Elf Tensei Kara no Cheat Kenkoku-ki

Episode X: The Day Before You Come Out

"All right, good job. It's a good drink."

I opened my mouth in a brewery made by remodeling an unused room in the village chief's house.

I have a taste of the liquor made from maple syrup today.

"You did it!

"I really could!

"Alcohol, alcohol"

The fire foxes who heard my words raise their voice of joy. I just miss having three lovely people like my sister. This is because the non-adult children are not allowed to participate in the brewing.

"Alcohol can be made so easy."

Kuw raised his voice in surprise and looked at a bottle of wine that was strangely completed.

"You'd think it would be easy from the coos. It's difficult to adjust the temperature. I think I really had a hard time trying to make it with the elves alone"

The liquor I made this time is made in the most primitive way.

It's done by pouring yeast liquid made from dried cranberries into a five-fold diluted maple syrup in a giant water bottle with snowmelted water and letting it sleep for five days.

Yeast breaks down the sugar from maple syrup and turns it into alcohol. And then, around 12% alcohol, they die intolerably from the concentrations of alcohol they produce themselves, so that's where the purification of the alcohol stops.

It takes four days for the fermentation of alcohol and one day for the yeast to die completely, for a total of five days.

The task itself is terribly simple, but the yeast does not ferment well if the water temperature is too low, and if the water temperature is raised too high, it dies in reverse. For five days, it needed to be kept at the right temperature, and without the help of the Firefoxes, it would not have been possible to make it this far.

"That, Cyril. I need a favor. Can I have a taste of it?

Ku spoke for all the fire foxes who were here. Like elves, fire foxes love booze. Not to mention the liquor we created from where we collect our own ingredients, which we are concerned about.

"Let me think about the taste, and I'll have to finish it before I do."

I smile and put about half a bottle of maple syrup in the water bottle. And stir and taste again. Yeah, it tastes good.

It breaks down the sugar and makes the alcohol, so when the liquor is finished, the sweetness is almost gone. So this is how you add syrup to the finish to taste it. Since the yeast is dead, giving new sugars will not cause any more fermentation and you don't have to worry about the sweetness disappearing.

"I thought about it, but you can't taste it. It's a show this afternoon, so bear with me until then."

"Cyril is sloppy even though I tasted it"

"I needed to finish it. And I'm not being mean. Our first emotion would be that we all want to share it together, wouldn't we? So let's hurry the bottle."

"... if you ask me that, yes. I want to have fun with everyone, too. Looking forward to the afternoon. Still, the pattern of the bottle is elaborate."

It makes me happy to notice that Ku is aiming for the fine work applied to the liquor bottle.

The surface of the bottle was marked with cranberry twigs and fox tails wrapped around the crossbow.

"I want to make this drink a symbol of Elsier. I'm wearing the Elsier symbol. Crossbow, the symbol of an elf active in the battle, Cranberry, who has long supported me in my life, and finally the fox's tail, the symbol of my new companion Firefox, well done."

And if we win the battle against the Empire, we plan to build a flag based on this.

"Yes, it's so cool and cute. By the way, what kind of alcohol are you making today?

"You didn't think of a name...... maple wine if you want it to be straight. Because that's not funny...... yeah, I decided"

Clear snowmelt water, and cranberries and maple syrup taken in the mountains that grace us, the taste of Elsier itself made with it alone. So if you're going to give it a name...

"Elsier wine. It's the only booze we can make here."

The moment I said that, Ku shrugged and leaked a small laugh.

"Qu, is that weird?

"No, it's a good name. I just remembered what Lucier was saying. Cyril said she's very romantic and kind at the root, even though she thinks rationally."

That's what they say and it lights me up.

"You're a romantic...... that could be true. Doesn't it look good on you?

"Yeah, that's what I love about Cyril. It's not fun to be with someone who's just right and cold. I want to be with Cyril all the time, and I'm happy to be next door."

I laughed bitterly when I heard Ku's dialogue.

Sure, I value rationality, but I also take my emotional aspects quite seriously. Rationality that ignores the emotional aspect loses efficiency on the contrary. If we are to operate a truly efficient country, we must also take into account the emotional aspects.

More importantly, it's happier and more fun that way. Otherwise there's no point in living.

But I can illuminate it when they say it face to face. As soon as I'm lit up, let Ku light up too.

"I'm happy to be with a girl as attentive and cute as Ku."

As soon as I said that, Ku turned red in his face and pinned his ears, and the other fire foxes screamed. The Firefoxes like these stories.

Sometimes Ku and I are liked, but sometimes we are hungry for love stories without being able to fall in love with ourselves. A fundamental solution is not yet possible, but it will improve somewhat.

