Chapter 73 Clearing the Cave! Open the Reward Chest!!

Heard Lin Yu’s voice,… Mu Bingwan, who had been tense and nervous, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

She said grumpily, “You’re finally here.” ”

I don’t know when, Mu Bingwan herself felt incredible.

She already trusted Lin Yu completely.

Seeing this man, I inexplicably felt at ease.

Zhan Youyou also cried: “Woohoo, classmate Lin Yu… The dragon is so terrible, I want to eat meat…”

If it weren’t for her obsession with dragon meat supporting her, Zhan Youyou would definitely not be able to persist now.

“Hard work two… It shouldn’t take more than five minutes, right? ”

Lin Yu’s voice came from below, “When I slaughter this beast too, let’s talk again!” ”

Follow the prestige.

Three figures flew straight into the sky, flying at a very fast speed.

Land sharks bear the brunt of the bite.

It is a Pokémon capable of flying at supersonic speeds, sweeping hundreds of meters in one breath.

Above the sky.

The Yindi Dragon Emperor felt the disappearing breath, and his golden pupils were filled with shock.

It flaps its huge wings and constantly causes strong winds.

“Nope!! No way!! ”

“You killed Xiaotian!!”

The dragon claws that fiercely bitten the land shark cut through the air, and two sharp rays of light struck towards the Dragon Emperor of the Yindi.


The two attacks collided, producing a fierce sound.

The same dragon claw against dragon claw.

A grade alien beast, the Dragon Emperor of the Intoning Earth.

Unexpectedly, several deep blood cuts were cut by this blow of dragon claws.

“Shout what!”

Lin Yu followed, and Charizard arrived at the same time.

“You’ll go down to accompany him right away.”

A ghost-like figure struck, and the sound seemed to come from hell.

“Burn out!”

The fierce flames rose at once, manic and furious.

Almost instantly, it spread to the body of the Yindi Dragon Emperor.

The hot flame is like Amaterasu, as if to burn everything.

No matter how the Yindi Dragon Emperor flapped his wings, it was to no avail.

“Abominable mortals!”


It said incompetently and furiously.

Not long ago, it was just jealous of that terrifying puppy.

Super Lucario.

Now, every elf except Lucario can kill him!

The Yindi Dragon Emperor was completely anxious.

“How can it be! Where are so many powerful Pokémon! ”

“You elf, what the hell is going on!!”

It was burned by the flames, struggling painfully.

In the end, the Yindi Dragon Emperor did not care about any shame or shame.

One head towards the ground.

It’s going to escape.

The Xiaotian Dragon Emperor is already dead, and the Yindi Dragon Emperor does not want to be buried with him.

In this battle, there is not even the slightest chance of victory.

Fighting is just waiting for death.

As long as he passed through the black summoning stone stele, the Yindi Dragon Emperor could return to his own territory.

Lin Yu’s appearance may always be in the shadow of its heart.

This teenager is not at all what the word human can describe.

It’s just perverted!

“Yo yo yo, Lord Dragon Emperor, why are you running away?”

Lin Yu changed his mount and is now sitting on the back of the fierce biting land shark.

Like a jet, it’s amazingly fast.

The Yindi Dragon Emperor flew desperately, and he couldn’t pull away at all.

“What the hell is this elf!!”

Looking at the fierce biting land shark that looks like a shark, it turned out to be a flying dragon.

The Dragon Emperor hissed suspiciously.

“Not only that, but it also digs holes.”

Lin Yu showed a harmless smile.

“Bite the land shark, quicksand hell!”

Seeing that he was about to approach the ground, the Dragon Emperor even saw the hope of life.

A manic tornado blew and whipped up a sandstorm.

The desert quicksand on the ground formed a vortex that surrounded the Dragon Emperor of the Yindi in it.

There is no view in all directions, and there is no way to break out.

If you break hard, the quicksand will trap the Dragon Emperor tighter, and even receive high damage.

“Quick, let the emperor out!”

Trapped in the quicksand, the Yindi Dragon Emperor did not have a little shelf, and said in a low voice: “If you kill me, you only have experience points.” You keep me, I can do a lot for you! ”

Lin Yu ignored him and threw out another pokeball.

Being soft is not Lin Yu’s style.

In the face of killing, only decisiveness.

“Sha Naiduo, use the moonburst.”

The Dragon Emperor in the quicksand hell looked up at the sky.

Dazzling moonlight, never seen before.

Shining Shanaido sings softly, and her short blue hair flutters in the wind, elegant and beautiful.

A vast moon fell from the sky like a meteorite.


At the last moment before the death of the Yindi Dragon Emperor, he seemed to see the Moon Palace Fairy.

It constantly shook its head, very resistant: “No, no! I don’t want to die yet! I haven’t become a dragon yet!! ”

“Goddess-sama save me!! Lao Zu…”

The stronger the person is, the more fearful he is of death.

The huge moon smashed down, leaving a deep crater in the quicksand hell and the world was quiet.

No begging for mercy, no roaring.

The invincible Dragon Emperor was destroyed by the moon.


Lin Yu suddenly felt that the roots of his ears were clear, “What’s going on with this one by one, can’t you be quiet when you die.” ”

【Ding! Congratulations on killing the A-level alien beast Yindi Dragon Emperor! Gain 762,200 XP points! 】

The system prompts that it is another experience of more than 700,000.

The elves of Lin Yu’s evil team upgraded for a while.

Lucario only advanced one level, and after spending thirty thousand experience points, he reached level 60.

This was followed by Charizard, Sha Naito.

After the three elves reach the upper limit.

All the rest of the experience goes through the learning device.

Assigned to a fierce biting land shark an elf.

【Ding! The level of the fierce biting land shark has been increased! Level 48→ Level 60! Learn a new skill: Dragon Constellation! 】

“The experience is actually just right.”

Lin Yu was very satisfied.

The fierce biting land shark has risen twelve levels in a row, and it has also reached the upper limit.

I also learned a super strong AOE skill for dragon clearance.

The Dragon Constellation is also called the Draco Meteor.

The remaining three elves have no newly learned skills.

Most elves will not learn skills after level 50.

At this time, the skill machine will be used.

Between thoughts.

Just after Lin Yu killed the Dragon Emperor of the Yindi.

The entire desert ground began to shake.

There was a mechanical sound in the sky.

“Congratulations to the three trainers for clearing the fifth layer of the Genesis Cave.”

“Please go to the bonus area and open the cave treasure chest.”

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