Elf: Tree Fruit Dessert

Chapter 124: Noble Phantasm, Sweet Peach Fruit Tea

"The Elf Tree Fruit Dessert (

"It should be right..."

Haichao squatted beside the water polo in the tree hole, looked at the small eyelashes that the long-winged gull took out of the water, and nodded lightly, this should be a dreamy body hair or something?

But he didn't dare to be so 100% sure, after all, it was just a small eyelash from the water polo. Maybe it was a Pokémon girl brought in by the dream. After a while, the Pokémon girl's eyelashes fell out.

No, no... Dreams don't seem to have gender, so... oh, thinking about it is very scary...

Haichao put the radar on the eyelashes, scanned it around, and the fluctuation display became more intense, then this should not be wrong, this is the dream eyelashes.

"Big brother, Dr. Fuji, I found it! It's a dreamy eyelash!"

Haichao stood on the tree hole, holding dreamy eyelashes, and waved to his elder brother and the old man Fuji below.

In fact, he didn't want to hurt the old man Fuji, so he found the eyelashes, the elder brother will not embarrass the old man Fuji, and the old man Fuji can continue to carry out research experiments, everyone is happy, everyone is happy.

"Fantasy eyelashes..."

The thin man looked at the tide on the tree hole and muttered in a low voice, he didn't expect it, it was a dreamy island.

It was still suspicious before, maybe it was the same as the Pokémon House, but the dream stayed here, and now this tree hole, plus the falling eyelashes.

It means that it is really possible for the dream to live in this place... In this case, how can you be satisfied with just one eyelash?

Indeed, finding a sample that can be studied is just a guarantee for their research plans. In this situation, of course, an eyelash is not as good as they can directly grasp the dream!

The experiment is risky. If the sample is destroyed after the failure, they cannot guarantee that the dream will live here forever. If the sample is destroyed and the dream migrates, they will have to look for the dream everywhere again.

Grab the dream directly, and study for as long as you want.

Moreover, he may not even report the intelligence that captured the dream, and lied that he only found the eyelashes.

When the research is successful, he will kill the old man Fuji and Haichao together, and the dream will be properly swallowed by him!

Make sure you don't lose money!

That's his way of doing things, so no one wants to team up with this guy.

As for Hai Tide, it may only be because of his slow response that he joined this team.

"Oh, great, so we can go back and study..."

The old man Fuji was shouting excitedly at the tide, this is so good! Found eyelashes, but not dreamy.

He can continue to research, and it's not too critical to dream, which is the ideal situation he wants.

In this way, Boss Lian can safely return to Zhenxin Town to open a store!

However, what he didn't expect was that a purple figure rushed out from behind him, grabbed the boar in the arms of the old man, and tied it up...

It's Aberdeen!

"Dream will appear in front of people with pure hearts, and will rescue the Pokémon killed in front of it. I don't know if this rumor is true..."

The skinny man laughed when he saw the horrified expression of the old man Fuji and the pained expression of the little mountain pig. This is what he wanted!

The old man Fuji who adopted Pokémon for free at the Pokémon House is undoubtedly a pure-hearted person, and Xiao Shanzhu is also an innocent Pokémon. If the rumor is true, and the dream is on this island, then it sure to come...

In fact, if it wasn't for the old man Fuji who had to keep his glasses, he would not hesitate to use the life of the old man Fuji as bait.

But for the sake of research, he can't do this, so he can only aggrieve this little boar.

Originally, he wanted to use the cook's debt to beat the onion wandering soldier, but because he didn't find a reason to bring him here, he was afraid that the cook would find out that the green wandering soldier had an accident.

He is not afraid of making trouble, but it is quite troublesome to deal with. It is better to have less than one thing, so he chose this little boar.

Obviously this little boar should be the cook's Pokémon, but it is the closest to the old man Fuji, and the cook doesn't seem to care too much about the little boar, so let's sacrifice it.

"Hum, hmm..."