"Hey, isn't everyone interested in matchmaking or something? Of course, Ku should never join us."

The Firefoxes tilt their necks at my inquiry. I didn't have enough words. I have to supplement it.

"The elves have a lot of single men because they are not allowed to have more than one wife except me, on top of more men. If you like, I'd like to create an opportunity to get to know you on the assumption of marriage."

Of course, there are considerably fewer single men compared to the number of Firefoxes.... and blah blah blah blah, there's a good reason to be a single man in an elf village with the value that it's normal to have a family. Still, there are many attractive elves headed by Loreu.

"Third is fine, Cyril is fine."

"Neither I nor I"

"... we should all stop. Master Ku is staring at you with a great face."

"Master Ku, I'm kidding. Just kidding. You're not going to get your hands on Master Cyril."

The Firefoxes see Kuw's face all at once, so I'm followed and I look at you. The cu was subtly swelling her cheeks, and she missed her eyes the moment she had a face.

Usually, I laugh when three cute people like my sister tell me to marry them, but I guess I can't ignore them when they're the words of the girls of my age.

"Ku, it's okay. I'm not going to get any more daughters. I won't like anyone until I grieve Lucier and Ku."

"... Even though Lucier is here, it's weird what Cyril liked me to say, but I'm so happy with what I'm saying right now. After all, as a girl, I don't like other people."

After listening to our conversation, the Firefoxes said it again and Qu gave me a gentle smile.

I cut out the story of the pageant for once.

Also, let's take a quick look at the reaction and set the scene if they want. I'm sure the elves and fire foxes will both be happy, it will be a good event.

Elsier wine tastings in the afternoon are not just tastings.

It was also a spectacular meeting of members of Iraqsa who will be out tomorrow.

Monitoring of the entry and exit of carriages carried out daily, changes began to appear in their aggregate results. By the time it is unusual, there are many carriages from the imperial side. It lasted a few days and returned to normal driving one day across the border.

At that point, as a result of my direct abduction of soldiers from the supply base, my hallucinations with medicine and witchcraft, I was able to find out the expected arrival of the Imperial soldier and even the amount of supplies to be handed over to the supply base.

Then soldiers are killing for mouth sealing. These exercises of strength are alarming when they are used more often, and most importantly, there is a danger that the fact that information has been obtained may itself be dispersed.

Because of this, it cannot be executed unless it is at a time when the enemy is convinced that they have information. The timing was measured by taking the means of counting the number of carriages.

To deduce from the amount of supplies to be handed over at the supply base, the number of enemies is around four thousand and five hundred. It's swelling up to 1.5 times the number of people Lurubisch was saying.

Tomorrow's march is the best way to make some extra contact with Imperial soldiers. I've already told everyone about it. That's why I want to drink the best liquor and leave with a smile.

"Guys, thanks for coming together today. Take the booze first. Drink the liquor we made today as planned and send everyone out of Iraq with a smile."

In the usual square, they gather almost all the people of Elsier, including the Firefox.

I don't prepare much food. I want you to spend the day with your loved ones rather than making a fool of yourselves in the face of Iraq. So, this place ends only with a liquor revelation.

By the hands of the Firefoxes, everyone gathered here is handed a warm glass of Elsier wine.

The snow melts and gets warmer, but this tastes easier and gentler to drink.

For the little ones, the alcohol was weakened by diluting it in half with water, and maple syrup was added for that matter to prepare something sweetened.

"The liquor we just handed out is the liquor made by the Firefoxes using the maple syrup we all took together, the cranberries we were used to, and the snowmelting water as ingredients. All our own liquor made with Elsier ingredients. So Elsier Wine and I named it."

When I say that, everyone stares emotionally at a glass of booze.

However, if you just want to get booze, you don't need to make booze out of Elsier.

Only five Elsier wines can be made with a bottle of maple syrup. However, if I sell one bottle of maple syrup, I can get one gold coin (60,000 yen), and if it is a cheap ale (barley wine), it is one bottle and twenty copper coins (800 yen), so I can buy seventy-five.

I know that and I made Elsier wine...

"This liquor tastes like Elsier's earth, like our homeland. I want you to carve this flavour into your heart. Especially for all the Iraqsas out there today."

I wanted the taste of my hometown, something like that. I can remember Elsier in a distant land away. I asked alcohol for such a base of mind.

Irraxa's face nods with a serious face.

"Hey, chief, it's good to carve it in your heart, but I guess it's good"

"Loreau. Drinking this is good enough to waste it on the battlefield and stop dying"

"I'm looking forward to that. Well, I'm getting tired of talking about it. Let's toast, chief!

