"In the past hundred years, there has never been a major mistake, and Hualan Taoist Hall and our family are also very prestigious and well-known in the hearts of Hualan citizens."

"In addition, the father and mother TA died in the line of duty and are the heroes of the alliance, so even if the Hualan Taoist Hall is closed for more than two years, it will not be able to perform its responsibilities normally, and it will have some impact on the preparation for the new Quartz Conference next year."

"I guess the alliance will not close and ban the Hualan Taoist Hall, and the alliance should not be so cold and unkind."

"And Aunt Konah is the Four Heavenly Kings of the Alliance, Aunt Katsuo, you are also a special inspector of the Alliance Supervision Bureau, I guess Auntie, you will definitely not watch the Hualan Daoist Hall be banned and closed by the Alliance."

"The alliance side really wants to do something unfavorable to the Hualan Daoguan, as the high-ranking power of the alliance, even if Aunt Konah and Aunt Katsuo can't stop it, it is impossible not to inform our sisters in advance."

"So I think the alliance's handling of the Hualan Daoist Hall is by no means a ban on closure, but other relatively gentle and proper handling arrangements." Xiao Xia thought about it.

Hearing ^_^ Xiaoxia's analysis, Joy Katsuo also looked at her with admiration.

(* ̆) ̆*) ×3" And the cherry blossoms, calamus, and peonies on the side also looked at her with a proud face, full of pride and pride, as if to say, 'Look, this is my sister Xiaoxia, she is really excellent'

"Then Xiaoxia, how do you think the alliance will arrange and deal with the Hualan Taoist Hall?" Joey Katsuo continued to ask.

"Hmm... If I were the leader of the alliance, considering the importance of the Hualan Taoist Hall, as well as the merit and prestige of our family, it would be impossible to close it.

"But Hualan City, as a first- and second-tier city in the Kanto region, definitely needs a dojo to fulfill its duties and obligations."

"So I will consider assigning a trainer to come over and serve as a temporary dojo trainer until I, the rightful heir of the dojo, come of age."

"This will not chill the hearts of the orphans of the heroes and martyrs, nor will it allow the Hualan Taoist Hall to continue to close, affecting the normal performance of the Taoist Hall."

"However, considering that if the Hualan Daoguan, that is, the four of us sisters, are not willing to accept the problem, but next year will be the start of the new league conference."

"So if I were the leader of the alliance, I would probably make second-hand preparations to open new dojos in other cities in the Kanto region, or reopen old dojos that were previously poorly managed and closed."

Xiaoxia also expressed her own opinion.

And hearing Xiaoxia's words, Joy Shengnan couldn't help but be surprised in her heart, because these two insights Xiaoxia said were exactly the treatment methods made by the alliance leaders for the Hualan Taoist Hall.

1. Assign a trainer to serve as the temporary curator;

2. Open a new dojo, or use an old dojo that failed the previous assessment and was temporarily closed.


Xiaoxia, didn't you just say that Hualan City is a big city in the Kanto region, and it is necessary to have a dojo to guard the order and security of Hualan City."

"Do you think that the alliance will allow you to have the right to refuse by appointing a temporary pavilion owner? If you refuse, will the alliance choose to open a new Taoist hall in Hualan City? Joey Katsuo continued to ask.

"The alliance should not be so unkind, I think we are allowed to refuse."

"As for choosing to open a new Taoist hall in Hualan City in order to maintain order and order in Hualan City, I think this should not be."

"The opening of two Taoist halls in one city seems to make social order clearer and more stable at present, but in fact, it has buried a lot of bane, and in the future, when I, the heir of the Hualan Taoist Hall, become an adult."

"There will definitely be conflicts between the two Taoist halls because of the sovereignty issue, and the gains outweigh the losses."

"And although there is a need to maintain local security, but after the Battle of Seven Islands, the vitality of the rocket team has been greatly damaged, and the originally rampant rocket team has already shown signs and trends of turning underground activities."

"Therefore, under the current situation, the overall social order and security environment in the Kanto region has become better, and the need to maintain order and law and order has become much lower."

"Instead of strengthening the order and security of Hualan City and a certain city, it is better to look at the entire Kanto and arrange new dojos to be stationed in cities where there is a real need to open dojos."

"Build a more complete defense network throughout Kanto to prepare against a strong counterattack from the future when the Rocket Team runs out." Xiaoxia said.

After listening to Xiaoxia's analysis, the appreciation in Joy Shengnan's eyes not only overflowed, but even directly applauded her.

"Xiaoxia, you are young, you didn't expect to analyze the psychology of the top level of the alliance and the current political and social situation so thoroughly."

"When I came to Hualan City today, I heard many Hualan citizens and Hualan trainers discussing privately that Xiaoxia, you will become the champion of the Kanto League in the future."

"At that time, I just sighed at your talent, and you still had the popularity and reputation of Hualan Daoist Hall in Hualan City, and now it seems that the people of Hualan City and local trainers really evaluate you."

"Xiaoxia, you may really be able to become a champion-level trainer in the future and become the champion of the Kanto Quartz League." Joey Katsuo said with pride on his face.

"Aunt Shengnan, you have won the prize, but the above is also the words of my family."

"I don't know how the alliance plans to deal with the problem of Hualan Daoguan." Xiaoxia waved her hand modestly, and then quickly changed the topic and asked Joy Katsuo.

"Just like Xiaoxia, the alliance side takes into account the maintenance of social order in Hualan City, as well as the new alliance conference that will start next year."

"So there are two solutions, one is to assign a trainer to temporarily serve as the master of the hall and perform the duties of the hall owner for you until you become an adult."

"The second solution is to open new dojos in other cities in the Kanto region, as well as to use dojos that failed the previous examination and were closed."

"Regarding the new gym, the alliance is preparing to open a new gym in [Dark City] and grant [Black Badge], while restarting the Metropolis Golden Yellow, once closed [Fighting Dojo], and re-granting [Brown Badge]."

Aunt Miss Joy Katsuo explained.

"So, Xiaoxia, since you expected and analyzed it from the beginning, what is your idea Xiaoxia."

"Are you willing to accept the alliance appointing a temporary pavilion owner to perform the duties of the pavilion owner in your place until you become an adult?" Joy Katsuo looked at Xiaoxia and asked.

"Xiaoxia, don't be busy refusing, the alliance said that although a temporary pavilion owner will be appointed over, it will not interfere too much with the operation of the Hualan Daoist Hall."

"It's just to accept the trainer's challenge in your place during the alliance conference, and issue the dojo badge to the challenger on your behalf."

"And this temporary pavilion owner only receives a fixed salary from the alliance, and after the opening of the Hualan Taoist Hall, the annual cut of the tax revenue in Hualan City still belongs to your four sisters."

"So Xiaoxia, what do you think?" Joey Katsuo asked with some expectation.

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