The video posted by Ying undoubtedly surprised the people in the group.

Did you really do it?

At this moment, everyone is looking forward to it.

If it weren’t for Su Yu still traveling now.

Everyone is going to send the elves over.

Everyone knows exactly what that means.


[Su Yu, hurry up and finish traveling, and then I will send all my elves to your side to train. 】


[Looks like I’m going to prepare too.] 】


[When your house is built, come back and help me train the elves, don’t travel with Walnut.] 】


[Hey! 】

[What do you call don’t travel with me??] 】

[Keqing, you don’t want to quarrel!! 】

There is no doubt that Keqing’s words made Hu Tao very dissatisfied.

What is this?

Not traveling with her anymore?

Can she be blamed for this?

Seeing Hu Tao arguing with Keqing in the group, Su Yu couldn’t help but smile.

He ignored these things and turned to Xingqiu’s chat log just now and recorded the number.

Su Yu got up and left the room and walked out.

The hotel they were staying in was actually near the Elf Center.

It takes less than two minutes to walk over.

Just cross the road and get there.

When Su Yu came downstairs, snowflakes had begun to fall in the sky.

Looking at such weather, Su Yu muttered in his heart.

Speaking of which, he is also 820 is the first time he has seen snow.

Even before the crossing.

It never snowed in the place where he lived before he crossed it.

The only time it snowed was an extremely cold one, and it was gone after a few minutes.

That’s not called snow.

Then I crossed over, and inside the World Tree, it is very warm all year round.

Not to mention seeing any snow.

It was the first time he saw the snow, and this was not a skill released by the elves.

Looking at the weather in front of him, Su Yu smiled.

After taking out his mobile phone and taking a picture to send to the group, he headed towards the elf center.

Su Yu:


[It’s snowing.] 】

Seeing the message sent by Su Yu, Hu Tao and Barbara hurriedly ran to the window to look up.

Then they also saw Su Yu walking towards the elf center.

“Good guy, don’t call me when you go out!”


“Let him bring us lunch!!”

Hu Tao stared at Su Yu’s back.

Danglian picked up his mobile phone to send a message to Su Yu.

Since they are all out, let him bring lunch back when he comes back.

They don’t want to leave their rooms now.

Even if it’s snowing outside.

(agai) Because of the cold!!

Seeing this, Ying and Barbara immediately sent messages to Su Yu.

Tell Su Yu what he wants to eat today.

Su Yu, who had already come to the elf center, received their food orders one after another, and Su Yu was also a little speechless.

It’s really like bringing food to your son when he was in college.

After complaining in his heart for a while, Su Yu didn’t say anything, and simply replied after he knew.

He just started to teleport Xingqiu’s Spirit Ball.

There are actually quite a few people in this elf center in front of you.

Everyone ran here to escape the cold.

The temperature outside is low, but inside the elf center is very warm.

Su Yu, who entered here, could also see many people chatting with his elves.

Su Yu ignored these people, and he went directly in the direction of the portal.

The portal in the elf center is not used here.

Therefore, Su Yu quickly sent out Xingqiu’s Spirit Ball.

After doing all this, Su Yu was ready to go shopping.

However, when Su Yu turned around, he inadvertently skimmed a beautiful figure outside.

Long white hair tied in a large ponytail.

There was not a trace of expression on the delicate face.

It gives the feeling of a 10,000-year-old iceberg.

Isn’t that Shin Hak?

Chongyun’s sister-in-law.

Su Yu was a little surprised in his heart.

I didn’t expect to meet each other here?

Although he was very puzzled, the other party seemed to be leaving.

Su Yu didn’t know each other either, so he didn’t rush over to say hello to someone. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

After thinking about it, Su Yu didn’t pay any more attention.

Shen He didn’t know Su Yu.

Then Su Yu didn’t know her either, and no one even told Su Yu about Shen He.

Rush over to say hello or something, Shen He will only think that you are upside down.

Just don’t bother to bother.

When you don’t see it.

In the future, there will be opportunities to get acquainted.

Shen He is here, so is Gan Yu also there?

Just didn’t know where she would be?

Su Yu was still very curious in his heart.

Ice Heavenly King, shouldn’t it be Ganyu?

Those who work within the Union, and then the ice system.

No matter how you think about it, it’s all sweet rain.

Why doesn’t walnut pull Ganyu into the group?

Since Ning Guang and Keqing are there, how can they be less sweet.

Talk to her another day.

Thinking about these or not, Su Yu began to go over to buy lunch for those guys.

After buying the things and returning to the hotel to hand them over, Su Yu stayed in his room and didn’t go out.

After lunch, Su Yu began to make energy cubes.

By the way, he also sent a message to Barbara.

Ask her to come and help.

Barbara’s eyes lit up when she received the message.

“Su Yu is going to make energy cubes.”

“You guys play here, I’ll help.”

With that, Barbara got up and called her elf and walked out.

“Well, feel free to call us if you want to help.”

Hu Tao was lying on the bed playing with his mobile phone at this time.

There is no intention to get up at all.

It’s the same.

They can’t help making energy cubes, so don’t go over and make trouble.

Barbara nodded, she didn’t say anything.

Instead, he silently walked out and knocked on Su Yu’s door.

After a while, Su Yu opened the door.

Seeing Su Yu, Barbara even pounced on him and hugged him.

Then he backfoot the door with him.


“Finally two people alone.”

Ying and Walnut didn’t come, which is a good thing.

Barbara said it was great.

“Okay, let’s help make energy cubes.”

“I’ll teach you something new today.”

Hearing Su Yu say this, Barbara nodded.


Although these words are easily associated with what Su Yu said in the evening.

But she knew it was serious.

Only in the middle of the night would Su Yu be unorthodox.

For example, try on this dress and learn how to dance.

I can block it with superpowers, and there will be absolutely no problem or anything.

She has seen too much, and Su Yu’s super powers are used in strange places.

Since she was with Su Yu, she has seen a long time.

Superpowers can actually be used like this.

It was a shock to Barbara for a hundred years.

Su Yu, this guy can always develop something different.

Barbara didn’t think too much, and at this time, Su Yu had already begun to explain some of the ways to make energy cubes to her.

She immediately turned her attention to this.

Just as the two of them started, Barbara’s mobile phone rang.

After taking it out and looking at it, she also connected it for the first time after finding that it was her sister.

There was no intention of avoiding Su Yu at all.

(Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for tips.) )。

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