Elf Town Has Big Problems

Chapter 309: tropical fruit

"You can eat fruit anytime, anywhere..."

This idea is not a pipe dream.

Tropical Dragon!

With a long neck and a body like an ancient herbivorous dinosaur, with big wings like banana leaves, the tropical dragon appeared in the secret base.

According to the introduction to the tropical dragon in the Elf Pokédex: a string of fruits on the neck is very popular among children (ruby version);

Because I have been eating a lot of delicious fruits, delicious fruits have also grown on my neck. (Platinum Edition)

Other versions have similar introductions to tropical dragons, with banana-like fruits growing around their necks.

Li Shisan looked at the tropical dragon in front of him, "Can you eat fruit?"


Getting a positive answer, Li Shisan first picked three fruits from the neck of the tropical dragon, which were similar to bananas in color and shape.

Peel off the skin and eat one of them. It tastes a bit like a pineapple and a bit like coconut green. It is very refreshing as described in the elf picture book, and it is big enough and full of satiety. After three, the hunger is completely eliminated.

Such as the X/Y version or earlier fire red/leaf green, it is said that the fruit on the neck of the tropical dragon only ripens 1 or 2 times a year.

"Is there such a thing?"

Yes, it ripens once in winter and once in summer.

The tropical dragon gave a positive answer, but as long as the fruit is eaten in the corresponding ripening season, it will grow quickly.

"The setting is really hardcore..."

Li Shisan couldn't help but complain, generally fruits either ripen when there is plenty of heat, or when the autumn is high and the air is cool, or other, there is always a season for ripening climatic conditions.

The fruits on the necks of tropical dragons are good. In summer and winter, choose two seasons with huge contrast to ripen.

Anyway, at least you don't have to worry about being hungry, just leave the sixth penalty area before you get tired of fruit.

Full of food and drink, Li Shisan lay comfortably on the bed and slept soundly.

The quality of sleep in the natural labyrinth a few days ago was also good. In fact, the underground is very good, and the temperature is suitable, but Gu Feng and the others have a lot of psychological burdens and feel that they may not be able to go out, so they can't sleep.

Li Shisan slept heartlessly. Of course, no matter how comfortable the underground is, it is not as comfortable as your own secret base.

An An slept peacefully through the first half of the night, and in the second half of the night, Li Shisan vaguely felt that the bed was shaking, thinking that there was an emergency, and the kettle was warning.

"What's up?"

not me.

Juju said that it was not the bed that was shaking, but the whole secret base was shaking.


Li Shisan lifted the quilt and jumped up. The temperature in the room was raised with a smokeless stove, and it was still warm.

Quietly sense the surrounding changes, the ground is indeed shaking.

The secret base itself cannot be destroyed, and there will be no turbulence. It is only possible that the environment on which the secret base relies has changed...

That is to say... the mountain is shaking?


Li Shisan was startled, the secret base would not be destroyed, but if the rocks or trees on which it depended were destroyed, the secret base would also disappear, including the furniture inside.

Quickly use the control computer to put away the secret base, and Li Shisan appeared on the **** of the snowy mountain.

Miss Lips!

The ice element offsets the cold, and life is a bit lively now.

The whole mountain swayed slightly, and from time to time, gravel rolled down from the top of the mountain. Fortunately, because of the previous avalanche, a large amount of snow had slipped to the bottom of the mountain, and there would be no second avalanche.

There is no doubt that it is an earthquake, the intensity is not too big, and the duration is long enough...

Li Shisan was a bit motion sick from chatting, and the earthquake wasn't over yet.

"Could it be that the previous avalanche wasn't because of the battle with the 'Deep Blue Giant'?"

Not only the avalanche on the mountain where the otherworld palace was once located, but the armored bird said that there were also signs of avalanche on the nearby peaks.

It's a bit reluctant to attribute the cause to the battle. Li Shisan casually said that it might be an earthquake, but an earthquake really happened...

After an earthquake, it is very likely that a second one will occur, so the cause of the previous avalanche can be regarded as a more reasonable explanation.

Li Shisan couldn't help sweating secretly for himself. Fortunately, the earthquake was not strong, and the source of the earthquake should be far away from here. Otherwise, walking in the underground labyrinth would be just courting death.

Finally, the vibrations that were not strong at first gradually subsided, and the armored bird took a circle around, saying that the snow on the surrounding snow-capped mountains had slipped down again.

Across the night, Li Shisan could vaguely see the changes on the surface of other snow-capped mountains, and the sound of the avalanche like a tsunami could be heard quite clearly between the mountains.

After waiting in place for a while, the tremor completely disappeared. Then Li Shisan continued to climb up the mountain, and then went to a higher place to see what impact the earthquake just had on the surrounding environment.

After walking too far, it was obvious that there were brand-new fracture marks on the hillside above. The mountain where the otherworld palace was once located was not high, but now it has become even shorter.

The mountain damaged by the battle was still unstable, and the mountain air blew through and occasionally blew down some gravel.

Li Shisan carefully climbed to the highest point that could no longer be called a mountain. In front of him was a basin with an amazing range.

After the first explosion, the "Deep Blue Giant" appeared, causing the entire mountaintop area to disappear and become a downwardly sunk basin, but the scale was not so exaggerated.

Now it is simply a terrain where half of the mountain peaks are broken and collapsed.

Li Shisan sighed, if the battlefield hadn't been damaged so badly, maybe it would have been missed.

For example, the lost spiritual tools of the disciples of Qiansi Pavilion ~www.readwn.com~ Anyway, after a while, teleport directly back to Baiyu City, and it would be good to pick up more things to earn extra money.

Thinking about it this way, the cost of sealing the monster is actually very high. The 'Deep Blue Giant' was sealed, and the magic element detector could not record the magic element fluctuation.

There shouldn't be anything to look at.

If you go back to the river valley where you farmed monsters in those days, the food on the cliffs of the snowy mountains will be enough to eat for a while, but the monsters in the valley are almost wiped out, and there is only the last set of battle suits left, so go back early.

"Well, it should be January... This year's Xiao Sui has been in the restricted area again."

At the end of December every year, the calendar enters a new year. January 1st is called "Xiao Sui", which means a little year.

The real New Year is in February. Historically, in mid-February, most of the restricted area walls were completed, and human beings lived a relatively quiet life. Therefore, the new year was set as a node to overcome the difficulties and usher in a new life.

Natural bird, ready to go home.

A green spherical bird appeared on Li Shisan's shoulder, and was about to release teleportation when the ground suddenly trembled.

"what's the situation?!"

It was obviously another earthquake... But the intensity of this tremor was more exaggerated than the previous one, shaking to the point where Li Shisan couldn't even stand even with an old fishing rod propped up on the ground.

isn't it...

The magnitude of the vibration was still intensifying, and the mountain that collapsed into a basin further collapsed downward.

Comparing a basin full of gravel, the situation is a bit like a funnel full of soybeans, because the soybeans don't fall out of the spout under the funnel, but remain stationary with a delicate balance.

An earthquake now is equivalent to shaking the funnel constantly, and the soybeans will continue to fall...

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