Ellori, the Ero Witch of Parthun

111 – Hound Outta Hell


Now over 20+ ADVANCED CHAPTERS, exclusive patron-only chapters, available on my patreon- https://www.patreon.com/jamminrabbit

*NEW Ellori foursome with harpies: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ero-witch-48583970

Ellori sex with a dragon:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/18-ellori-x-zeke-46264745

Ellori sex with a futa dryad: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ellori-x-futa-43341085

Ellori sex with a minotaur: https://www.patreon.com/posts/surprise-for-ero-41520283

Futa Ellori sex with Mira: https://www.patreon.com/posts/update-3-ero-h-40394146

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I cleared my throat and asked, "Exactly how strong is a cerberus?"

"Enough that ordering us to go fight it is tantamount to suicide," Thelia answered.

Her fear was palpable. Ignorance was bliss in this situation, I had yet to grasp the gravity of the situation or how strong the demon hound was. Its magic signature was immense, but not as incredible as Zathira when she was incubating. Though to be fair, I didn't fight her and wasn't able to get a read on how strong she was.

Thelia and the remnants of her demon army looked to me for directions. They were all shaking. It went to show how out of league they would be against the cerberus. If I ordered them to fight, they would have no choice but to obey. Thelia was likely anticipating this.

"You're terrified, aren't you? Rest assured, I won't send you to fight that thing." I put a hand on the erinyes shoulder, surprising her with a show of kindness demons were not used to. She let out a quivering breath, no doubt relieved that she wouldn't be facing a monstrous creature of her race. "Instead, I want you to remain here and fight alongside Lantessa instead. She is the gorgon at the edge of the forest."

"I— Outmatched or not. If you order us to fight the cerberus, we will." Thelia pounded her obsidian breastplate, but she wouldn't fool me with that shaking fist.

"If I bring a host of demons with me into the city, there's no guarantee the witches won't attack you on sight. Stay here. I need you alive to continue serving me," I said.

"As-As you wish!" She rallied her troops and flew straight for Ellowyn.

"Hoo…" I put a hand to my chest and shut my eyes, hoping to calm my racing heart.

Despite the brave front I put on, there's no way I wasn't scared. Rio floated up and bumped his head against me.

"Meooww!" He began purring, rolling over in mid-air.

"If you're trying to be cute to cheer me up… It's working!" I snatched him into my arms and scratched behind his ears.

"You're not fighting this alone." Belle emerged from the tower, clutching her staff with Luna coiled around the tip.

"Belle! What happened to Eleanor?" I asked.

"Cammy's inside looking after her. Elle's vitals are low. Less than I'm comfortable with, but I couldn't sit still while you all were risking your lives out here. Isn't that right?" she asked her familiar. Luna hissed in response, and I felt a swelling of magic gathering within her. "Let's make Edith regret giving me the augmented soul stone of wrath."

"I'm guessing that is still in your ass, then?" I giggled.

Belle groaned. "Get off my back!"

Much of Lotherain appeared to have been on fire, but Alira and the other witches were going around putting out the flames and rescuing those stuck under rubble. Ceris and Sheila, accompanied by Io and Mana, were defending Lotherain's only church from incoming demons while ushering those you couldn't fight inside.

"Ceris, Sheila!" I shouted to them.

They looked up in time to see me cast a thick barrier of ice around the church to protect from flying imps. The only entrance into the building was the front archway, but they should be able to defend against it from funneling demons.

"Should one of us stay?" I asked Belle.

She shook her head. "Those bunyips are a lot stronger than we give them credit for."

The city square was an otherworldly sight. It was like an explosion had wiped out the existence of any building and plantlife in a hundred meter radius. Purple crystals jutted from the ground that had been charred black from the cerberus' entrance. It must have taken a lot of magic to get it here. 

A group of piety knights staggered into the clearing. Belle and I raised our weapons to prepare for a fight, only to realize they weren't armed— they were running.

The three-headed demon crashed through the charred buildings and knocked the knights square across the area. Their bodies went limp and each head dined on a corpse of their fresh kill. One head caught sight of us and growled for the other two's attention.

Fur as black as night, fangs as large and sharp as claymores, three pairs of eyes that burned like the sun, and a muscular frame that could crush a dragon just stepping on it. This was a cerberus. I'd never seen anything like it in my grimoires.

"What's the plan, Belle?" I asked my senior.

"Beat it until it's down!" She flew into the sky and shot a dozen gargantuan lances of ice at the cerberus, but a mere howl shattered the spell.

Now was no time to be afraid.

"Rio, sic 'em!" I ordered.

When Rio sprouted tentacles from his body to subdue the cerberus, my only thought was 'like witch, like familiar'. It toppled over trying to move. When it sank its jaws in to rip the restraints, more wrapped around its body. Rio sank his own teeth to get a bite, but the hound was far too big for him to eat.

"I can't believe this is my second time casting this here." Belle summoned the fury of the sun itself to descend on the cerberus. The same blast that Mira and I were nearly caught in when we faced her.

Rio released his tentacles in time to escape back to my side as the sun consumed our foe whole. A blinding flash of light and heat temporarily robbed us of our vision. I incanted a ventus to blow the smoke away, but the hound was uninjured. Two of the hound's heads squeezed shut their jaw, but the third was wide open in our direction.

