
"*Note: The abdominal skin of the 'mosquito coil tadpole' is thin and transparent, and the mosquito coil pattern on the abdomen is actually the intestines and other internal organs seen through the belly.

Due to hypnosis, the abdominal mosquito coil pattern will rotate, and hypnosis is launched by squeezing and twisting the visceral intestines, which makes people feel a physiological discomfort, feel gastrointestinal discomfort and stomach pain.

Therefore, the author's side privately sets the mosquito coil pattern on the belly of the 'mosquito coil tadpole' to resemble the body color pattern on the neck of the aber monster, rather than the gut organs.


mosquito coil tadpole series is very talented in [hypnosis], then as a trainer, Xiaoxia naturally has to develop and tap this hypnotic talent as much as possible.

Fortunately, like [Praying for Rain], [Hypnosis] is now already in the mosquito coil tadpole skill pool, and the mosquito coil tadpole has also mastered the [hypnosis] skill.

The mosquito tadpole will evolve towards the fast swimming frog in the future, and it is necessary to take the melee attack route, and the control skill is very important for the mosquito coil tadpole and the future fast swimming frog.

And hypnosis is a move control skill, and as a move control skill, hypnosis has a lot of potential, if there is an attack skill to match.

The hypnosis of 'mosquito coil tadpoles' will be even more deadly.

And the skill that has a high compatibility with hypnosis, Xiaoxia knows that [Dream Eating] and [Awake Slap] [Dream Eating]

have an initial damage value of 100 points for the elves in the hypnotic state, and the power is almost comparable to the attribute move, the most important thing is that 50% of the damage caused to the opponent will be converted into a healing recovery effect on the skill caster.

Such a skill that combines super high damage and recovery effect, if you give 'mosquito coil tadpoles', it is simply not too fragrant.

"It's a pity that mosquito coil tadpoles can learn [hypnosis] by relying on physical and racial talent, but there is no super talent in attributes, [Dream Eating] as a super energy system skill, 'mosquito coil tadpoles' can't learn at all."

Thinking of this, Xiaoxia also had some regrets in her heart.

"Fortunately, mosquito coil tadpoles can comprehend the skill of learning [awake slap], which is not low in compatibility with [hypnosis]."

Thinking of the [Sober Slap] skill, Xiaoxia was a little relieved in her heart.

[Sober Slap] has an initial damage value of 70 points, which doubles the damage to the opponent in the hypnotic state, that is, 70×2=140, which is a proper attribute move.

Although it does not have the same blood-sucking recovery effect as [Dream Eater], it is even better than Dream Eater in terms of damage ability.

After all, Dream Eater seems to have 100 initial damage, but if the opponent does not fall into hypnosis, Dream Eater is completely ineffective.

On the other hand, [Sober Slap] has a stable initial damage value of 70 points, even if you attack an unhypnotized enemy, there is not a low amount of damage, and if the enemy is hypnotized, then the damage will be more explosive.

"So the next step is to deepen the skill pool, improve the skill structure, [sober slap] this skill must be learned no matter what."

Xiao Xia thought secretly in her heart.

In addition, in addition to [sober slap], Xiaoxia also considered another skill in her heart, that is, [abdominal drum].

[Belly drum], also known as [belly drum] and [belly drum], has the ability and effect of losing

1/2 of the user's maximum HP, which increases the user's attack by 12 levels.


activate this skill, although it will lose half of the maximum HP (stamina), it will increase the user's level 12 physical attack ability.

What is the concept of upgrading level 12, you must know that the buff divine skill [Sword Dance] that increases the ability value of the object attack is very obvious, and it is only a level 2 object attack that is performed once.

However, the abdominal drum can increase the level of 12 physical attacks when cast once, which is 6 times that of the sword dance, and the abdominal drum can catch up with the effect of casting the sword dance 6 times.

Although [Abdominal Drum] has the cost of losing 1/2 of the maximum HP (stamina), this price is nothing compared to the gain.

It gives users a 12-level buff in material attack ability, and [belly drum] is simply a divine skill for mosquito coil tadpoles who take the close combat material attack route.

The mosquito coil tadpole finally evolved [fast swimming frog], the physical attack race value was only 95, and it did not break 100.

However, if there is an increase in the [belly drum], the physical attack of the fast swimming frog in the battle is estimated to catch up with the elves with high object attack values such as 130, 140, and 150.

It can be said that if the mosquito coil tadpole learns the [abdominal drum] skill, then it will take the melee attack route, the advantage of material attack ability value will be 'raised' to the greatest

extent As for the cost of losing 1/2 of the maximum health (stamina value) when casting a belly drum, the ultimate evolutionary fast swimming frog of the mosquito coil tadpole, the HP race value reaches 90.

It can be said that the cost of playing the belly drum is not small, but with the capital of a fast swimming frog, it is still affordable.

And for [Abdominal Drum] to cast once, it takes 1/2 of the maximum physical strength value, and for this cost, Xiaoxia is not without solutions and countermeasures.

"Since casting [Abdominal Drum] will shed blood, then it is enough to return blood through the skill, although the mosquito coil tadpole can't learn the [Dream Eater] skill that integrates damage and recovery."

"But this does not mean that mosquito coil tadpoles cannot learn recovery skills, although mosquito coil tadpoles cannot learn the recovery skills of the water system [liquid circle, life droplets]."

"But mosquito coil tadpoles can learn the trick [sleep] and restore all HP and all negative abnormal states by sleeping for 2 rounds."

"As for the 2 rounds of lethargy, the attack will break the point and lose its original rhythm, and you only need to learn the [Dream Talk, Snoring] skills to regain the lost initiative."

"Among the other fighting skills, there is also [Absorption Fist], a skill that combines attack and recovery, which can be learned by fast swimming frogs."

"The only pity is that only when the mosquito tadpole/mosquito coil frog evolves into a fast swimming frog can it be comprehended through the skill learner."

Thinking of this, Xiaoxia felt a little regret in her heart.

However, Xiaoxia is not an unsatisfied person, although the mosquito coil tadpole cannot learn to absorb the skill of fist at this stage, it can only be comprehended and learned when it evolves to its final form in the future.

But it was able to comprehend and learn this skill and minimize the impact of reducing the [belly drum], and Xiaoxia was already very satisfied.

And to restore the state of blood volume, in addition to [Absorption Fist], isn't there also [sleeping], and [sleeping] skills, mosquito coil tadpoles can comprehend and learn at this stage.

All in all, [waking slap, belly drumming, sleeping, snoring, dream talk] and [absorbing punches] that will not be able to be learned until the near future evolves into fast swimming frogs.

It is Xiaoxia who next helps the mosquito tadpole expand the skill pool and improve the skills that need to be purchased to build the skill framework.

"Wait a while after dinner, and when you go to Tokiwa City [Friendship Store] to pick up the Lotom food, help the mosquito coil tadpoles buy all these skills by the way."

"Next, I will learn all the skills I can learn in addition to training, and when the time comes, when I evolve into a mosquito frog and challenge Nibi Dojo, I will have enough strength to fight."

Helped a group of Pokémon pour a bowl of milk, saw that the Pokémon were gobbling up a delicious meal, Xiaoxia also took out charcoal to light a fire, and prepared her own dinner.

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