“So I understand.”

“No wonder you and my little brother are so close?”

Hearing Mu Bingxue’s awakening conditions, Tao Xiaoxiao looked at her with a wicked smile, “It turns out that you want to be with Brother Lin Yu…”

Mu Bingxue had already blushed to the base of her neck and explained, “No! I just thanked him for helping me at the Elf Center before! ”

“Oh? How to thank, thank you with your body? ”

Tao is worthy of the name of the female devil.

It’s a big bad wolf.

Pity Little Red Riding Hood Mu Bingxue.

She had never been so shy in her life, and she wanted to find a seam to shrink in.

“Brother Lin Yu, if you accept her in the future… I want to be big, not small! ”

Tao Yuxiao seemed to have thought of something.

Turned his head and looked at Lin Yu coquettishly.

Looking at this increasingly off-topic topic, Lin Yu coughed.

If we talk about it further, it will be overstretched.

Unexpectedly, the two sisters of the Mu family actually had the ability to “awaken twice”.

However, he should not have it himself, and he does not need it.

Lin Yu has a system, and he can awaken a few times if he wants to awaken a few times.

“Speaking of which, your flash Chillulian is good, huh? And that Leolu, which also looks like it’s about to evolve. ”

Looking at Mu Bingxue can no longer withstand it.

Tao Yuxiao no longer continued to bully her, turned more serious, and said to Lin Yu:

“For now, the cultivation value of both of them is higher.”

“But Charizard’s words can super-evolve… Probably not bad either. ”

“Of course, only if you have to get two stones to make this possible.”

Afraid that Lin Yu would not understand, Tao Yuxiao began to tell him some concepts of super-evolution.

“Lucario and Sha Naido can also super-evolve?”

Lin Yu wondered.

“Huh? May I? Tao Yulang paused: “I haven’t heard of it yet?” ”

“Then how do you know?”

Lin Yu opened his mouth and came: “I listened to what Leo Lu told me.” ”

Leolu sneezed in the senior ball.

“Huh? Doesn’t it take super strength to communicate with elves? ”

Tao Yuxiao thought for a while, but did not entangle:

“Take care of him, maybe Lin Yu’s younger brother is extremely talented, and he has gathered the three major divine powers in one, but he just doesn’t say it in a very low-key manner.”

Lin Yu rolled his eyes.

“At present, there are only a few elves that are known to be super-evolved, Mr. Champion’s giant golden monster, my father’s fire-breathing dragon, and the Lizard King of the Northern Province Heavenly King…”

“Your father?”

Lin Yu interrupted her.

“Yes, it’s the principal of the Genesis Academy, Tao Huashan.”

Tao nodded.

The air was quiet for a few more seconds.

Lin Yu’s heart was turbulent, the principal of the Genesis Academy!!

Why did this woman say it so expressionlessly!!

The four provinces of the east, south, west and north each have one of the strongest trainers in the Heavenly King Level, which is infinitely close to the championship level.

They are collectively called, the Four Heavenly Kings.

The headmaster of the Genesis Academy is said to be above the Four Heavenly Kings.

He is the trainer closest to the championship in the Dragon Country.

Without Guan Lin Yu’s shock, Tao Yuxiao continued:

“His Charizard can super-evolve, and after evolution, its appearance has changed a lot, and its strength is much stronger.”

“Moreover, after super-evolution, it can also change the weather! It can even make rainy days clear! ”

“Because of the attributes, the paper imperial sword couldn’t beat it at all before…”

Tao Xiaoxiao clenched the little powder fist and said confidently: “However, not necessarily now!” ”

Lin Yu thought thoughtfully: “It is a sunshine characteristic, it seems that it should be the Y form of mega evolution.” ”

His self-talk made Tao Yu in a trance.

“What with what?”

“Charizard has two super-evolved forms, in addition to your father’s Y form, there is another that will transform attributes into dragons and fire.”

Lin Yu said indifferently: “The whole body will also turn black, and blue flame dragon teeth will appear on both sides of the mouth – that is the X form!” ”

Now it was Tao Yuxiao’s turn to be surprised, and she said incredulously: “How do you know?” ”

“Leolu told me.” Lin Yu continued to open his eyes and speak nonsense.

Leo Lu: ……

Master, are you polite.

Tao Xiaoxiao did not doubt it, but nodded and wrote it down.

She showed a touch of charm and said coquettishly: “Brother Lin Yu, thank you for accompanying me tonight.” ”

“…… Ahem, this carriage is full of people, we just took a train. Lin Yu coughed.

The view outside has changed drastically again.

The towering Tree of Creation can be seen at this moment.

The clouds in the sky have been obscured.

The sun dripping down from under the Tree of Creation, decorating the atmosphere of the academy with a special flavor.

The closer the train gets to that huge college, the slower it gets.

Lin Yu looked out the window, the power of the waveguide on his body was chaotic, and a powerful aura came.

“It’s dawn, and the academy is about to arrive.”

“I may not see what it looks like if you won the freshman competition.”

See the station of Genesis Academy.

Tao Xiaoxiao showed sadness for the first time, and his expression was very reluctant.

The second monk Lin Yu was puzzled.

What’s wrong with this?

Not far away.

“Teacher Tao, the principal has already made the fifth call! Do you still not pick up? ”

Teacher Xu Kangsheng of the academy came over again and urged.

“Just not…”

Tao bit his lip and snorted before looking over.

“No need to answer, I’m coming.”

At the front of the train, a man in a trench coat and black-framed glasses stands.

He seemed to have wings behind him, and he could fly in the sky.

After a few breaths, the middle-aged man with glasses had already arrived before Lin Yu.

The speed is fast, the breath is strong.

It’s jaw-dropping.

“I’m afraid this is not the Heavenly King level?”

Lin Yu has a system in his body, and he can’t see through the realm of the man in front of him.

Not caring about everyone’s shocked gazes, Tao Huashan said lightly: “Good daughter, you really did a beautiful job.” ”

“Liu Hong, the Taoist-level trainer who killed the Liu family, do you know the mistake?”

Tao Huashan has a majesty that is not angry and arrogant.

“I don’t know, I’m not wrong! If you want to punish me, punish me. ”

Tao Xiaoxiao held his proud chest with both hands, and said angrily.

“Good! Good one, that’s right!! ”

In front of him, Tao Huashan’s anger could not be suppressed, and he said solemnly: “According to the laws of the Dragon Kingdom, even if you are a Heavenly King-level trainer, you will have to serve at least twenty years in prison!” ”

“Go to the Nether Prison of the Forest of Creation yourself!”

“Before the sentence is completed, unless there is a war of foreign beasts, you are not allowed to come out in a single step!!”

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