

"Next, open the gift I prepared and see if you like it."

After unpacking the gift of the third sister peony, the second sister Calamus on the side also impatiently picked up a gift box and handed it to Xiaoxia's hand and said.

"The gift that Sister Calamus carefully prepared for me, I don't like it." Saying that, Xiaoxia also took the gift box and opened it.

Unlike the previous preparation by Sanjie Peony, the box containing [Diamond-encrusted Diving Ball] is square in shape.

Although the gift prepared by the second sister Calamus is also contained in a square box, the box is much flatter.

Xiaoxia tore open the wrapping paper, opened the gift box, and after seeing the gift inside, her eyes also showed a look of surprise.

This slightly flat, square gift box is lined with soft black velvet brocade lined with a spar bracelet on top.

The stone pearl is crystal clear and clear, and the light reflects the aqua blue glow.

Although she looks like a 6-year-old girl, she has the soul of an adult man living in her body, and she is not interested in the jewelry that girls like.

The reason why she saw this spar bracelet made her eyes light up, and her heart couldn't stop being happy.

It was only because she felt a very pure and rich water attribute power from the hand string spar.

It has been more than two and a half years since she traveled over, because the Pokémon world also has superpowers, and she thinks that she will definitely reveal her water system powers in the future.

After much consideration, Xiaoxia also spent most of her time with her three sisters, completely accepting them and fully integrating into this family.

She also specially found an opportunity to reveal to her three sisters the fact that she had awakened superpowers and that she was superpowered.

As for when to awaken superpowers, how to awaken superpowers.

Xiaoxia, her side, directly pushed this matter to when she had just crossed over.

The original body naughtily climbed into the mouth of the tyrannosaurus in the park outside the dojo, and was finally frightened and hospitalized.

said that he was frightened by the tyrannosaurus and was hospitalized, and when he woke up, he found that he had incredible powers, but he felt scared at the time and didn't tell them.

And for Xiaoxia's statement, Sakura, Calamus, Peony and their three sisters naturally have no doubts.

It is a good thing to awaken superpowers after all, and the three sisters, who have always pampered and even doted, are also sincerely happy for her and proud of her.

Nazi, the daughter of Ghent, the owner of the [Golden Super Power Dokan] in Kanto Metropolitan Golden City, was also exposed to awaken superpowers, and her superpower talent is very powerful.

In the circle of trainers in Golden City, and even in the entire Kanto region and the Kanto Quartz Alliance, Nazi [Super Princess] is famous.

Now their sister Xiaoxia has also awakened superpowers, and their Hualan Water System Taoist Hall has also produced a super-powered princess, how can this not make people happy.

However, compared to the three sisters, they were so excited and excited that they couldn't wait to spread the word, so that the entire Kanto and the entire Quartz Alliance were amazed by her talent.

Xiaoxia has not forgotten the evil organization Rocket Team, which has been entrenched in Kanto and Johto for many years, and she has not forgotten how her original parents died.

She knows that Mu Xiu is in the forest and the wind will destroy it, and before she grows up, she is king to converge her edge and develop obscenely.

Regarding her 'awakening superpower', she only told her three sisters, and also told the three sisters not to spread it.

Fortunately, the three sisters also know what kind of filth and darkness is hidden under the rule of the alliance, and what kind of blood and sea hatred they and others carry.

Therefore, after receiving Xiaoxia's advice, the three sisters were also tight-lipped about the fact that their sister Xiaoxia was superpowered, for fear of attracting attention from the outside world, attracting jealousy from people with intentions, and attracting persecution by Team Rocket.

In the past two and a half years, Xiaoxia has been cultivating and exercising her water system abilities step by step, and now she has a cultivation that is not weak, and her combat effectiveness is also quite good.

Of course, these are all unknown to outsiders, even if the three sisters, Xiaoxia only told them that she had awakened superpowers, and that her superpowers were related to water.

Other information about her SSS-level water system power, Xiaoxia did not disclose too much, so even the three sisters did not know how strong her strength is now.

Of course, this is all off-topic -



At this moment, seeing the 6th birthday gift given to her by her second sister Calamus, and seeing this spar bracelet in the box, the reason why she was so surprised.

It was because she felt a very strong water power from the hand string spar, and she found that the water attribute power contained in the hand string spar could be absorbed by herself.

"Sister Calamus, the spar used to string this bracelet is..."

Retracting her gaze from the spar bracelet, Xiaoxia looked at the second sister Calamus with some joy and doubt.

I want to know what this spar that contains the power of pure water attributes and is very beneficial to its own water system energy is, and where it came from.

"Hee, Xiaoxia, do you also find that the spar material of the string hand string is extraordinary (*^^*)"

"You who soak in the library of Hualan City every day and read and study, I believe that your knowledge and cognition of Pokémon and trainer professions have surpassed our three sisters."

"Xiaoxia, since you have already sensed that the spar used to string the hand string is extraordinary, I believe you already have a faint guess in your heart."

"What I want to say is that you guessed well, the spar used to string this bracelet is the "Water Stone" that contains pure and rich water attribute power, which can make some water system Pokémon evolve

" "Xiaoxia, you have water system superpowers, and you are also the heir of our Hualan Water System Dojo, and you are determined to become the world's first water system Pokémon master in the future."

"So sister, I specially bought two water stones, let the jeweler turn into beads, and strung such a bracelet."

"Xiaoxia, you can usually wear it, bulinbulin is very good-looking, and in the future, when your water Pokémon need to borrow the water stone to evolve, and you can't find

the water stone to use for a while-" "You can also use this water stone hand string to save the emergency."

"How about it, sister, is the Water Stone bracelet I carefully prepared for

Xiaoxia both beautiful and practical, Xiaoxia, do you like ヾ(^▽^*))))" Looking at Xiaoxia's surprised expression, the second sister Calamus said like a treasure, and the expression on her face was also written with 'praise me'

" (=^▽^=) Thank you Sister Calamus, I like this gift very much."

Hearing the words of the second sister Calamus, Xiaoxia thanked her happily, and suddenly realized in her heart for a while.

Having watched the "Pokémon" anime in her previous life, she naturally knows that the "Water

Stone" Water Stone and "Fire Stone, Thunder Stone, Leaf Stone..." are collectively called evolution stones, and have the power to make specific Pokémon evolve.

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