Elf Tensei Kara no Cheat Kenkoku-ki
Lesson one: Military debate
After taking care of the turnip, I tried to return to Elsier and was stopped by Chemin the Yellow Fox.
"Brother Cyril, no lunch, go with me to get it!
"Oh, fine."
I have time until lunch, and the doctors can afford to lecture the Firefox from the beginning to the afternoon.
"Thank you, Brother Cyril"
And as Chemin told me, I walked to a river in the woods.
"Chemin, it's late to come. Yukino, I'm tired of waiting."
"Cyril, did you bring my brother? Cro, I'm happy."
By the river Chemin brought me, there was Yukino the silver fox, Krone the black arc, who finished delivering goat's milk.
"I'm still in a hurry. Come on, take a bath and get your dinner ready."
Copy that.
A water bath? Wait a minute.
Shortly after I stopped, the three of them were naked. It's cold just watching.
If you look closely, the air around them is shaking. I guess I'm warming up around you with fire magic.
"Let's do it."
"Chemin, wait."
"Oh, Cro's coming too"
And maybe so, the three jumped into the river in the middle of winter. I guess we're raising ambient water temperatures, not making them look cold at all, and we're shaking each other and bathing each other in water.
Brother Cyril, come.
"We're gonna water together."
"I'll just watch."
If I do the same thing, I'll freeze to death. Perhaps few firefoxes can do the same.
Keeping room temperatures constant is easy, but when you do the same thing outside, the force drains heavily. At any rate, the warmed air flows quickly.
Not to mention that even if you try to warm up in the water with the same procedure as the air, you have more power than the air, and the warmed water flows in an instant. It's quite a burden in a state of magic drooling.
I knew exactly what Ku meant when he said that the three of them were special and expected to have a future.
"Always, are you doing this?
"Yeah, I come here every day."
"The well gets mixed up because everyone uses it. A river can be washed without lining up."
"It's our only special spot."
That too, yes. Death unless you are so powerful.
Still, watching a naked, playful toddler makes me feel sweet. Oh, does it also make a difference in development, the black fox crone is peppery, and the yellow fox chemin is really slight but growing. Silver fox yukinos are decent.
All the time, I want to watch it on this occasion. I don't feel comfortable. As my brother, I want to watch my sisters grow. Looks like he comes every day, and occasionally he peeks before lunch...... takes a breath, no. Might as well come around to see if the impudent ones don't make a mistake.
"Dear Brother Cyril, I'm watching and I'll get some rice."
"Competition. The winner is the privileged seat"
"You can't beat me."
The three faces get a serious look. It's not tight because it's completely naked.
And I'm staring at the water. Concentrating.
Chemin moves up to the surface. Then the river fish...... probably Ivana rose in the sky and flew over here.
I saw the sight and remembered the scene where the bear hunts salmon.
I guess it's sensitive to signs and instantaneous because it has fox properties. Yukino and Krone also get their prey one after the other.
This is going to make lunch extravagant.
And after a while, the three rise from the water. Then the droplets evaporated in an instant, and then the tail burned in abundance.
With the habits of the Firefoxes, I occasionally oh and burn all the garbage, dandelions and fleas that go into my hair. That's why hygiene is secured and you can safely moff your tail.
Today's winner...
"Ugh, one difference"
"Clo didn't work at all"
"Yukino is the privileged seat today"
When it was lunchtime and I tried to go home, the three of us were going to stop me and have lunch with me.
I tried to say no, but the three of them made me look like I was going to cry and I was going to come with them. Yukino's on my lap, keeping my back. Lovely with a satisfying look.
Apparently, the privileged seat is on my knees.
"Yukino ~, 'cause I'm gonna win next"
"You can't even beat Crowe."
And Chemin on culinary duty started cooking. Plenty of goat milk in the torso, plucking out the barley and built-in and bumping into bone-by-bone Ivana and mushrooms in a luxurious way. Seasoning is salt only.
It is a surreal sight that heat passes through the Zundo only on its own without setting fire to it every time.
And just as the fire went through, I took out the cheese with my doya face.
"I'll be there. I'll put plenty of cheese in it."
"Come on, come on!
"Wow, it's cheese"
And add the cheese to the pan. Seems like they love fox sex or animal protein, and when they all have cheese, they get so tense.
When cheese is added, the richness and umami of the wheat porridge is doubled. The three daughters, as well as the other Firefoxes, are drooling in the luxury of being allowed only once every four days.
And when Chemin added the cheese, he could smell good around.
A lot of people don't like the smell of goat milk, but I like it a lot. The people who said they weren't good at fire foxes seem to have gotten used to it.
