Not to mention the dual characteristics, this 'god-maker' alone can fully prove the value of Dr. Odamaki's research.



It is also because I read Dr. Odamaki's paper.

And Xiaoxia, who has profound knowledge and theoretical knowledge, and the artificial intelligence assistant [Linger] have deduced the authenticity and feasibility of Dr. Odamaki's view.

Therefore, this is why Xiaoxia attaches great importance to it now, spending time and energy to help King Carp do the exercise of [leisurely swimming] characteristic strength.

"[Rain Summoning Technique]" mobilized the water system in her body, Xiao Xia silently recited in her heart.

Suddenly, dark clouds gathered directly above the pool, and then a light rain began to fall.

The raindrops fell on the surface of the pool, making a circle of ripples, scrambling to spread out around -

"Boom..." The king carp, who originally dived into the pool, also floated to the surface of the pool after hearing Xiaoxia's instructions, feeling the rain in the sky with his heart, and feeling the changes in the characteristic power of [swimming freely] in his body.

However, at this moment



the surface of the pool, the king carp, who originally only showed his head, suddenly left the pool and flew up.


Huh!?" Seeing this scene, not only Xiaoxia's face was stunned, but the starfish and the big tongue shell on the side, looking at the king carp flying around or swimming in the rain in mid-air, were also confused.

"King Carp, it flies?!" Looking at the king carp flying in midair, Xiaoxia didn't know what to say for a while.

"King Carp, you..."


" "Don't you know why you can fly?" You just follow my instructions and feel the power of nature in your body with your heart. ""


" "The rain falls on your body, and then you feel that a force in your body is activated and awakened, and then your body naturally flies."

"Rainy days, characteristics, flight..." Hearing King Carp's self-description and explanation, Xiaoxia showed a thoughtful expression and fell silent at the same time.

As a pure water system elf, the king carp can only swim in the water, and there is no way to fly in the sky, even if the king carp evolves into a tyrannosaurus and has the flight attribute, it is impossible to fly in the sky.

And the [leisurely swimming] feature only doubles the speed of the king carp in a rainy environment, and does not give the king carp the ability to fly in the air.

However, at this moment, according to King Carp's own description, she was indeed triggered by the rain in the sky to activate the power of the leisurely nature in her body, and then it flew.

"In this way, the King Carp can fly on rainy days because it has the bloodline of Liekong sitting in its body, after all, Liekong Sitting is a sky dragon that lives in the atmosphere."

"The king carp can't fly, the tyrannosaurus can't fly, only the Flame Sky Seat can fly, not only that, as the Fierce Sky Seat of the Sky Divine Dragon, it can be said that it is the most flying existence among all Pokémon and all divine beasts."

"The King Carp has the bloodline of the Fierce Void, and although [Ling'er] scanned the panel data displayed, there is nothing that indicates that the King Carp can fly."

"But as a king carp who is in the bloodline of the Sky Divine Dragon, it doesn't seem strange to be able to fly in the rain with some of the authority of the sky."

Looking at the king carp flying around/swimming in mid-air, Xiaoxia also accepted the setting that it could fly, and at the same time was happy for the king carp from the bottom of her heart.

King Carp's evolutionary tyrannosaurus, which has flying attributes but can't fly, and can't learn too many flying skills.

The flight system did not bring 'half cheap' to the Tyrannosaurus, but became its drag weakness, making it four times restrained by the electric system.

Now King Carp has the (awakening) flight attribute, and also has the ability to fly, although the flight attribute gives King Carp/Tyrannosaurus four times the weak electricity still has not changed.

But the sudden flying ability also makes up for some, so that the king carp/tyrannosaurus with flying attributes will not lose as much as the original, and the loss will be less in comparison.


"But the King Carp's ability to fly, it seems to be because of rainy days, it seems that it can only float on rainy days."

King Carp has been in the team for a long time, and it has never shown the ability to fly before.

And today it was also she who used [Rain Summoning Technique] to summon a rain to exercise the King Carp's leisurely swimming characteristic power, and then the King Carp left the pool and flew into the air.

And according to the carp king's own description just now, it can fly completely because the rain in the sky activates its characteristics, so Xiaoxia will come to this judgment and guess.

"But whether it's specific or not, just test it out." Thinking like this in her heart, Xiaoxia did not hesitate at all.

"Snap~" snapped his fingers, raised his hand and waved gently, and the dark clouds over the pool dissipated, and the drizzling rain stopped immediately.

"Plop!!" Sure enough, at the moment when the rain stopped, the king carp flying around/swimming in mid-air immediately fell directly into the pool as if he had lost his strength.

"[Rain Summoning Technique]" Immediately afterwards, Xiao Xia mobilized her powers again, using the Rain Summoning Technique to summon a shower of rain, and then~ "

Boom..." The king carp, who originally fell into the pool, floated and flew into the air again.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Xia also said in her heart.

"King Carp can only fly in rain, or it can only fly in rain." Xiao Xia thought to herself.

Although she knew that the flight of King Carp was conditional, Xiaoxia was still very happy for King Carp.

"At the current King Carp stage, the flight attribute is still awakening, and when the flight attribute is fully awakened, or the King Carp evolves into a tyrannosaurus, it may not be able to get rid of the restrictions of rain and fly directly and freely in the air."

Looking at King Carp, Sakura's heart also had longing and expectations.



King Carp is able to fly on rainy days, this is just an accidental small discovery, just a small episode.

After a few Pokémon played for a while, they continued to train under the leadership of Xiaoxia.

*For the big tongue shell, Xiaoxia's cultivation here is:

"In the six dimensions, physical defense is the core, and strengths are taken into play and weaknesses are avoided; The attributes are mainly ice system and water supplement; Take the [continuous attack] characteristic as the core, take the battery route

" * For Starfish, Xiaoxia's training here is:

"In the six dimensions, [speed, special attack] is the center of gravity, [physical defense, special defense, physical attack] is regularly trained, and a certain amount of energy is invested in the [physical strength] attribute to make up for the shortage;"

"Attribute Shangshui = super energy, the two attributes go hand in hand and develop in a balanced manner, and the whole takes the agile mage route of comprehensive and balanced development."

*Finally, for King Carp, originally Xiaoxia planned to take the violent attack route, but this was only for ordinary King Carp/Tyrannosaurus.

Xiaoxia, this king carp, has the bloodline of the sky divine dragon Liekong Sitting in the sky, and currently has the ability to fly in rainy days, and it is very likely that she will have the ability to lift restrictions and complete flying in the future.

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