Loreau gives a bright voice. Thanks to this, the air that was sinking just a little lighter, worried about Irraxa's appearance.

"Guys! Cover me up. Here's to blessing the brave warriors, and wishing everyone here a smile!

"" Cheers ""

Multiple voices overlap, and the sound of a glass and a glass bumping into each other echoes.

And the voice sounded good on the mouth.

"Yeah, it's really good booze"

The elegant and natural sweetness of maple syrup, the acidity of cranberries and the freshness of the snowmelting water that underpins it. They come together and spread in your mouth.

I think I can drink as much as I want.

"Cyril, this alcohol is delicious. A very gentle flavour to that. I'm relieved I'm just drinking."

Lucier comes next door and drinks a little Elsier wine like it matters.

"Right. It tastes sweet. It's true that this liquor is Elsier."

I look around and smile.

Friends and family are gathered around the face of Iraq traveling tomorrow to cry, laugh, and bump each other's emotions.

For example, Qu.

There were many fire foxes around her, and even elves gathered to collude about how comfortable they seemed to get along.

For example, yukino.

Chemin and Klone put tears in their eyes. Still smiling and telling them to work hard.

For example, Loreau.

The nasty faces of the vigilante laugh and hit each other with their fists.

"Guys, you're right positive"

There is no grief in the face of Irraxa. I had a strong will to definitely come back and a fervent desire to protect my people.

If I'd known, there'd be a crowd around me and Lucier.

That's the parent and child I helped as a doctor, my men in Elsier's operation, the girl who admires me, me and Lucier's friends.

Realize in advance that you are loved. And it also means I have to come back.

Thus, the tastings and grand parties went by.

Finally, I greet you.

"We, Ilaxa, are bound to win and come back. So welcome me in with a smile then, and let's all drink this booze again. Not a single one of us is missing."

That's my vow. Win without letting anyone die.

The empire will be quiet for a while if it hits hard in this battle. In order to attack with the loss of Elsier troops, it is necessary to turn the other troops and abandon the Empire's defenses. Come on, it cannot be implemented.

Besides, I'm going to do a lot of tricks as I win. Depending on the deployment, it will also be possible for the Empire to make a situation that is not the case with Elsier.

At the end of the spectacle, on his return, he asked everyone to bring home a bottle of Elsier wine as a souvenir. I'm sure a glass isn't enough for everyone to enjoy spending time with their loved ones in their respective homes.

Of course, I'm gonna do that, too. Spend the day with Lucier and Ku and the three of us. And tell the two of you how I feel properly, and show them in a clear form.

Everyone went home, and where people were gone, Chemin and Krone showed up. Yukino is already back at the workshop after being taken by other fire foxes. There must be a drop off just for the Firefoxes.

"I wonder what's wrong, both of you. Don't you have to be with everyone?

"Yes, I'm fine"

"I have something more important to tell you than that, Brother Cyril."

They both look scary and serious.

And they both lowered their heads and opened their mouths at the same time.

"Brother Cyril, please. Protect Yukino."

"I'm asking you to do it from Crowe too. Yukino, I'm scared because I'm trying too hard. That's why I want you to stop when you do something dangerous. Only Brother Cyril can help Yukino."

Well, I can't help but be anxious for Yukino, who has been with us all along, to do only one dangerous thing.

"It's okay, I'll protect not just Yukino, but everyone in Ilaxa. Like I said, nobody's gonna die."

When they heard the words, they looked at each other and nodded.

"Dear Brother Cyril. It's a promise. He said he'd protect Yukino properly."

"You keep your word, and when Yukino and I get back together, I'll give you what's most important to the Cros"

Two of you hold my hand in each of them. The hand was shaking.

"Yeah, I promise. I'll protect Yukino. Besides, even I want to protect Yukino with my pretty sister. So you don't have to get something important from Chemin and Klone."

That's what I said. They probably shook their heads when they heard me say it.

"I can't. Promises get lighter. That's why Crowe's offering something important to Crowe."

"Me too. Brother Cyril."

Never give in. They both had those eyes saying. It would be more rude to say no if you told me so far.

"Okay. I'll protect Yukino properly, so when I get back, I'll take what's most important to you two."

"Thank you. Brother Cyril."

"Clo, I love Brother Cyril"

Finally, the two of them, relieved or softened in their expressions, embraced me as usual.

And I wonder what the hell is so important to them......

Return to the house where Lucier waits with that in mind.

In a way, it's my fight when I get home.

While I was in the mood, I was rolling a ring in three pockets made of quality that was satisfactory at the end of the trial and error.

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