
The little carp let out a roar!!

A terrible majesty emanates.

Trait Intimidation Launched!

Flying Mantis, Twin Bullet Gas, and Stinky Mud, which have been affected, have reduced their attack power!


Lin Jiuyou's Kapu Fin also appeared.

However, unlike the tyrannosaurus that raged in the air.

The moment Kapu Finfin appeared, it put Lin Jiuyou behind her!


Kapu Fin raised her head, cautiously observing her surroundings.

She wants to protect her master!

Seeing the movements of his Kapu fins, Lin Jiuyou's heart warmed.

It is worthy of being an elf cultivated by himself!

It's intimate!

After discovering that Zhou Tianyi was in danger, Lin Jiuyou immediately notified the head teacher, and at the same time, he also took action.

Halfway through.

Before Lin Jiuyou could find any trace of Zhou Tianyi, he received a message from the head teacher.

The head teacher, Qiu Qianqi, told Lin Jiuyou that she had discovered Zhou Tianyi's location and asked Lin Jiuyou to hurry over.

He's got something delayed!

This time, it was two mid-level trainers who attacked Zhou Tianyi, outlaws who were saddled with murders.

The head teacher asked Lin Jiuyou to support him for a while, and he arrived immediately.

It was precisely because of the information of the head teacher Qiu Qianqi that Lin Jiuyou was able to arrive in time.

However, after discovering that his opponent was only two intermediate trainers, Lin Jiuyou had no fear in his heart.

A mere intermediate trainer, is it strong?

Can it be stronger than the eighteenth and nineteenth floors of the battle tower?

Lin Jiuyou didn't think so.

Therefore, in addition to acting, taking advantage of the fact that the two outlaws did not pay attention to themselves and only sent one at random, Lin Jiuyou decided to give them an unforgettable lesson!!


After getting Lin Jiuyou's instructions.

The little carp showed a happy expression!!

The incarnation of the dragon!

The Ironclad Tyrannosaurus is back!


There seemed to be a huge thunder in the air, as if to be lucky for the next performance of the little carp!

Pioneer of Courage!

Dragon scales!

Combo: Waterspout!!

In the blink of an eye, the little carp is in full swing!!


Countless streams of water gather!

The wind borrows the potential of the water, and the water depends on the wind!!

The moment the terrifying waterspout appeared, it directly blew away all the surrounding black fog!

The sludge bomb launched by the double-bomb gas had already been swept away by the waterspout before it touched Lin Jiuyou!!

Sludge bomb fails!!

"That's not right!!"

Ah Er, who discovered the abnormality, saw the hideous figure in the air, and a chill spread throughout his body!

Damn it!!

Is this a trap?!

"Double gas, smoke!"


Ah Er wants to retreat temporarily from the double bullet gas that he is too far forward to avoid the danger that may be coming!

However, it was too late!

, the terrifying waterspout, seems to have an advantage in the misty field under Kapu Finfin's men.

The hazy mist obscures the waterspout slightly!

This makes the little carp's combo skills more powerful!

A miss is as good as a mile!

In the mist, when you might have avoided the waterspout, it is very likely that you misjudged the location of the waterspout and hit it directly!!


The huge waterspout is like an Optimus Pillar, crushing all the way!

The terrible stream of water turned into the sharpest blade, cutting everything!!

As soon as the double bullet gas escaped from a distance of less than ten meters, the waterspout was already directly approaching!


The terrifying attraction directly involves the double bullet gas that wants to escape!

Water Blade Cutting!!



Double bullet gas directly seriously injured!!


"My double gas bomb!!"

Ah Er felt the serious injury of his elf and screamed wildly.

"Damn it!"

"I'm going to make you pay!!"

"Come out!"

"Monster, use the dissolving liquid!"

Ah Er summoned his second elf!!

It resembles a giant purple cobra, with a towering body, triangular eyes, and a mouth full of fangs!

As soon as it appears!

The lilac dissolved liquid flew to the little carp!


The little carp who turned into an iron-clad tyrannosaurus didn't pay any attention to the attack at all.

