Su Yu explored it for a while, and then directly told Hu Tao the answer.

There’s no elf type that Walnut wants.

Even inside the volcano.

Hearing this open-book answer, the corners of Walnut’s mouth twitched slightly.

“Traveling with you, all of a sudden I don’t want to explore here.”

“Let’s go to other islands.”

No fun at all.

Su Yu immediately informed the answer.

What’s the point of that?

So the matter of exploring the island is still settled.

Hearing Hu Tao say this, Xiangling was also a little crying and laughing.

“So let’s change islands?”

“There are no wanted elves on this island, so go to the next one.”

“I heard that there is a volcanic island near here, and a ruins have been found before.”

“Do you want us to go over there??”

Xiangling said this with interest.

She took out her phone and flipped through the news she had seen.

When Hu Tao heard this, he was immediately interested.

When even leaned in to check it out.

“Remains found on the crater?”



“But because it’s too hot inside, there are some places you haven’t explored?”

“In other words, there are still unexplored places inside?”

When he said this, Hu Tao’s eyes suddenly lit up.

If that’s the case, that’s interesting.

Maybe something rare can be found inside??


“yes, so now there are actually a lot of people over there running over there to try their luck.”

“Shall we go over and take a look?”

“It is said that there is a market over there!!”

Xiangling is also looking forward to it.

But what she was expecting was just the market.

I want to see if I can find anything interesting on it.

She liked these more than elves or something.

Su Yu is naturally no problem.

“You are the boss, you have the final say.”

“If you want to go, go there.”

He doesn’t care.

If you want to go, then go well.


“Let’s go shopping.”

“If there’s anything you like, tell me.”

“I’ll buy it for you.”

“Hey, hey!”

After saying this, she ran towards the fierce biting land shark.

Decided, just go to that island.

Go directly to the market and take a look, maybe you can encounter some elf eggs and the like.

In markets like that, there are still many people who sell some unidentified elf eggs.

The same is also the most likely place to be pitted.

After all, just pick up an egg from the wild and sell it.

If you don’t have the ability to see, buy a unicorn egg in minutes.

So, if you’re going to those markets, it’s up to you to get lucky.

Of course, that kind of market is also a black market.

Maybe you can even buy something that poachers have brought with you.

Such a local alliance can’t manage it even if it wants to.

Because there are so many such things.

So if you want to pick up leaks in the market, you still have to rely on luck.

After the three decided, they went to the island that Xiangling said together.

Exploring the island, Su Yu said after thinking about it

“Forget about the things that explore.”

“Although there are places that have not been explored, if the ruins are in the volcano, then it is useless for us to go.”

“In such a hot place, everything melts.”

“If you can explore, it is estimated that it has been explored long ago.”

“It’s not our turn to pass.”

“So let’s just go to the market over there.”

Hu Tao and Xiangling heard Su Yu say this, and after thinking about it, they also agreed.

Indeed, as Su Yu said.

The places that can be explored are estimated to have been explored long ago.

In those unexplored places, the contents are melted away due to the high temperature.

After all, it’s in the crater.

Except for some fire elves, there are no elves that can survive in it.

After confirming this matter, the three of them made a decision.

Take a stroll around the market over there and see if there’s anything to pick up.

If there is, take it.

If not, forget it.

Then move on to the next area.

The crowd began to set off.

Riding Su Yu’s elf to the island with ruins.

In the past, Xiangling also sent the news of that relic to Su Yu.

Su Yu looked at it and was no longer interested.

Because that relic has been found for a long time.

Now in the past, I guess you can’t even drink the soup, right?

If there is something, it has long been taken away.

Su Yu was also truly speechless.

It’s too late to see such news.

If you just found it, you might be able to get something.

But now I can still have a fart for you.

Although he was speechless, Su Yu didn’t say much.

Let’s take a look with Walnut and Xiangling.

The three of them rode the elves for dozens of minutes and quickly reached their destination.

Coming here, after Su Yu searched, he also found the market that Xiangling said in a spacious place on the island.

There are quite a few training guys above?

Directly set up a stall over there.

Some are even fighting.

As for the so-called relics? It’s already a mess over there.

Is it okay that the ground is dug through?

It is estimated that there is also little research value.

Otherwise, this place would have been taken over by the Alliance long ago.

Or rather, this is what the alliance excavated.

But after finding that there is no research value, it is ignored.

Let the trainers explore for themselves.

In this world, there are too many ruins.

It’s similar to archaeology in previous lives.

When technology is not developed, some people tend to leave something behind.

And then because something happened, it was buried.

The people in the back suddenly dug up something or something.

The ruins that have nothing to do with the divine beast really don’t pay much attention.

I just don’t know what is enshrined in this ruin?

“Fake news, fake news!”

“Really, the ruins have been ruined like this, what else to explore?”

“Damn, reported it!!”

Seeing the following situation, Hu Tao took out his mobile phone and reported it without saying a word.

I feel like I’ve been deceived.

When Xiangling heard this, her head was suddenly covered with black lines.

“Well, our main purpose is not for the ruins.”

“It’s for the bazaar, isn’t it?”

“Okay, don’t be angry, let’s go down first.”

Xiangling hurriedly calmed down.

That news was also a long time ago.

It’s not fake news either, is it?

Hearing this, Hu Tao snorted coldly.

I immediately gave up the idea of reporting.

Let the fierce bite land shark take her down.

If she can’t find anything good here, she must report it when she goes back!!

Some of the stall people on the island saw that another new person was coming, and their eyes immediately lit up.

Or are they actually two quasi-gods?

That is, this is a wave of big fat sheep!!

For a while, many people secretly thought about how to sell what they had on hand.

If they can make a profit, it will not be in vain that they have been here for so long.

The other trainers are poor B, and now it is rare to have a few rich ones.

Wouldn’t that sell well?

(Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for tips.) )

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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