Elf Tensei Kara no Cheat Kenkoku-ki
Lesson Six: To Survive
With more than a month of continuous training, most of my crew have gained basic health, so I've been working out bow skills lately.
Teaching witchcraft is one paragraph, and everyone can use [perceptual dilation] and [physical enhancement]. It's incredibly fast to improve.
The magic of secreting brain drugs besides their motivation and the lucier that drives it, plus my massage and healing magic, above all, a good and nutritious diet makes it possible.
Lucier doesn't seem amused that everyone remembers the magic that he does every day in one day, although he doesn't say it in his mouth.
Lucier's time is not a waste. Lucier's technique can be applied because it is a trial and error and a self-assembled technique. Changes to the effective range, rounding out information. None of this is possible for the other members.
I guess I'm just a little further away from realizing that.
Advanced bow training today. Make snow mountain climbing shorter than usual and use the extra time. What the average elves want is an effective range of 100m, but they won't talk unless they wear 200m projectiles in front of Iraqsa. Otherwise you won't win the next battle.
"Okay, guys. I'll have you blindfolded and practice your bow today."
"Cyril, why would you bother doing that?
"It's an exercise in [perceptual dilation]. The information obtained with [perceptual dilation] is better than that obtained with the naked eye. If you look at it with your eyes, the difference between high and low, the color, the intensity of the light, it really drives the sense of distance crazy."
"It's true, but if it's backlight or something, it's obvious. But I'm gonna take it off."
"If you can get used to the exact information you get in [Perceptual Extension], you can go one stage up as a bowman. Besides, we don't want a soldier in Iraq who's blind and untargeted.
Blindfolded but targeted means you can snipe from zero vision in the middle of the night. Great for an ambush. It will be your strength. "
"Ugh, blindfolded, that's a little scary"
Lucier looked a little nasty.
There seems to be resistance to using weapons that can kill people blindfolded.
"What if I train late at night? It's more practical that way, though?
"It's cold in the middle of the night, and the blindfold is better, but it's still there."
"Then let's be patient and blindfolded. It starts at the same time as the signal. Today's rule is to fire all twelve arrows within four minutes. Target is 200 meters away with a radius of 30 cm. Do ten sets, and if even one set of them hits 70% of eight arrows, you pass.
If you haven't had twelve after four minutes, even if you hit more than eight, you won't pass. Successful dinners await, and unsuccessful dinners are cookies. "
The time limit is four minutes, pinch the interval two minutes, so if you do ten sets, it's just an hour away. I wouldn't mind this much as it's inefficient to go on for a very long time.
I spoke more about the dinner than about motivation, but to get used to the pressure. I want you to get used to some heavy pressure.
"Chief, seriously. Don't give me that cookie or anything till night."
"Then do your best to guess. Release the arrow carefully in a hurry and it won't be so hard."
"Cyril, I don't know what you're talking about... but you have to do it. Cyril's rice is delicious."
Motivated by the face of the face of Irraxa.
A lightweight 200g piece made as a portable meal, yet a specialty cookie that exceeds 1000 kcal. I've been trying to get lunch done with it every day for the past month. We're all getting used to it and no longer resistant to finishing our meals with it, but you won't like it when it comes to it until dinner.
Even if not, to give you the morale of the face of Iraksa, every evening meal is made by me in vain and everyone is sincerely looking forward to their evening dinner. It should be hard not to eat that.
Everyone in Iraq blindfolded and set up their own crossbows.
Their crossbows are specially made.
I'm calling Queiro, and I'm making one new one at a time. It is individually adjusted to improve the material itself to give it more accuracy than the mass-produced type, while at the same time improving the performance bottom, making the wood part a slightly weaker tension than the strength of the limits that can be pulled with each [body strengthening].
Blessed are the metals and carbon fibers made of Dwarf's inherent magic, and their endurance is superior to that of mass production. Other grips and the like were fine-tuned to suit their respective preferences. I do my best to be their lifelong partner.
I hope this improves everyone's survival.
I'll make sure everyone's ready and open my mouth.