"What the…" Belle squinted to get a better look, but I saw what was happening first.

"Watch out!" I pulled her out of the way as a dense ray reminiscent of Humility's beam cut through the sky. "That was going to incinerate us…"

"That damn thing is redirecting our spells. Whatever we throw, it chucks back at us." She pointed to the cerberus' mouth.

In that case…

"I have a better idea." I sloshed the elixir of gigantism between my fingers, then tipped the contents into my mouth.

"You going to fuck that thing into submission like you did your dragon?" Belle asked.

"N-No! I… I don't even know if it has a dick. Rio and I will restrain its mouth. You prepare another spell. Give me all that wrath can muster," I said.

Belle nodded.

I dove down to meet the cerberus as my body grew in size. My vestments changed form, shifting into feathery ribbons that clung to my body. It covered a lot less of me and seemed to flutter with a mind of its own.

"Alright, you oversized mutt. Come and get it!" I dug my heels into the ground to ready myself.

The moment it lunged, I threw a fist into one of the heads, but the other two bit down on my shoulders and pushed me to the ground. My living clothes acted quick, and came between their serrated teeth. I couldn't get it off me, and neither was it going to unclamp its jaws. Rio put his tentacles to work trying to pull it off to no avail. 

"Shit— huh?" Something poked me below the waist. It was the cerberus' bright red dick, hard as a rock, dry humping my thighs. "You've got some nerve trying to screw me in the middle of the city!"

"Think of it this way. Maybe it'll feel good enough and let go!" Belle laughed from above.

"If you're mad about my comment earlier, I'm sorry. Give me a hand! Cerberus dick isn't on my list of things to get fucked by!" I yelled. 

There was no budging with this hound. The elixir of gigantism wasn't enough even with Rio pulling. With three heads firmly clenched on my shoulders and arm, getting fucked was an eventuality.

"Fine… If that's how it's going to go down, it better be a good dick." I grabbed the cerberus' dick, causing it to yelp in response but not enough for it to release me. Swallowing the remainder of my dignity, I guided it to my pussy and let the slamming hips take over.

The cerberus plunged into me. The fat dick went so deep it knocked the air out of my lungs. Apparently, I was already wet enough to receive him. Maybe my encounters with so many creatures already had led my body to anticipating this.

"But damn… this cock is way too thick… I feel like I'm going to break— oh, gods…" I groaned.

It pistoned into me, each thrust going so deep it struck my cervix every time. One out of three heads let go and started licking my face with a piping hot tongue. I was beginning to feel good having sex with the cerberus. My arms were no longer pushing it away and was wrapped around its muscular forelegs.

My body reacted on its own, eagerly thrusting my own hips to meet the hound's vicious mating press. The one head that wasn't biting down on my shoulders let loose a howl that sounded like it was enjoying itself. Its tongue hung out of its mouth, panting like an actual dog in heat.

"Oh— aahh… fuck me— I'm cumming!" I shouted as my legs clenched around the cerberus' waist, urging it to thrust further into my cunt. An incredible climax took my breath away, but it wasn't finished.

The second head released. Both heads started licking my face and body. The thick slabs of meat that were the tongues brushed against my breasts and teased my erect nipples, sending waves of pleasure coursing through me.

I opened my eyes to see Belle grinning.

"Just… ahh— just so you know… I'm not enjoying this— nngh… one bit!" I said through clenched teeth.

Belle cupped a hand over her ear and asked, "What's that? It's hard to hear over the sound of your pleasurable moans!"

I felt it. The cock began to knot up. It was going to get stuck in my pussy just like with the anubians. But as it grew thicker, it was grinding against places I didn't know could make me feel so good.

"Yes— fuck me! Fuck! It's so good at this, Belle— I'm going to cum hard again… it's knotting up— aguuuh…!" I thrashed under the cerberus. Cum hotter than the hellscape it came from pumped into my womb. The two heads looked to the sky and howled while slobber dripped all over me. Then, at last, the third head let go to join the chorus. I came back to my senses in time to order Rio to bind the hound's three heads.

Putting all my might behind the shove, I managed to push the cerberus off me while it was weakened by the orgasm. Its dick came out of me with a loud plop! I compelled my living robes to reinforce the bindings and anchor into the earth.

"Now!" Belle and I put both of our magic behind the spell, summoning a star much larger and hotter than before. It sunk into the cerberus, but because it couldn't unleash the energy, began to melt into itself until only bones remained.

I wiped the sweat from my forehead. Cum leaking from my pussy. I still couldn't believe I fucked another demon.

"Ah. I see you are an exhibitionist now." Belle teased, pointing to my enlarged size that was naked for the whole city to see.

"Kuh… the things I do for this kingdom…" I sighed.


Now over 20+ ADVANCED CHAPTERS, exclusive patron-only chapters, available on my patreon- https://www.patreon.com/jamminrabbit

*NEW Ellori foursome with harpies: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ero-witch-48583970

Ellori sex with a dragon:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/18-ellori-x-zeke-46264745

Ellori sex with a futa dryad: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ellori-x-futa-43341085

Ellori sex with a minotaur: https://www.patreon.com/posts/surprise-for-ero-41520283

Futa Ellori sex with Mira: https://www.patreon.com/posts/update-3-ero-h-40394146

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