Chapter 97 Lightning Bird or Czech Roma?!!

Lin Yu said with an angry expression.

This Mu Bingwan, what’s the matter?

Do you still want to take your sister’s clothes?

Is it pink control, or sister control?

After finally knowing the ins and outs of the matter, Mu Bingxue looked angry and muttered shyly: “I’m sorry, Lin Yu, I misunderstood you.” ”

“It’s okay, I’m a decent gentleman, I won’t do such a thing.”

Lin Yu waved his hand.

Under the sunset, Mu Bingxue’s red little face matched her little hands that she had nowhere to place.

It has become a beautiful landscape.

At this moment, in front of Villa No. 1, the door slowly opened.

Lin Yu and Mu Bingxue were both attracted by the sound of the door “creaking”.

Follow the prestige.

Tao Tiantian poked his head out and said curiously: “Huh? Isn’t this the second girl of the Mu family? ”

“Why don’t you two come in?”

After Tao Tiantian said this, he paused slightly.

As if she had thought of something, she said excitedly: “Do you want to play some exciting game?” Take me one!! ”

Lin Yu glanced at her helplessly.

This female devil has no shape from day to 08 night.

When Mu Bingxue saw Tao Tiantian’s figure, she subconsciously took a few steps back.

Little sheep, of course, are very afraid of big bad wolves.

Mu Bingxue remembered the last time she was on the train, and she almost didn’t find a crack to get into.

So, she said, “No, if there’s nothing to do, I’ll go first!” ”

Just when Mu Bingxue wanted to take a step ahead.

Tao Tiantian didn’t know when, he had already circled behind her.

“Oh ~ Sister Xue’er, it’s coming!”

“Don’t rush to leave~ Is it good to warm the bed for our brother Lin Yu?”

Mu Bingxue was pushed all the way into the villa.

Just when passing by Lin Yu’s side, Tao Tiantian did not forget to wink at Lin Yu.

It looks very cute and playful.

As if to say “another one”.

Lin Yu sighed and helped his forehead.

In this house, there is enough for a table of mahjong.

I don’t know, is my two waists enough?

Inside the living room of the villa.

Lin Yu and Tao Tiantian sat on a couch.

Mu Bingxue was alone, sitting on a small sofa.

Before the coffee table, Tao Tiantian skillfully used a fruit knife to cut an apple.

Then cut into pieces and feed Lin Yu piece by piece.

Every time Lin Yu ate a piece, Tao Tiantian would ask him: “Is it delicious?” ”


Lin Yu nodded.

The intimate movements of the two people soon made Mu Bingxue’s face red.

Every time Tao Tiantian always deliberately did this in front of her.

It was as if the main palace was establishing majesty.

But Mu Bingxue is a little bird according to the character of people, and it is impossible to compete for favors.

I can only watch from the sidelines.

“You know, did your sister go to the magic capital first?”

The three of them sat in front of the coffee table, in order to break the awkward atmosphere.

Lin Yu asked casually.

Mu Bingxue nodded: “Well, but I don’t know what she is doing in such a hurry.” ”

On the side, Tao Tiantian said a small piece of news: “It seems that I heard that a large thundercloud has inexplicably appeared in the sky above the Demon City recently. ”

“There is a suspicion that there are legendary Pokémon inside.”

“It’s just that a lot of trainers get lost when they fly into the thunderclouds, and they can’t find the north at all.”

Lin Yu came to be interested, and suddenly a large thundercloud appeared, and there may be a divine beast inside?

“Could it be the Black Dragon ——— Czech Rom?”

That guy is an electric and dragon attribute, and it is normal to be able to summon thunderclouds.

“Or the Lightning Bird?”

Lin Yu thought about it and planned to leave tomorrow.

So, he said, “Let’s go a day in advance, you can book the hotel first, and take a look at the thundercloud by the way.” ”

Tao Tiantian raised his hands in approval: “Yay! Tomorrow morning, let’s go to the Magic City! ”

Mu Bingxue did not express an opinion.

Freshman year just finished freshman training and had three days off.

Just in time to go to the rookie trainer competition.

She plans to check it out together, too.

“Sister Xue’er, sit on my sister’s armor bird tomorrow~”

Tao Tiantian gave her a look.

Mu Bingxue nodded gently.

Just when the atmosphere of the three is harmonious.

In Lin Yu’s room, Bai Qian suddenly pushed open the door and walked out.

She clutched her chest and said angrily: “Tao Tiantian! The clothes you gave me can’t be worn at all!! ”

“Huh? You fart! You’re obviously about my age!! ”

Tao Tiantian was stunned for a moment, and in order to maintain the dignity of women, he retorted.

“You don’t come to this set! Brother Lin Yu won’t like you just because you’re a little older! ”

“Who wants him to like it! Obviously your clothes are too small! ”

Bai Qian’s face was uncontrollable, and his palm was about to start fighting.


Lin Yu and Mu Bingxue saw a snow-white scene in front of them.

All slightly dumbfounded.

Mu Bingxue was surprised why there was another woman she had never seen in this room.

It’s okay to look so good.

The point is, don’t wear clothes yet.

Is Brother Lin Yu really that kind of person?

Her small mouth opened slightly.


Lin Yu quickly patted his face and sobered himself up.

Then, he said squarely: “If you do it here, don’t think about it in the future!” ”

This is a villa, decoration is very expensive.

Where can it withstand the toss of the heavenly king?

If you are not careful, it will be broken.

Sure enough, the demon goddess under the fence heard Lin Yu’s words and forcibly suppressed the anger in her heart.

After snorting coldly, she turned around and went back to the room.

Slam the door shut.

Tao Tiantian was like a flattering fox, lying on Lin Yu’s shoulder.

Thump here, pinch there.

“Brother Lin Yu, you are really fierce~”

“It’s so manly, I like it so much~”

Lin Yu held his forehead, his face gloomy.

These women, hey.

Especially this Tao Tiantian.

I’ve never seen anything so skinny.

After sitting for a while.

In Lin Yu’s mind, a prompt suddenly popped up in the system.

【Ding! Need for foam frog elf eggs, remaining incubation time: 1 hour! 】

“It’s not early, rest early.”

Seeing this prompt, he immediately stood up and prepared to go back to the room to wait for the hatching.

Mu Bingxue and Tao Tiantian also stood up at the same time.

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