How did the giant vine suddenly fall, looking very badly injured.

Is this acting?

Almost all of them did not understand.

“The power of the law?”

Mo Jun’s eyes were solemn, following his grandmother, he had come into contact with many things that were impossible for outsiders to see.

He had also come into contact with the so-called law power, powerful and mysterious, and for him at that time, it was almost an irresistible force.

Even now, only one elf has mastered the fur.

The six-tailed one just now was definitely using the power of the law.

“It’s interesting, such a weak elf can use the power of the law, this six-tailed is really unique.”

“No wonder you can have that kind of strength.”

The things that are related to the law are very strong and incredible.

“The second game, Gu Qiusheng.”

The lights belonging to Lijia have dimmed by two, and the seagulls four are on.

This lamp represents the number of trainer spirits on one side.

Gu Qiu’s six lights were all on.

“Rokuo, come back.”

The six-tailed battle has reached this point, and it is almost the same.

The six tails did not resist this time, and directly asked Gu Qiu to take it back into the elf ball, and directly entered the elf living space through the elf ball.

This is mainly done to cover people’s eyes.

After all, it will be a little bad to disappear directly under the sunflower and appear directly.

So Gu Qiu chose to use the Spirit Ball as a medium.

“Although I don’t know what happened just now, according to my guess, your Six Tails should have comprehended that thing, which is really enviable.”

What Mo Jun could think of, Lijia also thought of.

The eyes were full of envy.

“Okay, in that case, let’s go to the third battle, who is your second elf going to play?”

Looking at the strong fighting intent in Lijia’s eyes, Gu Qiu smiled helplessly.

On whom?

Gu Qiu also had a headache.

Ibrahimovic 49, Shanaido 48, Menas 46, and Frog 37.

The level of these three elves is too low, and it is estimated that they will not be used in the next battle.

A pavilion owner like Lijia, the two level 56 elves just now should be her two lowest.

This is a requirement to become a librarian.

If you want to become a pavilion master, you must have six elves, and the strength of each elf cannot be lower than level 51, which is the realm of a quasi-heavenly king.

This Lijia should be considered okay among the pavilion owners, after all, even when the Overlord Flower did not break through to become a middle-rank Heavenly King before, the Overlord Flower was a powerful existence belonging to the peak of the Beginner-level Heavenly King.

According to Qiu’s estimates, Lijia still has at least one Heavenly King-level elf, and the remaining two will not be lower than level 59.

After all, Lijia’s disciple Qiushui’s Overlord Flower has reached level 60.

Gu Qiu knew Qiushui’s identity in the perfume competition just now.

“In that case, you are the only elf left to use.”

Gu Qiu muttered, and the Koga Ninja Frog appeared in Gu Qiu’s eyes.

Level 57 Koga Ninja Frog.

“It’s really a Koga ninja frog.”

Lijia found that she couldn’t see the level of Gu Qiujiahe Ninja Frog.

This also means that this Koga Ninja Frog’s level is above level 55.

“The water + evil attribute elves have no advantage for me.”

“Come out, Pyrast.”

[Elf]: Pyrast

【Characteristics】: Dry skin

【Introduction】: Mushroom elves, evolved from Pyras.

Pyrast is a Pokémon made up of a combination of insect-type creatures and mushrooms. The lower part of the bug is orange, and after evolution, its eyes roll white, it has three pairs of feet, and the first pair of feet becomes a large pincer. The mouthparts are also invisible.

The macular red mushroom on the back grows larger than the body, and also controls the consciousness of the entire elf.

[Attribute]: grass + worm

[Qualification]: Excellent

【Level】: Level 60 (Quasi-Heavenly King)

[Skills]: Parasitic seeds, screeching, scratching, hypnotic powder, paralysis powder, poison powder, sucking, growing, scratching, splitting, blood sucking, cross scissors, mushroom spores, head hammer, digging.

Pelast, which has dry skin, not only will it not be injured when it receives a move with the water attribute, but it will also restore its health volume due to the moisture of water.

Of course, if it is attacked by the fire attribute, the damage will be doubled, and with its own worm + grass attribute, this damage reaches a terrifying five times.

However, if you just consider the attributes of the Koga Ninja Frog, the water attribute move is basically wasted.

Evil attributes take twice as much damage when they take damage from the bug attribute.

From these point of view, Parast is basically the complete abuse of the Koga Ninja Frog.

“Pyrlast, it’s really a good choice, it’s a pity.”

Gu Qiu nodded and shook his head again.

“What a pity?”

Lijia had a bad premonition in her heart.

“It’s a pity that you don’t know my Koga ninja frog at all.”

As Gu Qiu’s voice fell, gold shrouded the body of the Koga Ninja Frog.

The brilliant gold is like a god.

Is it the use of the power of the law again?

A look of shock appeared in Lijia’s eyes.

Law power is the control of a higher level of power.

Generally, those who can access the power of the law are only at the level of the four titled heavenly kings.

But even they only scratch the surface.

If you want to be able to use the power of the law, you basically have to reach the realm of a champion.

Lijia’s scalp is numb.

In the face of this higher level of power, her elves could not reduce much of the restrained damage in attributes.

That is, it is equivalent to decoration, unless her elves also have law powers.

However, her attack will still have an effect on the Koga Ninja Frog, unless the Koga Ninja Frog can use the power of the law to defend.

“Paleste uses hypnotic powder to attack.”

Obviously, Lijia had not specifically studied Gu Qiu.

When Qiushui told Lijia last night, Lijia didn’t really pay much attention.

Even if Gu Qiu is a genius, he is still a junior, and it is impossible to win tomorrow.

In addition, Lijia is really busy today.

Koga Shinobi frog moved.

Every time he entered the state of the Nine Lamas, the eyes of the Koga Ninja Frog would become extremely serious.

“Doesn’t it work? It seems that it was blocked by the golden coat. ”

“This means that the paralysis powder and poison powder do not have much effect.”

Lijia looked at this messy field, full of snowflakes, ice chips, all traces of the previous battle, and she had a headache.

She had never seen such a difficult opponent as Gu Qiu.

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