"Kentaro Araki, heir of Luohu Dokan, and Luohu Dokan?"

The young man was enraged, and under the ridicule of the local trainers around Hualan Lan, he agreed to Xiaoxia's invitation to fight, and Xiaoxia would smile heartily.

However, I heard the boy shouting at him with great momentum, "You remember, the person who defeated you was Kentaro Araki, the heir of the Dojo Hall in Raohu Town [Raho Dokan]. Knowing

the boy's name and identity background, Xiaoxia couldn't help but show a thoughtful expression.

After the Hualan Daoist Hall was temporarily closed by the alliance, considering the age of her Hualan Daoist Hall heir, Xiaoxia had long expected that many people would step on her.

I want to step on her and want to replace Hualan Daoguan.

She had long expected such a situation, and Xiaoxia also made an investigation of the potential careerists and ambition forces around her in advance.

And the alliance informal Taoist Hall [Luohu Daoguan] in Luohu Town is the closest force to her, and her ambitions are obvious.



After the Hualan Taoist Hall was closed by the Alliance a few days ago, the owner of the Luohu Taoist Hall, Araki Right Gatekeeper, was still very hypocritical and hypocritical and ran to the comment area of her social account self-media video works to 'comfort and encourage' her.

And his ID nickname turned out to be [Raho Dokan Araki Right Gatekeeper], and he was also certified.

If you don't know about the dojos in various cities in the Kanto region, if you see his nickname ID and yellow label certification, I am afraid that you will really be deceived by him, thinking that he is the official dojo owner of which place.

And he didn't know if he asked the water army to brush the like.

Araki's right doorman, who seems to be hypocritical and encouraging, is actually rubbing the heat to advertise his messages, and immediately received tens of thousands of likes after comments, directly at the top of the comment area of her works.

At that time, when Xiaoxia told her three sisters about this matter, whether it was the third sister Peony, the second sister Calamus or the eldest sister Sakura, they all rolled their eyes.

And Xiaoxia's side also did not get used to the other party, not only did not have any response, but directly deleted the other party's comment at the first time, and at the same time blocked the other party's words.

Guan Xiaohei's house is not over, Xiaoxia backhanded to report his account and nickname ID to the platform, and also complained to the alliance official.

It is said that Araki's right doorman pretends to be the official owner of the alliance dojo to commit fraud.

After Xiaoxia complained and reported the other party, the yellow label authentication of Araki's right doorman social account was not only canceled, but the ID nickname also became [illegal nickname...].

After that, Araki's right doorman suddenly became much more honest.

It's just that Xiaoxia didn't expect that this guy was a thief with an immortal heart, and actually sent his own son to Hualan City to provoke and touch porcelain.

"Luohu Town is about to be withdrawn and completely merged into Hualan City, if you really let this father and son touch porcelain like this, maybe it will really threaten me and the status of [Hualan Taoist Hall]."

"In that case, since you sent it yourself, then don't blame me for being unkind."

Looking at the angry and corrupted Kentaro Araki in front of her, Xiaoxia smiled and groaned on the surface, but a cold color flashed under her eyes.



"Although I can have an elf battle with you, I still have things to do, and I am busy, so let's have a 1v1 duel~

" "In addition, I don't bully you, just now I heard you say that as long as the level gap does not exceed level 3, let the park battle corner our Hualan local trainers, challenge casually."

"Then you release the elves, I will definitely not send elves with a level higher than you 3 to fight you."

"In addition, there are only 3 elves under me, all of which are water elves, namely [Starfish, Big Tongue Shell, and King Carp]."

"You don't have to worry about me sending elves with attributes to restrain you, and you don't have to worry about me using the elves of my family to fight you."

"As the heir of the Hualan Taoist Hall, I have always done things honestly and uprightly, which can be testified to me not only by the onlookers around me, but also by the citizens and trainers of the entire Hualan City."

"Of course, if you really want to win me and fight me against the high-level elves of your parents and family, you can do it, and I will not object."

"After all, you/(•́ω•̀)/

Gee..." Although some foreshadowing has been carried out, digging holes, and letting the other party win, there is no way to reap praise, only that Xiaoxia released the water phase to let him win.

It won't be too much of a loss to lose, but the key is that Xiaoxia wants to win, and he also wants to suppress the Luohu Dojo and the Araki father and son pair.

Therefore, Xiaoxia's side first opened her mouth to let the other party send the elves first, and directly told the other party the elves and attributes on her side.

And after saying that she sent the elves, she would not send elves with a level higher than

the level 3 on his side - in the end, Xiaoxia also said in a nonchalant tone, saying that if he had to take the high-level Pokémon of his parents and family in order to win, his side would not mind.



But in fact, if Kentaro Araki really uses the high-level elves of his parents and family to fight against her.

Xiaoxia, her side, will definitely not hesitate to send the lowest level, and at the same time make people feel the weakest King Carp.

In this way, Xiaoxia released water and Araki Kentaro used the family's elves to rely on the strong and bully -

even if the game is lost, Xiaoxia's side will not lose face, but it is Araki Kentaro who is disgraced, saying that he is not victorious.

At the same time, Xiao Xia, who sent the Carp King to fight, can also be said to have not given his full strength, even if he loses, it will not hurt, and it does not prove that Xiao Xia is weak and the reputation of Hualan Taoist Hall will not be affected.


I have to say that at the beginning, Kentaro Araki, who was originally holding the mentality of Xiaoxia, was finally ridiculed by Xiaoxia so that his blood pressure surged and his mentality collapsed and exploded.

Now he even jumped into the pit dug by Xiaoxia, and there was no way to refuse, on the other hand, Xiaoxia's side left a way back for himself.


"Don't worry, I won't use my family's spirits to fight you, I will defeat you with dignity."

"Your three Pokémon are all water elves, right? Well, then I will also send the water attribute elves, and we will compare and see who cultivates the elves better. "

Although Kentaro Araki did come out this time with an elf given by his father.

But this elf is used to protect its own safety and provoke the local trainers of Hualan to force it.

Although he was a little irrational from being ridiculed and provoked at the moment, he also knew very well in his heart that if he really used the elves lent to him by his father in this case, he would fight.

Not to mention that after defeating Xiao Xia with this elf, he will be ridiculed and ridiculed by people, even when he sends this elf, the saliva of the people around him can drown him at this moment.

And using this high-level elf to defeat Xiaoxia, although it can indeed rub the heat, but for them [Luohu Daoguan] is a bad reputation.

He himself can be shameless, but the reputation of Luohu Taoist Hall cannot be stinked by him, and if Luohu Taoist Hall becomes a laughing stock because of him, then Luohu Taoist Hall will never have a chance to turn positive in the future.

If so, no matter how much the old guy in the family feels sorry for him, it is estimated that when he goes back, he will peel his skin.

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