"Yes, I can do it. Guys, don't."
And finally, the wheat porridge is ready.
With a large torso, four or five people walk away from their share at a time and eat in a thoughtful place.
Yukino didn't go get it, and on his knees with a winner's grin, he waited for his losers, Chemin and Kronet, to come and set me and Yukino apart.
After a while, the chemins came with me and Yukino's share in addition to my share. Chemin and Klone on both sides. And there is a situation where there are no flowers in both hands, called Ku in the front.
"Mmm, delicious. I'm gonna fall in love with you."
"I'm stuck. Cro, cheese lovers"
"Chemin cooks well in plain sight... Yukino too, only there admits to losing to Chemin"
"Chemin's cooking skills are good, too, but it's because of the fish the three of us took that is so delicious. Thanks, guys."
"Sister Ku, that's not true. Until I did what I deserved."
It just makes me happy that the beautiful girls look delicious like this.
The wheat porridge tastes good with mushrooms, and the dropping of cheese gives it plenty of umami. Freshly caught river fish also have a wild flavor to tighten the flavor.
I chew every bone because it's a small fish, that's the fire fox stream, so I obey it too.
On a cold day, I'm happy to cheek on warm wheat porridge, sayin '.
Besides, today's dish isn't Elsier's treat, it's what they grabbed for themselves. I'm glad to hear that.
"I hope this day goes on"
Somehow whine.
The Firefoxes, while feeling sad, are rightly looking forward. Every day we all laugh with delicious rice on our cheeks like today. That seemed expensive.
To that end, we have to work hard on tomorrow's military debate.
At the end of lunch, where I'm off, I take out a handbag, three, a prototype when I make a brush for Lucier.
Lucier has made brushes because she has beautiful hair but doesn't take care of it.
But even with Queiro's technology, by the time Lucier had something worthy to use, about six failures had been made. That said... there is too much quality to give it to me other than Lucier, and I spared it to throw it away.
I'm sure the three Chemins will make the most of it.
"Yes, it's a gift from your brother to the three of you"
"Cro, I've never seen anything like it before. Yukino, you know what?
"I don't even know Yukino. And Chemin?"
"You don't know what Yukino doesn't know."
Apparently, the Firefoxes have never used a brush either. Then I just have to demonstrate and show it to you.
"Bye, Yukino. Hey, I'm gonna borrow your tail."
"Brother Cyril. Oh, so sudden. Fixed."
Gently lift Yukino's tail while on his knees.
Then, first, gently stroke to check the bristles and where they are tangled. And when I put my finger between my hair and pulled it, I felt hooked on my hair.
Seems like the husband and parents are the only ones who can hold the tail of the Firefoxes, but if you just touch them, they're safe. Most importantly, he gets furious when touched by an unfamiliar man, but if he sees me as his brother, he'll be fine.
"Hiccup, tickle"
Now, push the brush against Moffmoff's tail, gently, sometimes strong, and comb.
Then, the tangled hair unraveled and straightened, and the hair stuck to the tail with it loose even more beautifully, even though, the attractive silver tail of Yukino increased its radiance by its weird habit and lack of ambiguity and neat and smooth tips.
"Brother Cyril, this feels good"
It also stimulates pores so it has a massage effect and feels good, better blood circulation, removes skin stains and improves hair luster. So much so that a dog rushes over for pleasure when a leading breeder sets up a brush.
My arm is no better than that.
"Ha ha, happy"
Yukino was losing all his body power. He had just left his body with me, and brushing was over. I can fall in love with you. The last time I put my finger in the hair and pulled it, it flowed irresistibly, just like the first with my hand.
"Yukino seems comfortable. I want you to be a croc."
"Tail, wow. It's the princess's tail."
The two remaining ones are also making their eyes shine. Kronet the Black Arc was blinded by Yukino, who seemed comfortable, and Chemin the Yellow Arc was blinded by Yukino's tail, which had become clean.
"Come on, I'll do you both a favor"
"Wow. Brother Cyril, please"
"Ah, Krone. I'm usually confused... but I can't believe I got ahead of you."
Still blushing, slowly unloading Yukino the relieved silver fox, Krone now jumped on his knees. Instead of sitting behaving like a yukino, he dives from his stomach and puts it on his lap with him lying down depressed. The black tail was probably swinging in front of me.
"You're gonna learn how to do this to me, aren't you? From now on, the three of us will take care of each other's tails."
Brushing your own tail inevitably happens because it's hard to reach.
"Okay. Clo, Chemin, clean Yukino's tail."