"All right! Here we go!
Everyone uses the magic of [physical enhancement] at best to pull strings. It's impossible to release twenty arrows a quarter while you're pressing the crossbow to the ground with your feet.
Next, after setting the arrows, when [physical strengthening], he started the magic of [perceptual dilation] and [wind avoidance].
Elves other than me can't simultaneously activate all three sorceries, no matter how much [perceptual dilation] is arranged to lighten the processing.
Two things are the limit. So if you just pull the string and play the trigger, [physical enhancement] will solve once. A normal bow would have required strength to hold the string and it would have been impossible to switch magic. It is an advantage because it is a crossbow.
Every day, we all unleash arrows without precipitation as to whether the results we were training to do so have been achieved, and almost simultaneously twenty arrows fly straight towards the target 200 m away.
Thanks to the magic of [Wind Avoidance], it does not stall because it does not suffer air resistance over honest ballistics without being affected by the wind, nor does it attenuate its power.
Arrow landing rate is about 80%. I do well under pressure and time pressure.
Exactly the first set hit more than eight out of twelve, which is a passing score due to unfamiliar circumstances and pressure to say blindfolded, only Lucier and Loreau.
But with every repetition we make, we all increase our accuracy. At the end of the fifth set, the majority had met the acceptance criteria in either set.
And only five were unclear after the completion of the ten sets, and fifteen actually completed the challenge of a 70% hit rate with rapid fire. It would be good for the first day.
"Good luck, guys. Not this time. Let's all do our next job."
"Cyril, who really couldn't, is dinner going to be that cookie? Poor thing."
"That's the deal."
You can't show your sweet face here. That will make you less nervous and just familiar.
And leaders should not lie.
"That concludes my training for today. Until the sun goes down, we'll be practicing on our own. Do this every day for a while. Also, if you don't want to feel this sorry for me, do your best to make it work. Well, I'll be there. Come back at dinner time, guys."
One last word, turn your back and I'll walk over to Elsier.
Turning back, we all remain, and advise the five of us who were no good today, oh no, not like this.
It's a good trend. It is huge that we are able to help each other naturally in this way. We can bond there because we're having a hard time together, eating the same kettle of rice and laughing.
It would facilitate communication of will and improve collaboration.
"Ilaxa looks better."
If we can all clear the bow's rapid fire, we'll work out the mental aspect next.
Training to build your patience as a sniper by letting your bow stand all the time and shooting past you at high speeds only once in time. I want to do this every day if possible.
Hellish survival of letting only ten specialty cookies get off Snow Mountain for five days.
I'm the one with all the VS. If you can't get me in three hours, skip dinner. It would pass if only twenty of us could capture me.
There are countless things to do. There isn't much time left. Still...
"You'll figure it out"
That seems objectively so. So much so that the face of Iraqsa was becoming a great soldier.
Enter a small cabin with no triplets, newly built next to the workshop.
There were still six little pigeons there. A pigeon commonly found in the surrounding woods, as an adult, it is a large and strong breed that can reach as much as 50 cm with wings.
Caught him in the woods, raised by me in a nest I built in the shed.
At the same time as I enter the cabin, the chicks squeal tall and tall. Growing up, they have an appetite and are desperate to eat.
"All right, eat a lot and grow up."
Feed the chicks a lot of barley based bait.
These children are finely crafted using witchcraft, further enhancing the strong nesting instincts of doves.
Unlike complex creatures like people, if they are about pigeons, they can be slightly stirred even while still cyrillic, without using [circular regression].
"Be splendid and work hard. You'll be our saviors."
Of course, I'm not raising this dove with Dada or insanity. They are, in a way, part of the Iraqsa elite that will be the key to saving Elsier.
By the time the snow melts, you'll be grown up and you'll be winging the sky mightily.
I smiled as I watched the dove flatten my bait like I was greedy.
When I'm done taking care of the pigeons, I'm going to the Firefoxes this time. I came to see if what I was asking for was made.
"Ah, Brother Cyril!
"Hello. Brother Cyril."