The little mountain pig's face was ashen and surrounded by the Abo monster, and his expression was extremely painful, but the Abo monster didn't mean to strangle it to death in one breath, but tormented Xiaoshan with a gentle force, as if to enjoy the process. pig.

Not strangling in short order, and not making it any better.

"You, what do you want to do?!"

The old man Fuji anxiously rushed in front of Abo, trying to separate Abo and Xiao Boar.

However, Aboguai's strength is not something that an old man like him can move.


Abo Monster opened his mouth and roared at the old man Fuji, frightening the old man to the ground...

"Dr. Fuji, I advise you not to do unnecessary things..."

The thin man looked at the old man Fuji who was trying to get up, and took out another Poké Ball.

With a flash of white light, a Rada emerged from the Poké Ball, staring at the old man Fuji with menacing eyes, making a chacha grinding sound from his mouth, which seemed to signal the old man Fuji not to move.

Radha, the Rat Pokémon.

The Lada is much larger than the Little Lada, and its fur is mostly tawny.

Although they are still quadrupeds, Larda usually walks upright on two hind legs.

The most prominent feature of Lada is its fast-growing front teeth, which can grow back quickly even if they are broken.

Three rows of mustaches stick out from the sides of its face and can be used for balance. They also have flippers and can swim. Larda's tail is longer than Little Larda's and is more like a mouse's tail. Its ears are a bit rough, and if you touch it unprepared, you may be scratched by the ears.

"You guy..."

The old man Fuji looked at the proud man and clenched his fists... He couldn't be surprised... For the sake of his daughter, Xiao Ai, he had to sacrifice his life... However, he looked at Xiao Bo's painful expression.

A sense of guilt crept up inside him for a while.

"Brother! We have found the eyelashes, there is no need to hurt people anymore!"

Haichao looked at his eldest brother's crazy behavior, and immediately shouted to remind his eldest brother that the eyelashes can already be studied, so why hurt people!

"You idiot is so easy to satisfy that you can only be a bottom member for the rest of your life! Give me a good look on the side!"

The man yelled at Haichao, this stupid big guy is really stupid, if it wasn't because he really couldn't find a helper, he wouldn't have asked this guy to be his little brother...


Haichao clicked his tongue, took out the Poke Ball and took back his long-winged gull. He remembered his eldest brother's Team Rocket code name, the devil...

Because doing things is always done, it will not give anyone a way back, and I don't mind letting my teammates sacrifice for the task.

In fact, there were still many people under him at the earliest... but they were all sacrificed by him in the dangerous mission...

"Oh... it's hard to do..."

Haichao looked at the evil ghost and probably won't stop until he finds the dream, and he has nothing to do. Who is the boss...

"Geng Ga!"

Just when the old man Fuji was a little desperate, a pitch-black energy ball hit from one side and exploded in the middle...

The dust was flying and I lost my vision for a while...

In the smoke and dust, the old man of Fuji saw a black and purple shadow jumping out of his shadow, rushing in the direction of Abo and Xiao Boar...

Is it Gengar!

In the smoke and dust, Gengar quickly approached Abo and the Boar, with purple energy balls, shadow **** condensed in his hands!

It had been lurking in the shadow of the old man Fuji before, and Lian asked it to protect the old man Fuji and the boar.

So now it has come out, and it is not stupid. Judging from the current situation, the other party dare not do any substantial harm to the old man Fuji, only dare to threaten. Then it will give priority to saving the little boar!

Although he was beaten by the Abo monster before, but... because the old man Fuji was kind to it, and the little boar also saved it, then there is nothing to be afraid of in a fight with the Abo monster!


Unexpectedly, after a strange cry, a severe pain came from its back...


Sharp teeth emitting a black light, inserted into Gengar's body... gnawing...

I saw that Rada was biting on Gengar's back with vicious eyes. The normal type was not injured by Gengar's shadow ball at the beginning, so it was the first to react and judged by its ears. Gengar's position, and then took a bite...

"Geng Ga!"

Geng Gui screamed and fell to the ground... It wasn't that he was killed in seconds, but if it struggled, Lada would bite harder and harder...

