Su Yu, who had just entered the sea, was also stunned when he felt this superpower.

What’s going on?

Why is there such a powerful superpower induction in the sea?

Water + Elves of the Energy System?

Dumb beast? Jewel starfish? Molar fish skin? Light cod?

Or what kind of elf?

Water that can be in the sea + super elves is also about this.

And the power of this superpower seems to be very powerful.

Champion level?

This couldn’t help but make Su Yu very puzzled.

Why are there such powerful super-powered elves in this sea?

Su Yu’s brows frowned slightly.

Champion-level elves?

Is this serious?

Is it that gem starfish or some elf that has grown to the championship level?

Just when Su Yu was curious, that spiritual power seemed to have discovered Su Yu as well.

After sweeping around Su Yu, he quickly disappeared.

This made Su Yu’s face suddenly full of question marks.


Just when Su Yu looked confused, Hu Tao swam over and patted him.

My eyes were full of doubts.

Why are you in a daze?

Slapped by the walnut, Su Yu also came back to his senses.

Then hurriedly use superpowers to connect everyone together.

“Be careful.”

“There is just a champion-level elf’s superpower 26 below.”

Su Yu quickly telepathized with everyone about the matter.

Suddenly hearing this, everyone was shocked.

“Champion-level superpowers?”

“You mean, there may be a champion-level water system + energy system elf under this?”

Xing Qiu was shocked.

Groove, is there still a finished elf in it?

Wild champion elves?

How much is that hanging?

At this moment, Xingqiu is not calm.

Also not calm are Walnut and Barbara.

Wild champion elves.

This is even harder to see than a champion-level elf.

Usually such elves are found inaccessible or in the interior of a forest.

Actually appearing here now?

In addition to shock or shock.

“I don’t know.”

“The guy has disappeared and hidden.”

“Anyway, be careful.”

Saying that, Su Yu took out a spirit ball from his wetsuit.

Then open it in water.

The next moment, Kuailong appeared on the side.

Immediately afterwards, Su Yu used telepathy to connect with Kuailong.

“Fast dragon, converge and be on guard.”

“Beware of the elves in the sea.”

The fast dragon that was released in the sea immediately became serious when he heard this.

After nodding, it was wary of its elbows.

After dealing with this matter, everyone continued to dive.

There are indeed a lot of elves here.

Especially after Su Yu unfolded his superpower, what elves were nearby, Su Yu could clearly perceive it.

Especially inside the coral reef.

Most water elves can see it.

Even among them, Su Yu saw the ugly fish.

It’s just that the qualifications are not very good, so Su Yu didn’t pay much attention to it.

The group kept diving and began to head towards their destination.

This sea is very deep.

As they dived more than ten meters, slowly, Su Yu and the others passed through the coral reef.

Then a huge space appeared underneath.

Under the clear water, everyone also saw the scenery below.

In particular, the sunlight shines through the coral reef below, like a series of beams of light down.

“Wow, how beautiful!!”

Walnut’s voice rang in everyone’s ears.

See the situation here clearly.

Everyone was shocked.

Who would have thought that there was a relic beneath this coral reef?

“This is the remnant that emerged after the earthquake.”

“It used to be shrouded in coral reefs, so no one knew that there was a huge space underneath.”

“And those coral reefs are like a giant tree rooted in the sea.”

Xing Qiu explained the situation of the ruins below.

He even suspected that the ruins below were actually an island before.

And then for some reason it just sank directly. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

At this time, looking at the ruins in front of him, Xing Qiu’s heart was still very shocked.

Although I have seen it more than once.

But it’s really spectacular here.

“There are so many elves.”

“And it’s big here, too.”

Su Yu has been sweeping around people with superpowers.

The elves below were all detected by him.

Even among them, Su Yu saw several quasi-heavenly king qualifications.

“Are you qualified?”

At this time, Barbara couldn’t help but ask.

So many elves, are some well qualified?

“Yes, did you see the horned goldfish over there?”

“The one swimming alone is the one on the other side of the reef.”

“Quasi-Heavenly King qualification.”

Listening to Su Yu’s words, everyone’s eyes looked away.

Then everyone saw the horned goldfish that Su Yu said.

Horned goldfish.

You can’t fight without water.

Barbara was immediately disappointed.

“Do you want it?”

“If not, I’ll take it.”

“Are there any other highly qualified elves nearby?”

“If you fight, you might scare those elves away.”

Others are not interested, but Xingqiu is interested.

So he asked first.

Hearing Xing Qiu say this, everyone shook their heads.

Nobody was interested.

The fish that cannot fight without the water, except for Xingqiu of the Water System Dokan, it is estimated that no one wants it.

“There are no other elves in the vicinity suitable for subjugation.”

“You go deal with it.”

After speaking, Su Yu did not continue to pay attention to it.

Instead, he continued to let Menas carry him down.

After coming below, Su Yu sensed more elves.

Xingqiu’s side has already fought with that horned goldfish.

What a small meaning to subdue the elves.

Especially in the water.

Xingqiu said that his elves were okay.

Moreover, although the qualification of that horned goldfish is 757 of the quasi-heavenly king, the qualification is only an intermediate level.

The Sea Dragon King of Xingqiu went up directly and took it away with a single shot of dragon wrath.

After subduing this elf, Xing Qiu continued to follow.

Everyone came to the ruins, and some of the elves wandering around the ruins also quickly avoided Su Yu and the others.

Gotha duck, mosquito coil tadpole, small sea lion, large pincer crab, agate jellyfish, lanternfish, horned goldfish, starfish, king carp, pearl oyster.

A series of water elves are available here.

This is simply a paradise for water elves.

Looking at the rich elves below, everyone was immediately excited.

Even here, Su Yu saw some of the Royal Three Families.

For example, a Jeni turtle suddenly sneaked past there.

When he saw the Jeni turtle, Su Yu’s eyes suddenly lit up.

This is… Money!

Although only quasi-heavenly king qualifications.

But Su Yu asked for it.

Without any hesitation, Su Yu directly used his super power to control the little cutie who ran over.

With a little force, he directly fainted this elf on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, he controlled a spirit ball with his mental power and directly subdued it.

After subduing this Jeni turtle, Su Yu put it away directly.

Maybe it fainted and didn’t know who took it in.

In this case, it is still relatively simple to give it to others in the future.

Because it doesn’t know who took it in.

With all this done, the crowd continued to explore here.

(Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for tips.) )。

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