"Heracros, split."

Inside the secluded cave, Gong Ling's voice suddenly sounded.


I saw Heracros raise his right hand, and a white light condensed in his palm.

Directly opposite it is a diminutive fossil helmet with a body wrapped in a brown hemispherical shell.

Under this ruin, there are quite a few elves living in ancient times.

But there are not particularly many types.

Among them, the main ones are ammonite beasts, fossil helmets and their evolutionary types.

This is followed by the Archean Feather Worm and its evolutionary Primeval Armor.

As for the fossil pterosaur and tentacle lily, Gong Ling had not seen them in several simulations.

Although the fossil helmet in front of him also has excellent strength, it still has no room for resistance in the face of the fighting department's splitting skills.

With one blow, he was knocked to the ground by Heracros.

"Go ahead, Pokéball."

Gong Ling saw that the fossil helmet fell to the ground, and immediately threw out the red and white spirit ball that had been prepared in his hand.

And as the Poké Ball included the fossil helmet in it and shook it symbolically on the ground a few times.


The fossil helmet was taken in.

It's just that after Gong Ling picked up the Spirit Ball, he didn't put it in his waist.

Instead, he took the ball and asked Daigo on the side with some uncertainty: "Daigo, are you sure that with these elves, the alliance will reward me with the opportunity to enter the Dragon's Den of Smoke Screen City." "

After Gong Ling found the exit, they did not leave in a hurry.

Instead, at the suggestion of Daigo and Hirona, he began to capture the ancient elves inside the cave.

Don't say all.

But at least the elves in this cave should be captured.

According to the duo.

Because this place has been surrounded by Team Rocket, it is very unsafe to leave these elves here.

So capture it in advance.

Once outside, leave it to the Alliance to find a new home for these elves.

Originally, this behavior did not appear in Gong Ling's previous simulation.

Perhaps because of his previous fooling of everyone.

Several people felt that the reason why Team Rocket made such a big move was for these ancient elves.

That's why we are doing this now.

And the dragon's den he said was the reward that Daigo said to give these elves to the alliance.

Daigo glanced at the metal monster who was fighting with the scythe helmet and was in the upper hand.

Then replied with a smile: "Don't worry, Gong Ling, this time I have unified the caliber with Shirona and A Bi." "

"At that time, we will report to the alliance in a unified manner, and here is what you found"

"As for the Dragon's Den, my family's Devon Group has cooperation with the Royal Dragon Clan, plus the help of the alliance, it is still no problem for you to enter it."

Receiving Daigo's accurate answer, Gong Ling couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Of course.

He also knows it perfectly.

This can also be regarded as Daigo's return for what he just suggested to the armored bird.

After all, the Dragon's Den in Smoke Screen City is the most important place for the Royal Dragon Clan.

Don't say anything else.

Just the word dragon's den, you know that all the dragon spirits living in it are extremely precious.

Dragon elves have always been one of the elves that trainers yearn for.

Especially now that the goblin line has not yet appeared, the dragon elf is definitely synonymous with power.

I don't know if it's because of the reason why X-Zhernias in the Carlos region hasn't woken up yet.

The goblin energy in the elven world is not abundant.

Elves like Pippi, Maliluli, and Blue in Gong Ling's memory did not show the abilities and characteristics that a goblin should have.

Therefore, dragon elves do not have other restraint attributes other than ice and dragon attributes.

And don't look at the long growth cycle of dragon elves.

But once it grows up, it is at least a Taoist hall-level combat power.

Dojo level.

This strength is something that many trainers may not be able to achieve in their lifetime.

And a dragon elf can easily help you solve it.

Therefore, if these fossil spirits alone can be exchanged for the opportunity to enter the dragon's den, then this dragon's den is too worthless.

Don't look at this fossil elf, it seems to be very precious.

But this is for outsiders.

Gong Ling didn't believe that a behemoth like the Alliance would not master a few alien spaces where these elves lived.

Therefore, if he wants to enter the dragon's den, he mainly has to rely on Daigo.

Or the Devon group behind him.


With a loud bang.