So, it's going to…

The smoke gradually dissipated, and both the evil ghost and the old man Fuji regained their vision, only to see a Gengar bitten by Radha on the back... But it did not struggle, but was rubbing something in its hand...

"Lada, get out of the way!" The evil spirit saw the situation clearly, and immediately commanded Rada to let go in panic, but it seemed that it was too late...

A white gas bomb was thrown from Gengar's hand and threw it on Radha's face... It seemed that he didn't even think about whether he would be affected...


Rada was hit head-on by the gas bomb and screamed... This is a real gas bomb!

And because of the attributes of the Gengar Ghost type, it is immune to the fighting type's tricks, so it is not affected by the infuriating bomb...

"Geng Ga..."

Geng Gui quickly prepares to disappear in mid-air... I'm afraid there's no way to face it, I can only do it first...



Before Gengar could react, a large pool of purple mucus suddenly wrapped around its body, followed by a sharp pain... This mucus seems to be corrosive...

I saw Abo Monster insidiously watching Gengar struggling in the mucus. This is its solution. When it saw Radha attacking Gengar, it was ready to attack Gengar.

Seeing that Gengar was about to escape now, it immediately sprayed out a solution to interrupt Gengar's invisibility...

"This is another bait for nothing."

The evil ghost looked at Gengar struggling in the solution, and sneered, as if he didn't care about Radha, who was injured by Gengar just now...

"This Gengar, shouldn't it be the chef's one..."

Haichao standing on the tree hole looked at the pained Gengar and murmured, he seemed to have seen Gengar and Lian together in the kitchen.



Lian has been wandering around the island for a long time, it got lost! ! The trees on this island are so lush, he can't see the road at all, he can't even figure out where he is going, and he has even forgotten where the way back is...


Kirbymon pushed aside the vines that blocked his view, while sniffing the smell. There seems to be something delicious nearby, why can't you see...

"Meow, meow meow more and more regret coming here meow..."

Miaomiao walked behind Lian and sighed helplessly.


A dreamy voice reached Meow Meow's ears...


Miaomiao froze in place for a while, looking around, it seemed to have heard a dreamy voice just now...

Lian was carrying a large backpack and turned to look at Miaomiao, "Why are you standing still? If you are afraid, you can stay here and wait for us."

Lian also understands that after all, Miaomiao is not good at fighting, and he does not want to force Miaomiao to fight.

"Not meow..."

Miao Miao denied Lian's words, but while looking around, UU reading www.uukanshu.com said, "I seem to hear the dream talking..."

"Meow, come this way, meow!"

Miaomiao seemed to hear something suddenly, then pointed in one direction, and ran over first.

"Dream... Hey, wait for us!"

Lian saw that Miaomiao had run away, and immediately prepared to chase after him.

He took out a milk tablet from the backpack behind him and held it in his hand. This backpack is special, and the smell of the food inside is not easy to come out, so the Kabi beast has always been able to faintly smell the smell of food. But not sure of the location.

"Kapimon, go this way!"

Lian held up the milk tablet and chased in the direction of Miaomiao, and the Kabi beast smelled the fragrance of the milk tablet in Lian's hand, and immediately followed Lian and chased after him, excited like a child...


"Hey, big brother, it's almost enough, they will really die if you do this!"

Hai Chao is about to roll his eyes when he sees Gengar being soaked in the solution... This kind of damage can't be underestimated.

As for the little mountain pig, it seems that he has been fainted by Aberguai, his face has no blood, and he looks very weak...

"What do you know, just stay with me!"

The evil spirit immediately shouted and roared the tide back, what a joke, how could he let go of the opportunity to seize the dream!

At this time, behind the grass, a cloud of pink liquid sprayed out and poured it on Geng Ghost, who was struggling in the solution...

Under the goblin's surprised eyes, the viscous solution disappeared little by little...

If he smelled it right, the liquid that was sprayed just now... has a lot of fruity aroma of sweet peach and tea aroma of black tea...

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