"Good luck. I want this brush to be a testament to their friendship. It's a tool you can't use on your own."
"Yeah, I'll take care of it. Because we all love it."
When I say that, the three sister foxes snort. Then he grabbed the brush he handed to each one with his chest, and the three of us looked at each other and smiled like a cum.
Friends are good stuff.
"And Ku. You don't have to look like you want something like that."
"Shit, I didn't. Such a face."
Ku takes his eyes off me and blows a lousy whistle.
"I'll make a special brush for Ku that's perfect for Ku, and I want to take care of it, so I'll keep it here."
"Cyril, you and me properly...... yes! Looking forward to it."
The three of us who saw us like that turned red in the face, and, hey, he said. The words that I hear leaking, Sister Ku, are those words that you love and admire, and they were awkward.
That's the same with Ku, who poked their bright red faces at each other and laughed at each other with neither.
The next day, he held a military conference at the former village chief's house.
There are eight of us here: me as chief, Loreau, who sometimes acts as chief, and the five heads of the bloodstream who have held the elves together since time immemorial, and Ku, representative of the Firefox.
The village of the elves has since gathered authority in the village chief. It's a way for village chiefs to listen to their opinions around them and make all the decisions. Therefore, my decision remains the same, Elsier's decision.
I have to review all of them, but they are convenient now, so I leave them there.
Or so, if you go about things on your own without consulting around, you get disgusted, so this is how you need a place to make the facts that everyone says you're convinced.
"It was nothing else that got me together today. To talk about Elsier's future. In particular, the story focuses on making Elsier stronger"
That's the agenda of the table. This is also important, but the agenda behind it is also available.
"I'm going to share Elsier's current situation in order to talk about the future.
Elsier became much richer than when he was ruled by the Empire. Wheat savings are not comparable to normal years, and you don't have to worry about taxes in the future. In addition, the development of the fields of the Loreaux is well under way. The harvest will jump next year. Storage of dried meat is equally high,... thanks to the hard work of Loreux and the others. We can expect more prey from hunting in the future "
When I come up with Loreu's name, Loreu doesn't look too good.
"Come on. Sir, it's your power. With that crossbow, any prey is a good place to go. And pioneering, thanks to the iron tools the chief made and the wells he dug."
"It's not. I just fixed the environment. It was the Loreaux who did it. I'm grateful to be the chief."
"Oh, well, no, don't light it up."
Open your mouth gahaha and laugh. Loreu is easy to handle because it's so simple. Now, I have trust from around me. I want to keep it on my side on this occasion, so I'll take charge of it.
"Even precious salt is now readily available, and quite stockpiled in case. Plus it's big to get goat milk and cheese steadily. In the spring, turnips can be harvested, and in the summer, potato harvest. These are thanks to the Firefoxes. Thanks to them we have a rich life."
After I say that, I quickly see the faces of everyone here.
Ku laughed bitterly at my intentions, and the elves, nodding, rejoicing in their enriched lives. But one elf man looked uncomfortable for a moment and covered it with a loving laugh.
... Again? He was letting the Loreux and the others mark him in my absence, and it turns out he was in close contact with an Imperial soldier elf...... it's Raffa. I didn't want to believe it with him. The only surveillance I put on him was insurance, and my life was surrounded by the old village chief.
Raffa was a sweet adult. Thirty halves twenty years older than me. Born in an ancient house in a position to lead the elves, he often appealed to the spiritual village chiefs.
Good reputation from around. But he went crazy after the Empire grabbed him as a sacrifice for his wife and son, who were judged to have an epidemic disease and not be a workforce, and had no future.
With that in mind, I'll keep explaining the status quo.
"In two months, we can make specialties to get foreign currency. I inspected the market on my last buy out but can definitely sell at a high price. The money you get from this will be able to turn it into food, and entertainment.
That's not all, make the liquor from the specialty ingredients as promised. I've been watching the woods, but the ingredients look better. I'm growing up well. And the maker's problem, too, was solved. The power of the Firefoxes can do that. Honestly, the first time I said I could make booze, I was worried that I was the only person who could make it. "
"Hey, chief. Is that liquor tasty?
"Loreau, have you ever served something unsavory at an event I sponsored?
"Hey. This is what I can expect."
Loreu is vulnerable to alcohol, quickly drunk, and in a yummy tangle, but he loves alcohol.
No, elves and fire foxes like alcohol racially. If this is really possible, it will be food for living tomorrow.
"That's enough. Let's get down to business. What, the new chief gathered us to brag about his handles? Oh, wow, wow, that's it, and you're a doctor. And strong. Really, I envy you. I'm sure Cyril doesn't have a problem like us."