Yellow Firefox Chemin and Black Firefox Krone, who first noticed me, greeted me with a full smile.
My pretty sisters, but I'm missing something.
Yes, I don't have the silver firefox Yukino with me all the time. Chemin, Yukino and Krone think it's natural to have all three of them.
"Hi, isn't Yukino with you today?
Yukino is in special training with Sister Ku.
"Lately, after work in the morning, it's always been that way. Yukino, you said you'd do something dangerous right now so that something dangerous wouldn't be dangerous."
"That's amazing."
Koo seems to be working out Yukino for real.
"Cro, I wanted to train with Yukino and Sister Ku, but Cro told me no because I have a Cro job. That's why Crowe works hard for Crowe."
"Neither do I. So I hate that Yukino is the only one who feels painful and hard, but I decided to think that it would be best to work full Yukino minutes and allow Yukino to train casually."
Krone, the black fox, and Chemin, the yellow fox, said that with regret.
You really want to be with the three of us. But we're doing everything we can to think about the Firefox as a whole, and our dear friends.
"You're both great. I'll brush it for you later."
"Wow. Clo, I like Brother Cyril brushing...... but. Chemin."
"Isn't that right... Krone"
Klone and Chemin look out for each other. Then Chemin opened his mouth.
"Brother Cyril, right now, the hardest part is Yukino. So brush him to Yukino."
And he asked me to do it with a serious face.
Unexpectedly, I laugh with a tickle.
When I told Yukino I would reward him with a cream stew, Yukino would try harder, so he asked me to prepare it for three. And these kids say to Yukino, who works the hardest, they give up the right to brush that they love.
Really, he's a good friend.
"We're all working hard, so I'll make it for everyone today. But before you do, can you show me if the job you're asking for is done?
They both put a shining smile on my words.
I'm gonna rub those two heads off.
"Yeah, it's done right. Look, Brother Cyril, come here!
"Crowe worked hard, too."
Both hands are drawn by Chemin and Krone to take them behind the fire foxes' dwellings.
There was a big chunk of cloth in the rain.
The two of you take my hands off me, run over to a big chunk and get rid of the cloth.
There were a number of large water bottles that were made by baking soil that was likely to contain 200 litres.
I asked the Firefoxes to make Elsier specialties.
"This was made by Crowe."
I made this one.
Krone and Chemin each look proud as they wave their tails in front of the water bottle Mizukame they made.
Even for the fire foxes who can use earthly and fire magic, it breaks bones to make a water bottle this size clean. It would have taken a lot of trial and error to make all this stuff.
"You're both good. Yeah, this is good enough. That's a lot later. With a month left, are we likely to receive 100 of our target numbers?
"Of course it is. I already got the hang of it."
"I'll make you two hundred."
The two of you give me a nice reply.
To tell the truth, this water bottle was one of my concerns. Less than two weeks within a year you can use this to make specialties. If we couldn't have it by the due date, our next chance would have been next year.
With that in mind, it was in my eyes that Ku and Yukino were running towards the workshop.
The two expressions are impatient and only visible to each other. Not on my way home, I would still be in training.
Running speed is unusual. Forty kilometers an hour is going to be out.
As elves have great eye and magical qualities, fire foxes have excellent ears and tough, supple legs.
[Physical enhancement] The two run around at speeds higher than the elves they did without showing tiredness.
Of course, not all fire foxes are that capable. Gold and silver, the top species of cu and yukino among the fire foxes, which is why I can give that much speed.
I didn't let them train the same as the elves because their physical abilities are too different. It doesn't make much sense to let them go out of their way to climb Snow Mountain, and conversely, I can't keep up with the elves even if I tell them because they don't have bow aptitudes for two.
It would be good from Hell's Survival to train jointly with the elves.
A silver firefox Yukino is beaten to death by Ku. Ku takes it lightly and uses the momentum to throw it away, Yukino's body dances to the universe. But Yukino strikes a balance in the air and lands brilliantly from his feet, blind spots in a low position from behind the cu, impending again with bullet-like momentum.
