Chapter 94: The Gift of the Sea God, Canghai God Temple!!

A group of students walked out of the underground cave passage in a mighty manner.

See the numbers on the huge test machine at the door.

They were all dumbfounded.

More than 60,000 values for four soldiers!

Second only to the record played by Principal Tao Huashan that year!!

Who can believe that this is a learned to do?

Teacher Cheng, who led the team, dropped his jaw even more: “Super Lucario!” ”

“It’s a hyper-evolved elf!”

“Could it be that the kid has already come out of the five-story underground cave?”

For an extremely rare elf like Lucario, the Genesis Academy couldn’t find a second one.

Teacher Cheng can almost assert that this is Lin Yu.

“Lao Cheng, you quickly take out your mobile phone and look at it!!”

The leading teacher on the side looked at his mobile phone for five minutes, and almost didn’t glare out.

Inside the Genesis Academy forum one message after another.

Each one is shocking.

“Special enrollment Lin Yu, it took 8 days to clear the five-story underground cave!”

“mega evolution! Super Charizard actually has two forms? ”

“Bite the land shark, an elf never seen before! The meteor shower swarm almost destroyed the Nether Prison! ”

“Special student Lin Yu commanded the super fire-breathing dragon, fought fiercely with the principal Tao Huashan, and finally took Tao Tiantian away…”

The popularity and comments under this message are all unprecedented.

Every title is like science fiction.

Let the teachers and students be directly dumbfounded.

After entering an underground cave, how did the outside world seem to be turned upside down?

is also a freshman, this Lin Yu, why is the painting style completely different from them?

Is this still human?

It didn’t wait for everyone to ease from their astonishment.

Huge test machine at the door, the numbers are updated again.

“Test Genie: Sha Naido.”

“Skill: Monthly explosion, test index: 254020.”

“Current all-time ranking: No. 6.”

“Test Genie: King of Leave.”

“Skill: Million Ton Punch, Test Index: 228900.”

“Current all-time ranking: No. 7.”

Two messages in a row, popping up again.

Looking at the test values that shocked the world.

Everyone looked at each other, searched for a long time, and did not find the figure of the tester.

Teacher Cheng immediately reacted: “This kid, in the fifth-level training room on the second floor!” ”

“Level 5 training room? Doesn’t that require the Heavenly King level to enter? ”

The other teacher paused.

“This is impossible, it’s only been a few days of admission, and I already have the strength of the Heavenly King?”

“That training room, I can’t stand even for a second when I go in, he seems to have been in for hours?”

“What an international joke…”

Even the teachers at the Taoist level have broken their defenses, not to mention the students.

They felt dizzy, and the joy of victory was gone.

It’s shocking.

Originally, it only took ten days for these freshmen to clear the underground cave and get a purple reward.

Breaking school records made them all a little complacent.

To put it bluntly, it’s all a little inflated.

But who knows, it only took this special enrollment Lin Yu 8 days to come out of the five-story underground cave!

“Fifth floor! That’s a beast emperor!! ”

“Didn’t you see that everyone is in the fifth-level training room! It shows that Lin Yu also has at least the strength of the Heavenly King level! ”

“Sleeping, there is a pervert!”

“Wait, doesn’t that mean he can go to the Rookie Trainer Competition this year?”

“Freshmen going to the rookie contest?? It’s unheard of. ”

“No wonder you want to block the news. The Dragon Country has produced such a peerless demon, you must not scare the people of those countries into pee…”

When the crowd whispered.

In the training room on the second floor, there was a muffled sound.

It immediately attracted everyone’s attention.

Mu Bingxue’s beautiful eyes flickered, and she looked at the second floor of the training hall with some concern.

Level 5 training room.

Lin Yu is still above a sea area.

In front of him, the sea god Lokia was still flapping his wings.

Huge winds and waves are constantly rolling.

But other than that, it doesn’t have any other skills.

Therefore, Lin Yu can constantly use the strongest skills of the elves and strike with all his might.

The Lokia constructed from this training room, no matter how high the damage, will only fall into the storm and the ocean.

In a few breaths, you can fly into the sky again intact.

“Worthy of the legendary Pokémon, the power is indeed terrifying.”

Lin Yu could feel that this Lokia was just being beaten unilaterally and did not strike with all his might.

Otherwise, its power may be enough to subvert the world.

Regeneration and resilience alone are at the top of the superpower system.

Yes, “Poseidon” Lokia… It is actually super energy plus flight attribute, no water attribute.

“Come again!!”

The five elves beside Lin Yu are ready to go, intending to use their own tricks together.

With the bonus of Tokiwa’s power, the Pokémon’s attack power is fully enhanced.

The most terrifying of them is the mega Lucario.

Super evolution, the power of waveguides, the power of Tokiwa, plus the characteristics of adaptability.

The wave missile in its hand is really as terrifying as a yuan qi bomb.

“Come on, use the strength of your whole body!!”

Lin Yu carried out the breath of his whole body and yelled.

The five elves responded to the cries, one after another.

They hit the strongest blow, as if they were about to merge.

Pour down towards Lokia in front of you.


A pink super barrier rose from Lokia’s face.

With just one hit, defend all five Pokémon’s attacks!!

A huge shock wave and explosion swept through the training room.

The storms on the sea are getting more and more raging.

Lokia waved her wings, beaming lightly towards Lin Yu’s forehead.

“If you have time, go check it out.”

Say it.

This world-famous sea god swooped down from a high altitude.

The choppy appearance of the entire sea area gradually subsided in front of Lokia.

The controller of the world’s ocean currents, the god of the sea who guards the ocean.

Show its amazing divine power.

Lin Yu’s eyes froze, and a map was instantly constructed in his mind.

When he looked at the map carefully, four clear words appeared in front of him.

“Canghai Temple!!”

Lin Yu didn’t wait for him to come over from the shock.

LV5’s training room, ocean, sky, storm, all disappeared.

Return to darkness.

Tao Huashan sat in the office, his palms trembling slightly, and took off his black-framed glasses.

“I+, isn’t it?”

“Flaming bird! It’s not the same as saying yes!! ”

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