Chapter 81 My sister wants to kill you!!

Hearing this, Lin Yu was stunned.

Where did he get his uncle?

“Lin Yu! I’m coming to see you! ”

Before the thought fell, there was a call not far away.

Seeing the pot-bellied figure, Lin Yu’s brows suddenly stretched.

Sure enough, it was him.

The principal of Elf No. 1 High School, Cao Zhihong.

Of course, Tao Huashan knew that Lin Yu graduated from Jiangcheng High School, but he doubted the relationship between the two.

The Lord of the Nether wondered, “Is he really your uncle?” ”

“What’s wrong! This is my own nephew! ”

When Cao Zhihong heard this, he directly hooked Lin Yu’s shoulder and said, “Isn’t it like that?” ”

Lin Yu is indeed handsome and dashing, and there is a touch of heroism between his eyebrows.

It’s just that because his strength is too dazzling, many people ignore Lin Yu’s appearance.

On the other hand, Cao Zhihong.

A bloated and greasy middle-aged man, his body is blessed obviously.

Tao Huashan held back a smile, it didn’t look like it at all.

Good a nephew has.

Lin Yu coughed and said with a faint smile: “Uncle, didn’t you say that you can’t tell others?” ”

As soon as this word came out.

Tao Huashan, the Lord of Netherworld was slightly surprised.

Crouch, open your uncle.

“It’s okay, Principal Tao and Warden Shi are not outsiders.”

Cao Zhihong smiled with satisfaction.

Lin Yu can’t help it, this fat man is still good to himself, just cooperate with him.

“Hehe, then you guys talk, I’m going on patrol.”

The corner of the Nether Lord’s mouth twitched and he walked off the platform.

In the Nether Prison, the number of prisoners is small, but they are all very special existences.

Constant patrols are necessary.

As for Tao Tiantian… Although she is a prisoner, you look at her.

It’s all about to ride on the warden’s head.

“Lin Yu, I came to tell you something today.”

Cao Zhihong saw the warden leaving, took out his mobile phone and whispered: “Look at this elf, do you know?” ”

In the photo, it is a flamboyant sloth.

Positive elongation of the limbs.

“What’s wrong, isn’t this a lazy man?”

Lin Yu recognized this elf at once.

Finally evolve the Leave King, the high race value is scary.

It’s just that because of the [Lazy] characteristic, attacking one round requires a round of rest.

So, it seems stupid.

“This one is different! Don’t you see it standing? ”

Cao Zhihong said seriously: “This lazy man is not a lazy characteristic!” ”

“And this kind of thing?”

Lin Yu was shocked.

Does King Leave still have hidden features? Haven’t you heard of it?


Beside Lin Yu, a high-level ball opened Lucario and looked at the photos on his mobile phone, looking excited.

“You say, you know this lazy man?”

Lin Yu asked.

Lucario is a strong point of beauty.

When he was in the wilderness area before, he also fought this lazy man.

The strength is scary, absolutely superb.

“A few days ago, I saw it in the wilderness area of Jiangcheng, but with my ability, I can’t contract it at all.”

“It’s a superb elf, and it doesn’t look at me at all.”

Cao Zhihong touched his nose and said a little embarrassed.

Lin Yu touched the handle: “There is no lazy character of the king of leave… That’s an exaggeration, right? ”

And listening to Lucario, this lazy man may also be qualified for this, and he is still a little interested.

Cao Zhihong also nodded: “Now it should still be there, you find a chance to fly back once and give it to the contract.” ”

“If you evolve into a leave king and can shoot continuously… It’s outrageous. ”

Tao Huashan on the side listened for a long time and was silent.

In the small Jiangcheng, there are so many superb elves.

This era is really different.

Lin Yu wrote down the coordinate and patted Lao Cao’s shoulder: “Oh, next time this kind of thing, just call, why run it yourself.” ”

“It’s not that you can’t get through the phone, I’m worried that something happened to you before I came to see you at the Genesis Academy.”

“As soon as I arrived here, I heard that you went down to the underground cave, and then I stayed for a few days.”

Speaking of this, Cao Zhihong showed a shocked look on his face: “Boy, I watched the battle just now, and you really scared me half to death.” ”

“Whatever, sprinkle water.”

Lin Yu is very low-key.

“Hehe, I heard that you went to the underground cave with Mu Bingwan and a little loli?”

“How, did you take it?”

Cao Zhihong regained his flattering look.

Looking at his evil smile, Lin Yu asked in a low voice, “Old Cao, are you honest, is the story about this necklace different from what you said?” ”

Lin Yu took out the ice diamond, still dazzling…

“It’s not the same, but it’s not much different.”

Seeing Cao Zhihong’s grinning look.

Lin Yu instantly understood.

Sure enough, it was this guy who was playing tricks.

“What are you talking about?”

Not far away.

Looking at Cao Zhihong and Lin Yu, the two of them whispered.

Tao Tiantian didn’t know when he came over, and directly lay on Lin Yu’s back, and then, she hooked her hands around Lin Yu’s neck and put her head on Lin Yu’s shoulder: “Tell me too?” ”

“Well, we’re talking about postpartum care for sows.”

Cao Zhihong spoke quickly.

“Then what’s there to talk about…”

Tao Tiantian rolled his eyes.

Then, she leaned a little on Lin Yu’s back and exhaled, “Brother, my sister wants to kill you.” ”

“Do you think your sister has it?”

Lin Yu felt the feeling of his back, and his old face couldn’t help but blush.

“Ahem, Sister Tao, your father is watching from the side.”

“So what, just show him.”

Tao Tiantian didn’t care about this at all.

“By the way, do you know that the rookie trainer competition is ahead of schedule?”

“I know, Principal Tao told me just now.”

Lin Yu nodded.

“Three days later, it will be held in the Dragon Country Demon City.”

“Well, sister looked at your strength just now, and you should be able to win the championship with your feet.”

“However, my sister doesn’t just want you to win the championship this time.”

Tao Tiantian winked at Lin Yu.

Lin Yu was slightly stunned: “What do you mean?” ”

“Come here.”

Tao Tiantian put his mouth to Lin Yu’s ear, and after taking a bite, he said, “Sister still hopes you…”

Lin Yu listened to Tao Tiantian’s crazy words.

Eyes widened.

“Do you really want this?”

“Are you afraid?”

“Don’t be afraid, what’s there to be afraid of.”

“After all, I have Principal Tao’s backing.”

Lin Yu turned his head to look at Tao Huashan whose face was very dark.

Faced with his daughter’s such an act in front of him.

It is difficult for Tao Huashan not to face black.

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