There really are no highly qualified elves in the entire wilderness area.

Along the way, Su Yu and the others collected a lot of things.

But highly qualified elves are pitiful.

The only highly qualified one is a large needle bee.

But the needle bee was the leader of a group.

It was naturally impossible for Su Yu and the others to run over and subdue them.

After all, if you want to subdue the leader of a race, you have to face a group alone.

Thankless things are not necessary to do.

Because of this, Su Yu and the others stopped and left, collected some materials and left.

The money spent pays off.

Coming to another entrance, Su Yu and the others returned those hunting balls to each other.

It was already afternoon.

All day, Su Yu and they spent all day in the island.

Leaving the wilderness area, the sun outside has already begun to set.

The three hurried to their next destination.

In fact, I found an island nearby and spent the night.

Su Yu chose to land on an uninhabited island near the wilderness area.

The whole island is a truly uninhabited island.

When he landed, Su Yu used his super power to sweep inside.

Then no one else was found.

Determined that it was a safe place, Su Yu began to let the fierce bite land shark build two small stone houses on the seashore.

Then stayed here.

Xiangling used the wild vegetables and mushrooms she collected today to prepare a very good dinner for Su Yu and Walnut.

When they were full of food and drink, everyone began to rest.

Walnut went straight back to change into a swimsuit and went to the beach to play in the water.

Her elf just looked at her quietly.

There is no intention to go down at all.

After all, let a bunch of fire elves go to the sea to play?

Stop it.

Except for the fact that the wind speed dog can barely be afraid, both fire-breathing dragons and Vulcan moths do not like water.

So they’re just staring at the beach.

Su Yu’s fast dragon didn’t have so many scruples.

After eating dinner, it flew straight out.

Then he got into the sea and played.

Su Yu was not idle and began to train his own Lalulas.

Let her show her control of her superpowers.

It is then up to Eluledor to fight it together.

It is different from the previous training for the Vulcan moth.

Su Yu trained his own Lalu Las, and the means were still relatively gentle.

The teachings of the Eight Sutras.

This made the Vulcan Moth who was all in the eyes depressed.

Treat your elves so gently, right?

The elves of outsiders are how ferocious, how to come, right?

What a double standard guy.

At this moment, it suddenly mourned for the egg in its arms.

After it hatches, it is estimated that this guy Su Yu will have to train, right?

Isn’t his own master traveling with Su Yu just for this?

Before Hu Tao was muttering whether to let Su Yu help train the fire-breathing dragons.

But Walnut decided to wait until the eggs hatched.

Then come and think about how to train.

Now is only temporary.

Sooner or later, Hu Tao’s side will let Su Yu continue to train them.

At this time, the Vulcan Moth had secretly decided.

It has to work hard to become stronger.

Then don’t let Su Yu train it.

The Vulcan moth holding the elf egg directly found a place to lie down.

Then he began to silently recall in his mind the use of his own moves.

It needs to get stronger, don’t let that devil train it!

Roll it up!!

Charizard Wind Speed Dog you continue to play, it will quietly become stronger, and then amaze everyone.

Su Yu didn’t know that he had trained a wave of the Fire God Moth, and then that guy was still thinking about it in his heart.

But even if you know, you don’t care.

Under the light of the night, Su Yu let his Lalu Lasse test various skills.

With those skills that Su Yu passed on before, he used to use them.

And now Lalu Lass can basically use most of the super energy skills.

Hu Tao, who had been playing by the sea for a while, saw the various skills used by Su Yu’s Lalulas.

She was also a little confused.

“Why do you have so many skills?”

“Is this really a newborn baby?”

At this time, Walnut is really confused.

It’s not scientific.

This Lalu Silky of Su Yu was able to use so many skills just after birth?

Are you serious?

Even if Su Yu used his super power to let it go directly through the new period.

But it can’t be that fast, right?

So many skills at once?

Look at the walnut running over in a swimsuit.

After glancing at her tablet, Su Yu spoke

“Because I used my superpowers to pass on my own knowledge to it.”

“It’s like some elves looking at skill machines.”

“I passed some of the skills directly to Larulas, and it did.”

“What’s the problem?”

Could it be that you have any other opinions?

Hearing Su Yu say this, Hu Tao was stunned.

“Can it still be like this?”

“Your superpower is too outrageous, isn’t it?”

“Why does it always feel different from what I know?”

Can a superpowered person still do such a thing?

She really didn’t think about it at all.

Su Yu shrugged.

“As long as the superpower reaches a certain level.”

“Then you can only do this to the elves of the superpower system.”

“The elves of the superpower system are easy to cultivate for superpowers.”

It is too simple for a superpowered person to cultivate an elf of the superpower system.

In the case of superpowers on both sides.

It’s very simple to communicate.

It’s simply barrier-free communication.

It’s easy to satisfy the super-powered elves.

Listening to what Su Yu said, Hu Tao was also shocked.

There is actually such a thing?

Inexplicably, Walnut was even more envious.

I really want to be a superpower.

Now I want to be a superpower.

“Su Yu, do you say there is any way for an ordinary person to master superpowers?”

“If only I had superpowers too.”

“In this way, can I also be a strong super-energy trainer?”

Walnut couldn’t help but sigh.

Faced with Hu Tao’s inquiry, Su Yu directly rolled his eyes.

“Impossible! ~”

“It’s simply impossible.”

“It’s troublesome to want to become a superpower the day after tomorrow.”

“Superpowers are born.”

“If artificial superpowers were really so easy to be born, then it is estimated that the streets would have been all over the place.”

“Unless there is a powerful super-powered elf to help you.”

“Otherwise, you don’t want to become a superpower.”

A super-powered divine beast?

Although there are a lot, they are impossible to help at all, okay?

Dream, Mewtwo, Deochis, Lokia, Solgareo, Lunaiyara, Neklozma, Lei Guan.

Only this level of superpower divine beasts may be able to help people awaken superpowers.

If the strength is weaker, it is estimated that it will not work.

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