Chapter 100 The Lightning Bird’s Response! Above the thunderclouds!!

Lin Yu saw the choice of the god-level system.

The mind is in mind and the horse has a decision.

“The requirement of the mission is to capture it with the master ball.”

“That is to say, I use the high-level ball to catch the lightning bird, and the master ball to catch the empty seat ~… That’s no problem! ”

Lin Yu thought clearly.

This time, the reward of the god-level choice.

S-class electric power, Lin Yu he already has.

Another level of flying power, in the future, you can get the stone slab and immediately awaken.

It can be said to be mediocre.

And the reward of choice two is S-level super power.

Like the power of the waveguide on Lin Yu’s body, the power of Chang Pan, it is one of the three major divine powers.

With the power of superrestraint, the three major divine powers on Lin Yu’s body can be gathered.

The reward alone is worth a thousand points.

Let’s talk about the content of these two tasks… There is no comparison at all!!

Can the Three Silly Birds be compared to the Rift Seat?

Of course not!

“Sister Tao, you take the goddess to the hotel near the Elf Square to open a room first.”

Lin Yu looked at the black and oppressive dark clouds in the sky.

The eyes were full of heat.

Since the system prompts you, it means… The rift seat is there!

“What’s wrong? Do you have anything to deal with? ”

On the armored bird, Tao Tiantian asked suspiciously.

They flew for more than half an hour, and the magic city could only see a rough outline at present.

There are still tens of kilometers to a distance.

Lin Yu nodded: “Well, I’m going to take a look inside that thundercloud.” ”

Tao Tiantian’s eyes suddenly lit up: “This way~ Is Brother Lin Yu finally going to start catching divine beasts?” ”

She looked excited, seemingly interested in legendary Pokémon.

Although Tao Tiantian is a Heavenly King-level trainer, he is also known as a peerless genius once in a hundred years.

But in fact, she had never seen a single divine beast except for her father Tao Huashan and a flame bird.

And the character of that flame bird is also very eccentric, and most of the time it does not listen to Tao Huashan.

Only at a critical moment of survival is he willing to come out and show his face.

It’s not so much that Tao Huashan is its owner…

Rather, it is Tao Huashan who offered the flame bird as an ancestor.

“My old man is so cardless, it’s up to you!”

Tao Tiantian gave Lin Yu a heart and signaled him to cheer up.

Lin Yu looked at ease, took out a high-grade ball, and the fierce biting land shark appeared instantly

“Don’t worry, I will definitely catch a wind pull back this time!”

If the Rift Seat is not handsome enough, the other Pokémon in this world are all younger brothers.

That’s the god of the sky!

Just when Lin Yu rode on the fierce biting land shark, ready to move forward at full speed.

Bai Qian suddenly grabbed Lin Yu’s arm, and his beautiful eyes flashed.

“Don’t go.”

“Huh? What’s wrong.”

Lin Yu didn’t understand.

“The power of God is definitely not something that humans can control.”

“In case of offending God’s wrath… Lives will be destroyed! ”

Bai Qian’s arm trembled slightly, as if he was saying something taboo.

Gods, definitely not small, they can fight more.

Although, the orcs and humans are mortal enemies.

However, Bai Qian was still unwilling to watch Lin Yu go to death.

“Anla, how is it as terrible as you say.”

Lin Yu smiled slightly and said indifferently: “Lord Goddess, I don’t know if you underestimated humans or me?” ”

“People are not as fragile as you think.”

Saying that, he looked at the sky, black smoke billowing in the thunderclouds.

Lin Yu let go of Bai Qian’s hand and froze.

Next second.

The fierce biting land shark suddenly rushed out at supersonic speed like a bow and arrow off the string.

“If I had to believe in one God’s Word, it would be myself.”

The voice did not fall.

Lin Yu’s figure instantly disappeared into the distance.

Bai Qian heard the words that were still echoing in his ears.

Froze in place.

After a few breaths.

Tao Tiantian came up from the side, stretched out his palm and waved in front of her eyes: “Hey! What do you think? ”

“How is it, I was fascinated by my younger brother Lin Yu, right?”

Speaking of this, Tao Tiantian had a proud look.

She grinned, and said cheaply: “Little goddess~ Seeing how much posture you still have, can you consider making you a partial room?” ”

“Get out!”

Bai Qian glared at her angrily, and flew towards the Demon City alone.

After a while, she flew back again.

In Tao Tiantian’s stunned eyes, Bai Qian stretched out a hand: “I almost forgot.” ”

“You, give me that card of your humans, I will open the room and buy things.”

Look at her rightfully taken look.

Tao Tiantian was dumbfounded: “I lean, Lord Goddess, you are really too polite Bai Qian frowned, did not understand Tao Tiantian’s meaning.” ”

“Obviously, I can grab it directly, but I actually asked me.”

Tao Tiantian lightly clapped his hands and applauded Bai Qian.

Although he said so, Tao Tiantian still gave her the card.

Tao Tiantian, there is no shortage of money.


Two women, how can they be idle in the hotel.

A rare trip to the Magic Capital.

Of course, it’s shopping!

Lin Yu rode fiercely to bite the land shark extremely fast.

With one breath, he flew out hundreds of meters.

Seeing that the thundercloud was getting closer and closer.

A very strange magnetic field resistance was intercepting him.

It is precisely because of this unique electric magnetic field that many trainers cannot get close to the clouds.

“The power of electricity!”

The power on Lin Yu’s body exploded, and the power of the electric system wrapped him, and his whole body became like an electric ball.

Under thunderclouds, the resistance of the magnetic field gradually decreases due to the explosion of electrical energy.

Lin Yu and the fierce biting land shark also stabilized the flight path.

But this is not enough, just entering the thundercloud, there is no way to discern the direction.

Most trainers in the electrical department are lost in this way.

But Lin Yu, not the majority.

“Waveguide perception!!”

Suddenly, the blue waveguide bloomed together through Lin Yu’s thoughts.

The powerful perception directly enveloped this airspace.

Lin Yu closed his eyes, and the structure of the entire thundercloud was clear.

The obstacle of countless powerful trainers was stumped, and he walked flat in front of Lin Yu.


A birdsong penetrated Lin Yu’s eardrums and hit Lin Yu’s atrium.

This is a psychic communication unique to legendary Pokémon.

“It’s the Lightning Bird!”

Lin Yu felt the numbness in his body as if he had been electrocuted.

I couldn’t help but be shocked.

In thunderclouds.

When the lightning bird saw the humans in front of him, he couldn’t help but respond.

The talent of this teenager is rare in the world once seen in a thousand years.

Even though it was a noble divine beast, it couldn’t help but applaud it.

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