Earlier, Raffa, a traitor with a face, makes a disgusting voice.
Around Loreau tries to bite, but he puts his palm out in front of him and pushes it away.
"It's just a sharing of the status quo. I said I want you to recognize that I can afford gold and food in the future. And use that margin to make Elsier stronger. Armament boost."
Yes, no one is following me when I say I will invest in armaments, even though I don't have any food for tomorrow.
It's the first time I've had enough clothing and lodging to devote myself to anything else.
"Chief, what exactly are we going to do?
"So far, I've trained Crossbow and Brief Collaboration once every three days for three hours in the morning"
Before the battle with those five hundred men, they did it every day, but there were overt threats and the elves' motivation dropped, which made them less frequent every three days.
In fact, that would be the limit if we were to do it to one hassle of farming.
"Then you can't be a really strong soldier. Do not farm anything, just work out and be prepared. Occupational military personnel. Introduce it even in Elsier"
"Hey, wait, does that mean you keep training to fight an empire that you don't even know will come while everyone is desperately plowing the fields? That doesn't convince everyone."
"The Empire is bound to come. I'll convince everyone. Everyone feeds them on a daily basis, but vice versa, they do the most dangerous work when things happen. And the skill required for this is not a hassle in farming."
High professionalism, organic collaboration, tactical eyes that look at the whole thing to move at their discretion when. We need soldiers equipped with all of that.
And professional servicemen feel different from the rest. Fighting is life.
"If the chief says so, I guess he really needs it. So how many? How many of you are going to prepare that elite one?
To Loreau's inquiry, I put up two fingers.
"Two hundred? Are you insane, Chief? Elsier only has about two hundred and fifty firefoxes."
"Digits are different. Twenty. You can't do that in Elsier right now."
"Too little this time! Even before this, the Empire was at least five hundred men. What can only twenty people do?"
Loreau may well ask. But he's got the fundamental wrong idea.
"Loreau, that depends on the type of soldier you are. What I want is an excellent sniper... a reaper who kills signs of breath hissing for days and, if you have to, holds each and every one from out of their reach.
And scouts, gather accurate information without the enemy noticing you sooner than anyone else, and deliver it quickly. Those two types don't need a lot of numbers. I want to raise soldiers with both of those functions. Elf aptitude makes it possible. "
The minimum conditions for Elsier to win are two: not to collide head-on, and not to fight backwards the object to be defended.
If we fight from the front, we will be swallowed up once in a while again by an Imperial soldier who is expected to number more than 3,000, and we lose when the Imperial soldier makes the decision to ignore us and break into Elsier, even if we work out a plan to fight.
I think this fight is a loss when they get to Elsier.
I mean, before we get to Elsier, we just have to set it up early from here. Of course, it's impossible to defeat thousands of Imperial soldiers in just twenty. Still, I don't mind. It's not about defeating soldiers that matters. Winning.
I am also thinking of measures to that end. Perhaps there are between three and five hundred happy men who can die in battle within the Imperial Soldier, and the majority of them will die outside the battle or flee before the enemy.
The least I need for that operation is twenty elites I've worked out thoroughly and specialized in applications, plus two fire magic experts.
Twenty elite men are the limits of the workforce Elsier can put out, as well as the limits of the number I can coach myself.
"Besides. Next battle, they attack at least 3,000 people. It's an error where twenty people are 200."
"Come on, three thousand."
Loreau almost lost his hips. I can't help it, it's more than ten times the total Elsier population.
Even if there were about two hundred and fifty Elsiers, not half of them could fight. The power difference is a hundred times greater. It's not like the last battle against a five-fold difference in power.
"Let's surrender. There's no way I can win. I got rich. Even if they take the same taxes as before, they won't starve anymore"
Raffa, a traitor, sees it as an opportunity, speaks up where Loreau turns back.
"What now, we have painted too much mud on the face of the Empire. There is no way I can be forgiven. Besides, surrendering means offering your people a sacrifice. I hate that, we chose to fight, have you forgotten?
Raffa loosens her expression just saying she was waiting for my inquiry.
"You don't have to worry. Looks like we're offering a fire fox! I'm sure you'll forgive me for that. The Demon Stone of Fire is more valuable, if you give it to us, you can show obedience in form, and you can keep the face of the Empire. I'm sure it's not up to you to negotiate without sacrificing the elves!
I'm sure, but a mouthful of raffa who says he's sure he will. I'm guessing the Empire is planting an elf fan on him. But I won't let you. Avoid empire thoughts and get double espionage. Because this is how I let him swim.
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