Ellori, the Ero Witch of Parthun

108 – Gods and Witches


Ellori sex with a dragon:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/18-ellori-x-zeke-46264745

Ellori sex with a futa dryad: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ellori-x-futa-43341085

Ellori sex with a minotaur: https://www.patreon.com/posts/surprise-for-ero-41520283

Futa Ellori sex with Mira: https://www.patreon.com/posts/update-3-ero-h-40394146

The following day, Belle was in a chipper mood. It made planning our move a lot more manageable with the third member of our crew not moping around. Unfortunately, the brains of our operation was still an inanimate doll sitting in the closet to my room. I had to be vigilant so Mira wouldn't tamper with Eudora's body.

Our plan was simple— trap Edith Percouli in a forged world, pull the soulstone powering the tower, and kill her by means of voidal collapse. Well, it was simple on paper. The trick would be throwing her into the forged world to begin with. If she caught on, then she need only escape and our plans will have failed. Worse case scenario, the city of Ferellis would turn into a warzone with all the Piety knights here. 

Princess Lisette likely knew this. Belle might have had cause to suspect her given the gravity of the situation, but anyone in a position of leadership would have qualms about turning their own city into a battle.

Mira had a map of the city on the table. She drew a circle centered at our location. "Everything within a hundred meter radius will be annihilated when the tower is summoned. Princess Lisette should have already evacuated the citizenry along this side of the city underneath the knights' noses. Anyone the remains, well… too bad."

The next to draw on the map was Belle. Three red lines were drawn along the roads that led up to our location. One on the north, south, and west end as the manor was situated along a T-shaped road.

"As soon as we begin, I'll erect a frozen barrier on these roads to keep the Piety knights out, and then deal with the ones who are left inside. The barrier won't hold. Before we came to Parthun, I heard from Discipline that she began to outfit knights with experimental soul stones— another profane deal cut by the councillor, no doubt," Belle explained.

"Once the barrier is raised, I'll feed Eudora a magic crystal to revive her. She summons the tower, and we push Edith in." No matter how much I stared at the map and replayed the plan in my head, an uneasy feeling rumbled in my stomach. 

I wasn't hungry. Something was off.

"That's all there is to go over. I'm going to nap the rest of the day," Mira said, incinerating the map with a snap of her finger.

The door burst open. It was one of the goblin manservants, out of breath and with sweat pouring down his face.

"Princess, sent me to warn! Councillor Anora, here!" he exclaimed.

The words were caught in mine and Mira's throat.

"But she's not due for another two days?" Belle asked.

"We don't have time. Get in positions. Now!" I shouted.

Mira and Belle left the manor from a back entrance. I ran to my room and opened the wardrobe closet where Eudora's limp body lay. I had the crystals in my hand. If I stuffed one into her mouth, she would wake up right now.

But it wasn't the right moment.

A hundred questions flitted through my head. The ones that stuck out the most— Why did Edith arrive so soon? Did she suspect us? Could Princess Lisette have actually turned her back on us?

That couldn't be it. Knights would have been swarming the manor, and the goblin had enough time to come warn of her impending arrival.

I sat in my room, a magic crystal between my fingers just inches away from Eudora's lips, waiting for the sound of Belle's ice barrier to go off. That was my cue.

Yet nothing was happening. It was eerily quiet.

The front door suddenly shut. It was barely audible, like someone was trying to make sure not to make too much noise. Footsteps crept upstairs, disturbing the floorboards and causing them to creak with each step, eventually drowned out by my thumping heart.

Fingers trembling… mind going blank… 

Was this… fear?

The doorknob to my room turned and in walked none other than the woman who had taught me all I knew about witchcraft. She was in the form of Headmistress Anora. White hair framed an aging face that adorned a warm smile. But this woman wasn't Anora— something more sinister hid behind that face.

"Hello, Ellori Farrowghast." She grinned.

I tried to shove the crystal into Eudora's mouth, but an explosion knocked me out of the mansion and sent me crashing into the street. My body was aching all over. I barely called my living robes in time to protect me.

"It's been some time since I've seen my students. What a cold reception." Edith stood at the edge of the smoking hole she created. The mansion was quickly burning into an inferno behind her. One hand held a glowing wand, and the other Eudora's still body. "Eudora looks a lot shorter than I last remember."

"I'm not the one who blasted a student out of her own room," I fired back.

"I knew that Ors princess was a snake. Where are the others? I know you aren't alone," she said.

Awakening Eudora was my priority. I had to get her back somehow.

Edith's head cocked to the west. The world around us grew a little colder. The sound of hardening ice blanketed the sky above me. Belle's magic signature was emitting in full force— as was Luna.

"Whatever you have planned won't work, I assure you. I will rip you all limb… from limb." Edith tore off Eudora's left arm from the shoulder.

"Edith!" My body kicked into action. Arms emerged from my back and shot forth at my opponent, but hit a barrier mere inches away. Edith scoffed and reached for the remaining arm, but I felt a swelling of energy as I detected Rio's signature from behind me. "Rio, sic her!"

A black blur slammed through Edith's barrier, throwing her into the burning mansion, and causing her to lose grip of Eudora whom I'd caught before hitting ground. I shoved a magic crystal into her mouth, and in seconds became animated once again after a deep gasp for air.