The sickle helmet, who fought fiercely with the metal monster for a long time, finally fell under the metal monster's comet fist.

And with the sickle helmet was subdued.

At least inside this cave. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The elves of the ancient period that Gong Ling knew were only the ancient armor with the strength of the Daoist Hall and its child.

It is worth mentioning.

Ah Bi's luck was also quite good, and he actually encountered a Taikoo feather worm that was left alone.

As a trainer specializing in the insect lineage, he naturally did not let go of such a rare elf and directly subdued it.

"Gong Ling, don't you really consider keeping one yourself?"

Daigo saw that Gong Ling had handed over his body and all the ancient elves that had just been captured to him, and he couldn't help but persuade.

Gong Ling shook his head and rejected his suggestion.

If there is a fossil pterosaur, he is still a little interested.

As for the ammonite beast, the fossil helmet, this is still counted.

After all.

In his mind, both the Sandstorm Team and the Rainy Team had better options than them.

Compared to their strength, the rarity of these ancient elves is their value.

It's hard to say.

If Gong Ling took one to sell on the black market, it would be more than 10 million quotes.

It's just that this little money.

He doesn't care anymore.

Because Gong Ling has become an invisible billionaire with the help of the ability of the simulation system.

That's right.

The reason why Gong Ling was not in a hurry to leave this cave was naturally to use the three simulation opportunities on his body to simulate his life.

Using the reward of life wealth, the value of the elves in the cave is maximized.

With this huge amount of money.

In a short time, he didn't have to worry about the resources to cultivate elves.

He is still worried about how to successfully save Emperor Yan.

After all, Gong Ling wanted to go to the Dragon's Den.

That Daigo's help is definitely essential.

And this also means that Yandi Gongling must find a way to rescue it.

Otherwise, in the face of Bishas, he did not have any strength to resist at all.

As for him sneaking away.

This choice, Gong Ling naturally also simulated.

Unfortunately, the result was that by the end of the simulation time, he did not wait for the news of Daigo and several people.

So whether it's for the friendship of several people or the dragon's den.

This time, in the Longtan Tiger Cave, Gong Ling must find a way to break in.

"Fortunately, the previous simulations are not completely fruitless."

"The organ that restricts the Yan Emperor has already been studied."

"This time, I will definitely be able to successfully rescue Emperor Yan."

Come to think of it.

Gong Ling also started a new simulation again.

It is worth mentioning.

After defeating the Ammonite Beast, the Fossil Helmet, and their evolutionary forms, Gong Ling now has six Sims chances.

He still didn't believe it.

After these six simulations.

In this situation, there is still no way to break the situation.

[Day 1: After capturing all the ancient elves in the cave, you turned your gaze to the ancient armor with the strength of the Daoguan. 】

[Although the strength of the Taikoo Armor is stronger than any of you, under the combined power of the four of you, it was successfully defeated, and Daigo also took its child Taikoo Feather Worm. 】(Get Money Zhao)

[However, while you were waiting expectantly for Daigo to bring out his treasures for you to choose, he, who already regarded you as a friend, did not do so. 】

[As a last resort, you found another excuse to let Daigo show his archaeological ending, and only then did you get the Heracros Super Evolution Stone that you had in mind. 】

[Day 2: You pinched the time and left the underground cave to come to the oak forest. 】

[After discovering the traces of Team Rocket's actions, you volunteered to join Daigo and Hirona's squad and let Ah Pen go to the Alliance to report the news.] Gong]

[Under your persuasion, Daigo and Shirona followed you directly to the place where Emperor Yan was being held. 】

[And with your prophetic vision, you easily solved the guarding rocket team members and began to rescue the Yan Emperor. ] 】

[With unremitting efforts, you finally rescued the Yan Emperor before the arrival of Bishas. 】

[And with the release of the Yan Emperor, the roaring divine fire also began to slowly extinguish. ] 】

[At this time, you found a fist-sized crystal in the center of the flame, and just about to get up to get it, a black shadow flashed in the air, and the crystal disappeared. ] 】

[At the same time, the stone chamber suddenly rolled up yellow sand. 】。

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