Ku's ears move pickly. And without even turning around, he hooks his leg and gently pushes the upper body of Yukino as he paperweighs Yukino's attack.
Yukino fell off his face on the ground without even being able to receive it.
Firefoxes grasp the surrounding conditions with their excellent ears even if they don't rely on their eyes.
Probably forbid any witchcraft, pure beatings, and I can't beat Ku.
"Yukino, as I said earlier. The attack is too monotonous."
"Sister Ku. Then when I put the feint in, I said it would be better not to do it with a deliberate feint"
"Yeah, so fool me a little better. You're weak, so you have to use your head a little bit."
Yukino rises with tears in his eyes, again, challenging Ku.
Easily scowl at it. Ku's movements were cohabited by wild power and the reason for the martial arts layered with drills on the drill. Compared to that, Yukino's movement has only momentum, and no matter how much he does with that one, it won't reach Ku.
"Krone, is that what Ku and Yukino do all the time?
"Yeah. It's physical day, but yesterday was magic day."
"What do you do, by the way?
"Eh, keep putting out all the fire you can. It's over when you let it out all the time and fall. But, Sister Ku. I'm so angry when I stop even though I can afford it.
A warrior who can't even do his best in training dies out of hand on the battlefield. Stop putting out the fire and bury the fallen Yukino in the snow. I was so angry that the snow melted that it wasn't the limit yet, and then... "
Crone mumbles there. How bad did you do it?
"What's wrong with being angry?
"I kept snowing until the snow stopped melting, and after about thirty minutes of snow stopped melting, I dug it up."
"... stop it"
It is true that exercising witchcraft to its limits leads to an increase in the general possession of in-vivo magic "Odd," an increase in the technology of witchcraft control, and knowing your limits makes sense in itself, and will have guts.
But it's too much for anything. I'm just showing off the difference in power without giving all the advice of physical training right now.
But Klone and Chemin shake their heads at my words.
"Brother Cyril, you can't stop me. It is the Firefox Warrior who trains harder than death to avoid dying. When Sister Ku had Sister Ku's brother work out, it was tougher. Yukino knows that, and it's hard on Sister Ku to do terrible things to her favorite Yukino."
I can't say anything when I look at Krone's serious eyes.
Indeed, the warriors who were in the village of Firefox fought until the end, when it was that which gave up their lives. It may take so much arduous training to get so much strength in your mind.
"Besides, Yukino looks like she's having fun. Yukino, I'm getting stronger every day, and I'm proud to be treated like a proper firefox warrior."
I see Yukino again. Again and again, Ku beats me to death and falls like no other. But every time I get up.
When I looked closely, I moved somewhere differently every time. Every time Khu knocks me down, I analyze Khu's movements on my own, think about what's missing, and improve.
At all times, I remember with my body carving the pain, opening my eyes so that I wouldn't miss a single moment of Khu's movement.
There was a strong will for tears in Yukino's eyes and remorse in his expression, but still this time behind his eyes.
"If I stop now, Yukino will get really angry. That's why Crowe and I are here for you."
Krone is holding his fist.
It would be hard to see a friend get hurt. But I believe in Ku and Yukino.
"Oh well, you're trying... with your life"
Somewhere I was insulting them. He says he's a weak man I can't live without protecting and guiding him.
Even the maneuvers I'm thinking of didn't count as pure force just expecting their special abilities in the packing phase.
I was thinking about making it as safe as possible.
But they were strong and doing everything they could to survive.
Maybe the members of Iraqsa and the other elves are each fighting without my knowledge.
"Ah, look, Brother Cyril!
Chemin shakes and points in the direction where the coos are.
Just one blow. But Yukino's fist reached Ku.
Kuw smiles and strokes Yukino's head saying he did well. Yukino jumps into Kuw's chest in tears.
No, if I could show you something like this...
"I have to work harder, too."
Not as it is now. If the girls are working so hard, I have to work harder. That is the will of a man.
So that everyone who works hard can survive.
Make sure everyone laughs at the end.
That must be what I admired about my father. Because he is the ideal head.
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