Eudora surveyed the surroundings and the first thing she asked was, "Where's my arm?"

"Don't say I never gave you a hand." I had caught her arm soon after she had fallen. The area where her arm was ripped wasn't bleeding like I expected it to. It was a strange substance reminiscent of flour dough that came to life and reattached itself.

Rio returned to my side. I scratched his chin for a job well done.

"Nyaa~" At last, he was showing me affection by rubbing his head against my knuckles. Maybe it was because we hadn't seen each other in such a long time.

Our reunion, however, would have to wait.

Edith flew into the air above the ruins of the manor. Her academy robes had burned off, replaced with a black and blood red gown that oozed an ethereal mist all over. A single, sharp horn stuck out from one side of her head. 

"I am the culmination of centuries of research perfected. What are you?" Edith cackled.

Eudora stood up, patted the dust from her robes, and extended a hand.

"Shall we teach our old Headmistress new tricks?" she asked.

"It will be my pleasure." I nodded

By Eudora's own magic, she lifted herself into the sky to meet Edith head on. I was no slouch. I had studied and practiced Belle's magic precisely for this. Whispering the complex incantation, a small storm grew beneath my feet and allowed me to take flight.

We bombarded Edith with our combined magic, forcing her into the defensive. Eudora sheathed a dagger and gutted herself. Blood spilled out of her abdomen and formed tendrils that began to entangle Edith. My own living robes, powered by the magic stored through Vessyra's gift, ushered out a dozen arms that aided in binding her.

However, Edith was able to break out of it all with ease. Her magic cut through the cocoon we placed her in like a hot knife to butter. She was unfazed even after our relentless attacks.

"I can smell it, Eudora. The fear. You only have six soul stones. Forge new bodies as each become too broken to fix, but your soul will continue to wither with each transition," Edith said.

"Are you in any position to worry about me? When you're outnumbered?" Eudora shrugged.

My old instructor pointed a gnarled finger at me. "You must not know. The last soul she needs is inside you."

Inside… me?

What did that mean? Was Eudora keeping me around to eventually extract it from my body? Whose hands had I really been playing into?

"Ellori! Don't listen to her. If we are not united in this, that bitch wins!" Eudora grabbed my shoulders and faced me.

I came back to my senses in time to witness Edith driving a clawed hand through Eudora's body. The wand blasted me away, but Rio caught me before I was knocked out of the sky. Fortunately in that moment, I had flicked an extra crystal from my pocket.

Edith strangled the life out of Eudora. The gaping hole in her stomach did not look good either.

"You've lost," Edith said.

"How like the villain to prematurely claim victory." Eudora stuck out her tongue, a magic crystal sat atop a runic spell that was etched into the fleshy organ. 

A flash of blinding light was followed with a gust of wind that blew me further than I had expected. The massive towers that dotted the Weeping Expanse, one had now appeared in the center of Ferellis, crushing out of existence what was left of Quinny's manor.

Edith glanced at the tower in confusion, but Eudora and I seized that moment to bind her yet again.

"Move!" Belle shouted from behind us.

Mira and Belle, as well as their familiars, combined their magic to summon the sun itself and fired the spell directly at Edith. She couldn't break out of her entanglement in time. The massive fireball consumed her and its trajectory led right to the teleportation circle. Another flash of light filled our vision, and both Edith and the spell disappeared.

"This is goodbye, Edith." It was Eudora's turn to cackle as she crushed the soul stone that powered the forged world inside. The tower began to collapse in on itself. Brick and stone crumbled, but was swallowed by a swirling vortex of darkness until nothing was left except an imprint on the ground.

Not a second after I took a breath of relief and before anyone could utter a peep of celebration, a clawed hand ripped open a veil.

"That's not very fair," Mira remarked.

"The truth is stranger, more exciting than you think!" A voice I knew too well sent a shiver up my spine. We all had heard it, but only I knew its playful and sarcastic tone.

"Demos," I uttered his name.

Deep inside me, a very wrathful goddess stirred.

The tear in space opened large enough for Edith to step out of it, and from her shadow, a projection of the trickster god himself emerged. By the look on my companions' face, they could also see him.

What was Demos doing here? And on the side of the one person whom he'd asked me to kill? 

"I'm not interested in games. You will help me, Demos. Or you can kiss our deal goodbye," Edith said.

Vessyra's rage boiled to a tipping point. Her magic overflowed and poured out, merging with my living clothes and transforming it into the black robes from when I fought the dracolich. Feathered wings emerged from my back, they beat with such force that I didn't need the spell at my feet anymore. Then, as if to paint me in the goddess' image, the dark colors burned off my body to an ivory white and gold.

"I don't know why Demos sided with you, but there's a very angry goddess who would like a word with both of you." 


Ellori sex with a dragon:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/18-ellori-x-zeke-46264745

Ellori sex with a futa dryad: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ellori-x-futa-43341085

Ellori sex with a minotaur: https://www.patreon.com/posts/surprise-for-ero-41520283

Futa Ellori sex with Mira: https://www.patreon.com/posts/update-3-ero-h-40394146

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