carp!"

"The strongest form!"

"Crush it!!"

Lin Jiuyou looked at the mantle rock flying rapidly in the air, and coldly gave an order.

Since the head teacher Qiu Qianqi let himself beat him hard and talked and laughed, then he will no longer keep his hands!


Don't blame me for a while!

If you want to blame the head teacher!

Silently defending himself in his heart, Lin Jiuyou continued to pay attention to the battlefield.

The strongest form?

After hearing Lin Jiuyou's command, the little carp in the air lit up.


It's been a long time since it's met an opponent in its own iron-clad Tyrannosaurus form that can hold out for a long time!

I hope this time the elf can give some strength!!

Twisted your neck!


The incarnation of the dragon!

Dragon's Wrath Fourth Skill!

The faint silver light flickered, and the scales of the little carp became stronger and stronger!

The body is strengthened again!

The size of the small carp is also a little bigger!

The Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus is online again!!

At the moment when the little carp became, the mantle rock also hit over!

The terrible fireball is burning!

The blazing temperature distorts the air around you!

The mantle rock rushed towards the little carp with great speed!!


"The big showdown has begun!!"

"You say, who's going to win this time?!"

Seeing this wonderful moment, some people have begun to look forward to the ending later.

"Tiger King!!"

"Anyway, I support the Tiger King!!"

"Lin Jiuyou is indeed strong, and the combination skills in front of him are powerful!"

"But, it's too late now!!"

"Tiger King, this blow is half mysterious, the stone is shattering, if there is no miracle, Lin Jiuyou's spirit will definitely not be able to withstand this blow!"

Some people shook their heads, not optimistic about Lin Jiuyou.

This half-mystical death impact of the mantle rock definitely has the ability to threaten the life of an intermediate trainer!

"That's not right!"

"What if the Tiger King's more talkative mantle rock defeats Lin Jiuyou's elf?"

"Don't forget, Lin Jiuyou still has a second elf, he is a junior trainer!"

There are also people who support Lin Jiuyou.

"Earlier, are you sure you are a fan of Lin Jiuyou?!"

"Don't you know?"

"Lin Jiuyou's purpose in coming to the battle tower is to contract the second elf!"

"Even if he has now contracted a second elf, so what?"

"Could it be that Lin Jiuyou can still hold an elf that is less than level ten and defeat the Tiger King's transcendental-level mantle rock?!"

More people looked at the person who said that Lin Jiuyou had a second elf just now


On the dueling table.

At the moment when the mantle rock was about to hit itself, the little carp roared!

Big mouth!


Water cannon!!

A huge jet of water is spewing out!!

The mantle rock is in direct contact with the water cannon!!

Big Impact!!



The blazing flames collided with the water!

Countless water mist fills the air, and the surroundings are hazy!!

Obscured everything!!

"What's going on?!"

"Who the hell won?!"

"Lin Jiuyou or is more and more talking?"

The moment the mist fills the battlefield, many viewers are asking a question.

Fortunately, the next moment.

The mist has dissipated!

The little carp stands tall in the air!

The mantle rock is falling with a bang!!

Bang Dang!!

The huge force of gravity smashed a small hole in the ground.

The mantle rock eyes are full of small stars.

Directly lost its combat effectiveness!!

The small carp in mid-air bowed its head.


Able to take it with two tricks!

This elf is not bad!

Looking at the mantle rock that fell to the ground and emitted black smoke, the little carp nodded with satisfaction.

When his water cannon skills bombarded the mantle rock, the little carp himself was not idle.

Taking advantage of the fact that the flames on the mantle rock basically disappeared, after the temperature dropped, the little carp directly swung its tail with a divine dragon!

Sneak attack with your tail!

The little carp, whose physical fitness has been greatly enhanced, not only has a great increase in defense, but also a lot stronger in attack.

In addition, the little carp's water cannon skill proficiency has reached mastery, allowing it to be slightly dual-minded!

Therefore, the mantle rock, which resisted the water cannon skill, could not have imagined that the huge tail was thrown directly into its face!!

On the spot!

Mantle Rock can't fight!

There is only one thought in the heart of the mantle rocks full of little stars!!

Sneak attack?!

This elf!

Don't talk about martial arts!!



"Three Tricks ?!!"

"Really ended the fight in three moves?!"

At the moment when the mantle rock lost its combat effectiveness, the audience boiled.


"Lin Jiuyou is invincible!!"

"The strongest newcomer!"

"The first junior trainer!"

Someone shouted.

Within three moves, solve the master's personal disciple!!

With such strength, the strongest newcomer deserves it!


"Mantle Rock has lost its combat effectiveness!"

"Lin Jiuyou wins!"

The referee announced the result.

Lin Jiuyou bowed slightly to the referee, and then slowly walked off the dueling platform.


"I actually lost?!"

"How can this be ?!!"

Hearing the referee's verdict, Yue Tan laughed and seemed to be unable to accept such a result for the first time.

I thought I would win a battle nine times out of ten, but I was directly crushed by my opponent!

Three moves!

Lin Jiuyou defeated himself in only three moves?!!

The more I talk and laugh, the more I feel like I'm dreaming!!

"That's it!"

"Don't be embarrassed!!"

A big wave of the hand.

Crane Lao directly pulled Yue Tanxiao out of the ring.

The next moment.

Lin Jiuyou also saw that there was a black mist in front of him, and then Crane Lao appeared in front of him.

"Wonder Candy!"

"It's yours now!"

Lin Jiuyou had a few more magic candies in his hands, and he was just about to thank Elder He.

Crane Lao has disappeared without a trace.

"Not bad!"


"You kid, you have the style of me when I was young!!"

The head teacher, Qiu Qianqi, walked over.

He opened his big hand!

"As your outstanding performance this time!"

"This is my extra reward for you!"

Lin Jiuyou saw that there were three more balls of light in his head teacher's hand.




There was an alluring glow in the three balls of light.

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