"Why! Why do this to me! We have never met and we have never offended you! Why exactly? Hearing

Lin Fan's words, Li Yang roared and asked, no one could endure their little elf being killed in front of someone!


"You can now feel the mood I was in, when I lost all the elves! That's it, but it's nothing compared to your betrayal of me! I have always regarded you as a comrade-in-arms that I can trust behind my back, but you have treated me like that!

At this time, Lin Yuan walked towards Li Yang and came to him and said to him.

"What inexplicable words! We don't know each other at all!

Li Yang listened to Lin Yuan's words with a blank look, he is the victim, okay! He was inexplicably attacked by the middle-aged man in front of him, and now two more elves have died, and he may explain himself here later! How can you make a look like a victim!

"I'll tell you!"

The young Lin Yuan also walked over, and said towards Li Yang with a scared expression on his face.

"Lin Yuan! It's you, right! It must be you, it's you! Perhaps

seeing acquaintances, or thinking that they knew each other, Li Yang suddenly roared towards the young Lin Yuan, thinking that all this was his ghost!

"Actually, he is the future me!"

Young Lin Yuan pointed to Lin Yuan beside him and said.

"Future you! Are you kidding! You're kidding me, don't take me for a fool! How could someone travel through time! Hearing

young Lin Yuan's words, Li Yang didn't believe it at all.

"That's the way it is! Believe it or not, they are all people who have traveled back from the future!

Lin Yuan shook his head and replied to Li Yang with a helpless expression.

"Dad! Are you coming or am I coming?

Lin Fan asked towards Lin Yuan beside him!

"I'll do it! Goodbye Li Yang! "

Lin Yuan has been waiting for this moment for more than ten years! Finally wanted to kill Li Yang, but this time his expression was very calm, and there was no fluctuation in his heart.

"Tyrannosaurus, help me solve it, use the water cannon!"

Lin Yuan said towards the tyrannosaurus next to him.


Under Lin Fan's signal, the violent carp dragon roared, and a huge water cannon condensed in its mouth, attacking Li Yang, who was trapped in front!

Li Yang's body turned into pieces under the powerful attack of the water cannon, disappeared and fell to the ground!

And the desert dragonfly where it sits let out a wail!

"Let's solve it together!"

Lin Fan whispered to the Tyrannosaurus!

The tyrannosaurus looked towards the desert dragonfly with a fierce gaze, opened its blood basin and bit directly on the desert dragonfly's neck, biting it off.

"Isn't it much more comfortable?"

At this time, Zheng Xiuyu came over and gently patted Lin Yuan's hand and said to him.

"Much better, young me, can you release all your partners? I want to see them one last time!

Lin Yuan said to his young self on the side.


After saying that, he released all his elves!


"Six Tails!"

"Flame Horse!"

"Fire Monkey!"


Looking at these six familiar elves, Lin Yuan suddenly knelt on the ground and tears flowed from his eyes without fighting, crying.

"I'm sorry for you guys!"

Lin Fan looked at his father, and did not go to comfort him, but took the Tyrannosaurus and the Flying Mantis towards the distance, looking his head at the sky!

The six elves looked at Lin Yuan who was crying, a little inexplicable, maybe there is a bond that can cross time and space, although the six elves do not know the man in front of them, but that bond cannot be erased, and they all ran to comfort him! Keep arching him with your head!

Looking at the way the six elves comforted Lin Yuan, Lin Fan couldn't help but sigh,

"The bond between humans and elves can cross time and space!" Right, Tyrannosaurus!


The tyrannosaurus roared lowly and arched Lin Fan's body with its head, and its rough tongue kept licking his hand! And the flying mantis also rubbed his thigh.

The Fairy Ball hanging on Lin Fan's waist fell from his waist, and Bibi Bird also flew out of the Pokeball and kept shouting around Lin Fan!

"Xiao Fan! Let's go back!

After a while, Lin Yuan walked over with Zheng Xiuyu and said to Lin Fan.

"Well, I'll ask Sherabi to send us back!"

Lin Fan nodded and asked towards Sherabi.

"Sherabi, can you send us back now?"


Sherabi called with a nod.

"Can I take this child?"

Lin Yuan took out the poké ball containing a fire-breathing dragon and asked Sherabi.


Looking at Lin Yuan's elf ball, Sherabi thought about it and also called softly.

"Thank you, Sherabi!"

Lin Fan and the three said gratefully.

"Are you going back?"

At this time, the young Lin Yuan walked towards the three and asked them.

"Well, we should go back too! Goodbye young me!

Lin Yuan nodded and replied.

"So, am I really married to Zheng Xiuyu in the future?"

Suddenly, the young Lin Yuan's face turned slightly red and asked Lin Yuan.

"You'll know later!"

The middle-aged Lin Yuan said with a smile.


Sherabi called out a spatial passage opened behind it, Lin Fan and the three stood at the door of the space-time passage, and when they were about to step in, suddenly, the entire space-time passage began to collapse, Lin Fan and they quickly retracted their feet.

"What's going on! What happened!

Lin Fan asked towards Sherabi!


Sherabi let out a terrified cry! Directly flew into Lin Fan's clothes and hid, as if something had scared it!

A distorted space-time passage appeared in front of Lin Fan! A figure slowly walked out of time and space! With a terrifying coercion!

"It won't! A

trace of cold sweat broke out on Lin Fan's forehead! Quickly removed the master ball around his neck and looked at the figure vigilantly!

"Dad, Mom, stay behind me!

Lin Fan said towards his parents.

"What happened, Xiao Fan!"

Looking at his son with a wary face, Lin Yuan hurriedly asked.

"There's a scary guy coming! A

huge blue figure slowly walked out from the passage of time and space! They looked towards Lin Fan! With a little anger in his eyes! It is these people who disturb time and space! It took a lot of effort to reorganize time and space!

"Diya Luca!

Lin Fan let out a low roar! With an incredulous tone! I didn't expect to provoke this god!

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