Chapter 83 The sisters have eaten the rice bowl, do you still want to?!!

Looking at his daughter’s white face.

Tao Huashan, a father, inevitably has a burst of angina.

I originally wanted to teach Lin Yu a lesson today and get off the horse.

Who knew that this kid was simply against the sky, and he was about to wrestle with himself.

“I haven’t even seen him Lucario shoot, and the hole card.”

Tao Huashan smiled bitterly and looked helpless.

Cao Zhihong on the side was still flattering and flattering: “Principal Tao, they are young people, they always love to play. ”

“Let’s leave them alone!”

“This time I came to the academy, in addition to visiting Lin Yu, the main thing is that I have admired you for a long time, so I came to see you!”

Tao Huashan suddenly became interested: “Oh? Do you adore me a lot? ”

Cao Zhihong patted his chest, his face full of sincerity: “Of course!” I have long heard that Principal Tao Huashan is highly respected and tireless. ”

“What educator in the world does not use the pottery school as a guiding light!”

A meal down.

After all, Tao Huashan is still younger, and he is blown so much that he walks.

“Well said! Come on, I still have two bottles of treasured Moutai here, let’s talk while drinking. ”

Just when the two hated each other too late, they saw each other as they were.

A wisp of black smoke streaked across the sky and landed at the entrance of the Genesis Forest.

The long black dress with strange beautiful pupils makes her look absolutely beautiful.

In bad time, the entire Pokémon of the Genesis Forest rushed to their heads in horror.

On the contrary, every foreign beast is active and abnormal.

Qi Qi let out a roar.

It seems to welcome their goddess.

Tao Huashan sensed something, looked at the sky, and exclaimed: “She actually came!” ”

“Rare guest!”

Just when it came from afar.

Above the sky, a fire-breathing dragon and an armored bird galloped away, very fast.

The direction is the direction to the southern province.

She frowned.

Don’t go out early or late, just go out when you arrive!

Although he was unhappy in his heart, Bai Qian turned into a wisp of black qi again and chased after him.

Tao Huashan looked at the distant figures of his daughter and Lin Yu, and was amazed.

Is this going to elope?

“Just let her catch up? Will it be okay~? ”

The Lord of Netherworld didn’t know when, revealing a pair of dark green eyes.

A deep voice came.

“What can happen? Do you look down on my daughter, or do you look down on that kid? ”

Tao Huashan smiled lightly.

“Hehe, it’s not a family, don’t enter a door.”

Warden Shi didn’t say much and withdrew his gaze.

As everyone knows, Tao Huashan looked at the sky for a long time, unprecedented excitement.

He said silently in his heart: “Beast goddess, rub that kid’s sharp energy for me!” ”

Lin Yu and Tao Tiantian were of course going to Jiangcheng.

One purpose is to contract the lazy man mentioned by Cao Zhihong.

Another thing is to go to the front line of the southern province to investigate the situation.

Now, among the four provinces of the Dragon Country, the Alien Beast Riot in the Southern Province is the most serious.

The Tree of Creation base has sent a large number of troops to help the front line in the past few days.

Above the sky.

Charizards and armored birds are fast, and the scenery below changes rapidly.

“Brother Lin Yu, it seems that a woman has followed.”

Tao Tiantian glanced back and said.

“Well, I sense it.”

Lin Yu nodded.

“Another big beauty!”

“Do you really stick flowers and grass outside, even eat all the sisters’ rice bowls, and you still want it?”

Tao Tiantian said grumpily: “Greedy little brother.” ”

“It’s still that sentence, I want to be big, not small!”

Lin Yu smiled bitterly, “I don’t know her at all?” ”

What is this white, Lin Yu has never seen it at all.

And looking at her means, it seems that she is not a Terran.

It’s just that Lin Yu’s perception tells himself.

The woman behind him is at most a heavenly king-level, far less than Tao Huashan.

In that case, don’t take it to heart.

“Less comes, man’s mouth, deceitful ghost.”

Tao Tiantian hugged his chest with both hands and snorted.

Lin Yu touched his nose and looked at the scenery of Nan Province below, feeling a lot of emotion in his heart.

Unexpectedly, in just a few days, he came back.

It’s just that this time back.

Lin Yu is no longer the Lin Yu of a few days ago.

Not long after, he opened the coordinates on his phone, glanced below and said, “That’s almost it, land!” ”


Tao Tiantian jumped directly from the sky, opened his arms, and enjoyed the thrill of bungee jumping.

Lin Yu was taken aback.

This crazy woman is really wild.

Then he jumped with him.

It only took more than two hours to fly here at full speed from the Genesis Academy.

Much faster than a train.

If you ride a fierce biting land shark, it can be faster.

“Whew~This girl is finally worming herself again~”

Tao Tiantian laughed heartily and sang the beauty of freedom.

There is almost no prison song.

“Sister Tao, where are you in prison, it’s just a vacation?”

Lin Yu couldn’t help but complain.

“Can’t say that, this time you robbed the prison to rescue me, in a few days of the trainer competition, the Liu family will definitely find you trouble.”

Tao Tiantian said positively.

“The Liu family? Maybe there will be no Liu family in the future. ”

Lin Yu’s eyes were cold, and the killing intent was fully revealed.

Seeing the expression of the young man in front of him, Tao Tiantian smiled lightly: “It’s ruthless enough, I like it~”

The two landed against the coordinates, and the vitality of the field area came into view.

It is still the familiar Jiangcheng Spirit Center, which is as bright as a lighthouse not far away.

With the arrival of Lin Yu and Tao Tiantian, the elves in the entire wilderness area moved.

They all rushed towards the two.

“Little brother, are you really popular?”

Tao Tiantian looked at so many Pokémon, all looking at Lin Yu curiously not far away.

I was inevitably surprised.

Lin Yu leaned down, and a faint affinity spread out.


A small Lada very obediently touched Lin Yu.

Look at the affinity and healing power emanating from Lin Yu’s body here. Tao Tiantian grew his mouth: “You, you are!” ”

“Tokiwa no Force!!”

Her little mouth grew so big that she couldn’t close it.

“Do you really have two divine powers?”

Even Tao Tiantian, who was also peerless, was stunned at this moment.

“Not long after awakening, I am not yet skilled.”

Lin Yu said lightly.

Tao Tiantian simply didn’t want to talk to the guy in front of him.

For the first time, she felt frustrated by being compared.

Fortunately, this is her man.

【Ding! God-level selection opens! 】

The system’s beep suddenly sounds.

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