On the neck of a small carp.

A flash of silver-white light!


The water vapor of the surrounding dozens of meters seemed to be summoned, and it directly submerged into the waterspout!


The waterspout has directly become several times larger!

Battle Pass: Tide Resist!

High-level equipment that strengthens the wielder's ability to control water, and water will become your eyes within a radius of 10 meters!

Before going out, Lin Jiuyou had already armed his little carp to the teeth.


The waterspout, which is several times larger, directly uses the momentum of the autumn wind to sweep the fallen leaves, and hits forward!!

The Ah Bai monster summoned by Ah Er has not yet exerted his strength!

I've been caught up in a waterspout again!!


"My Abba Monster!!"

Feeling the fall of his own Ah Bai monster, Ah Er directly spit out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground with a bang.

Ah Da, who was attacking Zhou Tianyi, also discovered that something was wrong at this time.

I saw my brother Ah Er fall to the ground.

Suddenly, Ah Da's eyes were blood-red!!

"You're looking for death!!"

"Flying Mantis!!"

"Stinky mud!!"

"Kill him!!"

Ah Da directly put Zhou Tianyi and Haklong, who were already crumbling, aside, and turned around to attack Lin Jiuyou directly!!


Flashes of lightning!

The Flying Mantis turned into a phantom!

Arm knife unfolded!

A cold light appeared in front of Lin Jiuyou!

The stinky sludge swells directly on the ground, turning everything around it into sludge.

But, at this very moment.

Kapu Finfin's moved!

A layer of water curtain appeared, directly blocking Lin Jiuyou's body!

Water Flow Ring!


The blade of the Flying Mantis's arm was blocked by the water flow ring for a moment.

It was also this time that allowed the little carp to turn the waterspout in time!!


The next moment.

The figure of the little carp appeared in the sky above Lin Jiuyou.

The huge waterspout will involve all the flying mantis and stinky mud that can't dodge!!

Water Blade Cutting!!


The surrounding water vapor is constantly accumulating!

No matter how the flying praying mantis struggles with the stinky mud, it will slowly fall in the waterspout of the little carp!!

Crisis Resolved!!

This time.

Zhou Tianyi, who was not far from Lin Jiuyou, felt unbelievable!!


Is this still the Lin Jiuyou I know?

Looking at Lin Jiuyou not far away, Zhou Tianyi felt that he was hallucinating?

The terrible enemy that he struggled to resist was in Lin Jiuyou's hands, and he couldn't make more than a dozen moves?

How is this possible?

Sure enough, I'm going to die!

These are all hallucinations.

Zhou Tianyi sighed.

But, the next moment.


Lin Jiuyou slapped Zhou Tianyi in the face.

The severe pain made Zhou Tianyi realize a problem, that is, what was in front of him was real.

"You !!"


Lin Jiuyou, this guy, actually slapped her in the face?!!

Zhou Tianyi's eyes widened.

"What are you!!"

"Let's go!"

"You don't think this is the end of the crisis, do you?"

After Lin Jiuyou found out that Zhou Tianyi didn't burp, he was also relieved, and directly pulled Zhou Tianyi to prepare to leave!

It doesn't end there!

Vaguely, Lin Jiuyou felt that there seemed to be a trace of coolness behind him.


Ten meters away.

High walls.

A man in black stands on one knee.

"Your Excellency!"

"Just let them go?"

In front of the man in black, a masked man stood majestically.


ps: There is one more tomorrow morning!

Recently, it has been maliciously evaluated, for the quality of the book, please click on the five-star praise and book review to support the author, thank you!

By the way, thanks to Xiao Bo, who likes mountain peach trees, for urging the change, thanks to the user 93465718, Lone Bamboo 1991, Land of Chaos, . I'm really black, SANSDSXNSLB, round meat balls, Xue Yi, who loves cucumber branding, Qin Fuxiao, who loves potato fans, together, tomorrow, go hunting. , 飽䭋, user 60652891, meaning to make you laugh, gift of chaos clown!

Love you, Momoda!

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