Just after the principal Tao Huashan left.

The remaining college teachers led the student team off the train.

Lin Yu was at the back of the line.

This site is also the time to part with the fighters.

“Student Lin Yu, you are welcome to visit the third base at any time!”

Before leaving, Li Hu gave a standard military salute to Lin Yu.

Behind him, the same was true of the ten remaining warriors.

“Company Commander Li, you have broken through to become an elite-level trainer.”

Lin Yu felt the breath on the other party and said.

Li Hu scratched the back of his head and said with some admiration: “Student Lin Yu, you are really a god!” ”

“You can feel it for just one night!”

After saying these words, Li Hu lowered his voice and came to Lin Yu’s side.

“Student Lin Yu, do you know? Yesterday’s beast tide incident was officially classified as a first-class secret.

“I don’t know what the reason is, but I can roughly guess a little.”

Lin Yu’s pupils shrank slightly, and he also whispered: “What do you mean?” ”

“This beast tide is not simple.” Li Hu said in a deep voice, “These animals have always been unorganized and undisciplined, but yesterday was too abnormal. ”

“Another three-sided encirclement, another cut off signal, attack by thunderous means.”

“There must be someone behind this.”

Speaking of this, Li Hu touched his nose, and his eyes showed a cruel color.

“You mean, someone cooperates with a foreign beast?” Lin Yu said in surprise.

“It’s hard to say, it may be that among these beasts, there is a very smart beast emperor or something.”

Lin Yu was puzzled: “A-grade alien beasts are called beast emperors, what is above this?” ”

“Even my regimental commander doesn’t know.”

Li Hu waved his hand.

“Student Lin Yu, you are gifted, you are a great benefactor of our entire company, and you are the hope of my Dragon Country! Please be careful! ”

After saying a few more heart-wrenching words to Lin Yu, the soldiers finally dragged their tired bodies and walked towards their base.

The base of the Tree of Creation is still some distance from the academy.

They’re going to go back with their wounds.

Although they blocked the beast tide in Jiangcheng, they also saved a cart of students.

But there were ten people left in the company of more than a hundred.

The fighters had no face to say that they had won the battle.

The comrades-in-arms who lived and died together in the past have now turned into dry bones in the grave.

So cruel.

So, they’re going to walk back.

Even if Li Hu felt that his bones were about to fall apart, he just endured it.

This pain is proof that he is alive.

It is also for the warriors in the spirit of heaven to see.

Although he broke an arm and was seriously injured, he still stands!

Li Hu decided to live with the hope and strength of the whole company.

Continue to fight with these beasts to the death and defend the country.

Lin Yu watched them disappear into the distance.

“Lin Yu, we should go!”

When I came back to my senses, the student team in Southern Province had gone far.

Only Mu Bingxue was still waiting for him.

The other students didn’t dare to say hello to Lin Yu anymore.

They saw yesterday’s events with their own eyes, and they all felt that they and Lin Yu were people from two worlds.

It’s like a student at Jiangcheng No. 1 High School.

In just one day, the gap between Lin Yu and them was like a heavenly graben.

Genius, can only play with genius.

These ordinary people can only look up.

“Can you put the Poke Ball into it?”

On the way to the meeting point, Lin Yu asked casually.

“Well, it can be later.” Mu Bingxue said in a low voice, “I tried many times before, but I couldn’t build trust with the elves. ”

“That day, after seeing you, I seemed to think of my sister again.”

“Growing up, I only lived under her light.”

Speaking of this, Mu Bingxue sighed, her eyes full of unwillingness.

“It is that feeling of unwillingness that sustains me, and the snow boy seems to feel that we can finally trust each other.”

Mu Bingxue looked at the Pokeball in her hand and said faintly: “But this is far from enough, I am only an entry-level trainer.” ”

“I don’t know when I’ll be a junior trainer.”

“My sister Mu Bingwan, it is said that she is already at the Taoist hall level, and she is only a junior.”

“I may not be able to catch up with her for the rest of my life.”

As he spoke, Mu Bingxue became more and more inferior.

Lin Yu rubbed his forehead, very hurt.

Good girl, how did it come to this.

It’s not good to have a genius sister?

How can you be overwhelmed?

“Yo yo yo, not bad, alive to school.”

Just as he was thinking, a frosty voice sounded.

The waveguide force of Lin Yu’s whole body was triggered like a conditioned reflex.

Even the power of superpower formed a barrier and attached to him.

What a strong breath!

In the next second, in front of Mu Bingxue and Lin Yu, a ray of ice came instantly.

The air seemed to drop a few degrees.

“Waveguide Shield!”

Lin Yu’s heart sank, and he greeted this ice intent.

In an instant, the ice edges scattered, turning into ice crystals flying in the sky.

Like snowflakes, the north wind is shaky.

Mu Bingwan looked at the teenager in front of her, and her eyes showed a trace of surprise.

And quickly and fleetingly.

“Sister, after so many years, you are still the same waste.”

“Rely on someone else to protect you?”

Mu Bingwan didn’t know when, she had already come behind the two.

Lin Yu’s back was already soaked, and cold sweat slowly flowed.

Tao’s murderous aura can only be felt by others.

But for Lin Yu, it was completely convergent, so he couldn’t feel it.

But this woman behind her.

Killing intent, never left himself.

Mu Bingxue on the side also bit her lips, unable to speak.

Seeing this, Mu Bingwan still did not forgive, and said lightly: “Sister, if you talk about you, it will be forgotten if the realm has not grown.” ”

“The vision of finding a boyfriend is also outrageous.”

When the words fell, Lin Yu moved in an instant, and came to a distance of ten zhang.

This woman is not easy to deal with.

And Liu Hong’s rice bucket is not a level!

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