Lin Fan felt a huge pain coming from within his body, as if he was about to tear his body apart.

"Bastard! Lin Fan let out a low roar, struggling desperately, wanting to get rid of the energy wrapped around his body, but his body was as firm as a magnet, and Lin Fan couldn't struggle with all his strength.

"Damn it! Lin Fan gritted his teeth and said, he could clearly feel that the terrifying power in his body was raging madly, wanting to destroy every inch of skin in his body, and a new energy appeared from his body and began to repair his body.

In this way, he is caught in the battle of two energies, both want to destroy each other, want to destroy the other, but cannot completely destroy the other.

Lin Fan now only felt that his head was cracking, as if it was about to explode, and his body was constantly trembling.

He knew that if he continued like this, sooner or later he would be overburst by these two energies, and then he would probably be directly wiped out, and even his soul would have nowhere to hide, and would dissipate in this world forever.

"No, I have to find a way to upset their balance! Lin Fan clenched his fists tightly, gritting his teeth, his forehead was exposed, and his whole body was constantly trembling, he knew that now was not the time to hesitate, he had to find a way to solve these two energies as soon as possible.

If you want to solve the two forces, the best way is to find a balance point, only by finding the balance can these two forces be completely suppressed, otherwise, sooner or later, he will be torn apart by these two forces.

Lin Fan took a deep breath, trying to control the energy of the superpowers in his body, guiding them towards the power of his waveguide, and then fusing the superpower and his waveguide power bit by bit, because Lin Fan had already fused these two forces, and it was also very handy, and with the addition of the superpower, his waveguide power also completely changed from blue to light blue.

The light blue waveguide superforce and the blue waveguide superforce collided madly in Lin Fan's body, and Lin Fan also constantly controlled, trying to completely fuse the two superpowers.

"Boom! The

violent impact made the entire alien space vibrate, and countless energy turbulences kept scraping around Lin Fan.

Lin Fan clenched his teeth, his face becoming more and more hideous.

I don't know how long it took for the blue waveguide power to finally weaken, after all, this power is always rootless, although it is huge, but once consumed, it is consumed, and the two forces in Lin Fan's body can slowly recover. Finally feeling that blue superpower and waveguide power gradually disappear, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then opened his eyes.

Lin Fan's body was filled with a faint blue mist, and a strange energy surrounded his body.

Lin Fan reached out and grabbed the light blue energy, and then sensed it carefully.

"Whew! Is this the power of the Waveguide Power Awakening? It's so powerful! Lin Fan slowly exhaled a turbid breath, feeling the surging power in his body, and couldn't help but show a smile on his face.

He finally understood why Solgaleo said that the power of the waveguide could be cultivated to the highest depth, and it could match some divine beasts.

Lin Fan originally didn't believe this sentence, but now that he saw his strength, he was finally convinced in his heart.

He absorbed all the power of the waveguide after the death of the white-robed old man into his heart.

The awakened waveguide power directly absorbed the energy represented by his superpower, and the blue waveguide power also turned light blue.

And he is now more comfortable using the power of waveguides.

"God said: This space will be restored to its original state at once!" Lin Fan suddenly spoke to himself.


As soon as the words fell, the originally broken alien space suddenly brightened, and then a light blue light flickered, the originally broken space seemed to be time turned back, the cracks in the space began to slowly approach, and finally the broken space returned to its original appearance, and Lin Fan's figure also reappeared in the space.

"God said: This world shall have earth, mountains, rivers, sun, moon, and stars!

Lin Fan closed his eyes and read silently.

His voice grew louder and louder, eventually resounding throughout the space.


Lin Fan's voice fell, and the space shook violently, and then blue pillars of light rose up into the sky, spreading out to the surroundings, shrouding the space, and a roar kept sounding.

"Boom! "

Mountains rise and rivers rush down.

A bright moon in the sky gradually emerged, and at the same time the sun was hanging in the sky.

It was as if a god had created a whole new world.

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