
*NEW Ellori foursome with anubians: https://www.patreon.com/posts/49690495

Ellori foursome with harpies: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ero-witch-48583970

Ellori sex with a dragon:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/18-ellori-x-zeke-46264745

Ellori sex with a futa dryad: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ellori-x-futa-43341085

Ellori sex with a minotaur: https://www.patreon.com/posts/surprise-for-ero-41520283

Futa Ellori sex with Mira: https://www.patreon.com/posts/update-3-ero-h-40394146

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Celebrating new cover with additional chapter!

My barrier took no impact. The explosion happened. I heard it.


The crystalline device was gone. In its place, sitting atop the frozen King Uldrin's lap, was Rio. He belched loud and a spout of flames shot from his mouth.

"You've got to be joking. Just how powerful have you become?" I asked him. Though there was no way to sense the strength of my familiar via his signature, it was clear as day how far he had come. Especially since consuming the cerberus.

Aside from the bone-biting cold air, the chamber was still in one piece. As were we. 

"Okay. We're safe now, so maybe you want to take your hands off me. Unless you're looking to get down and dirty in front of King Icicle?" Quinny was in my arms. I didn't realize we were basically spooning each other when I threw us both to the ground and raised the barrier. The way she rubbed her ass against my crotch told me she hoped for something.

"Unfortunately, I think we have bigger problems to deal with." I helped her up, and we both had the same idea to inspect the frozen king.

He was dead. No doubt about that. For how long now, there was no way to tell. Although we knew it was a trap coming here, it was imperative to find out what happened to the king of Juna. We had our answer now.

"I ain't keen on sticking a knife into a block of ice. This is going to be a lot more problem than it's worth," Quinny said.

I agreed. King Uldrin had no heir that we were aware of. Without a monarch, Juna would fall into a civil war with all the baronies and earldoms vying for control. Something that wouldn't bode well for this kingdom, especially with demons posing a constant threat already.

It was a rather fortuitous coincidence that we're the only two who knew of King Uldrin's death. Quinny came to the same conclusion.

"We'll seal the keep. No one has to know King Uldrin is dead. As long as this doesn't go public, neither Edith nor Winnegan can claim the king is dead without inviting suspicion to themselves," I said.

Quinny nodded. "My people and I will continue to occupy Semiramis as though King Uldrin is a hostage."

It would have been a much different story if the bomb had gone off and the entire keep was destroyed. No one could hide or assume the king was alive after such a catastrophic event.

I sealed the keep with magic enchantments for now and returned to Thelia, who still had her demons toying with my former instructor. They had taken over a deserted tavern. Winnegan was getting pounded from behind by two imps and facefucked by a greshka. Her entire body was covered in ejaculate, mouth and nose leaking of it.

For a 50 year old woman, Winnegan was in surprisingly good shape. No one could complain about aged wine, especially when she could moan and squeal with pleasure.

"I need her to speak," I said, and as if on cue, Thelia grabbed the greshka by the scruff of his neck and yanked him away.

A waterfall of cum spilled from Winnegan's mouth. If despair had a face, that was it. Color drained from her cheeks, and she was as white as the ejaculate that stained her.

"Y-You're… how?" she choked, spitting out a mouthful of cum.

I pulled up a chair to sit in front of her. "What's the matter, Instructor? Something you want to say about my short visit to King Uldrin?"

Winnegan winced and screwed her mouth shut. I doubted anything substantial would come out of her at this point anyway. Whatever her and Edith's plan was had been foiled. 

"Instructor, please. Help me understand why you're doing this," I pleaded.

"I have no reason to give. Why should men in brittle crowns tell us what to do? Witches are the ones with power, not— oh, gods… I'm— aaahh!" She shuddered as the imps fucked her to a climax. After recomposing herself, she looked me dead in the eyes. There was no apology to give and no excuse to make. "Whatever happens to me, fine. At the end of this war, we will be the true martyrs. You will all owe your freedoms to us. Don't forget that."

I couldn't refute Winnega because she was right. Humanity had allowed witchcraft to become too embedded into society. In their hopes to rule us, they allowed the worst of us to infiltrate their most powerful institutions. Even the Order of Piety. Talmora would forever be changed by these recent events. Whether for better or for worse, remained to be seen.

"We're returning to Lotherain. Thelia, carry Winnegan. Quinny—" When I got out of my seat, Quinny grabbed my face and kissed me deeply. Having caught me by surprise, her tongue ravished me without resistance.

Quinny let me go at last, and Thelia was fuming and pouting but turned the other cheek.

"W-What was that for?" I asked, blushing.

"Just a thank you for saving me back there. You done a lot for me and my sis. Maybe when this all blows over, we can get to know each other a little more intimately?" Quinny winked.

"You're really making me regret not having a dick right now…" I remarked.

Thelia, Rio, and I prepared to leave Semiramis. Winnegan was still bound by Thelia's anti-magic whip and carried her like a deflated balloon.

"Will you and your people be alright here?" I asked, hesitant to leave Juna in such a sorry state.

The subjects of Juna were beginning to emerge from their homes, looking a lot more relieved than they were a day ago. Despite the militant occupation of their city, Quinny's soldiers from Ors and the Silver Cross were incredibly cordial with one another. Though I supposed if they had a fiery leader like Quinny, no one would dare act out of line unless they were hoping for a dagger in their gut.

"It'll take time to adjust, with what bickering Juna nobility and countless towns to liberate from the demons. I've already sent a couple of my most trusted to Lotherain. Use them to work out your planned siege of the Eternal City. I'll vow my forces to you, as long as you vow that sweet ass of yours to me for a night." Quinny smirked.

"You're really tempting me, aren't you? Anyway, I'll put them to good use. In return, I'll send a few witches your way to help you with the demon menace in the meantime." I was about to take off, then remembered another issue that needed to be addressed. "I understand your people might not entirely be comfortable with demi-humans in your city. I urge you to send them to Lotherain as well. They will have a home there."

Quinny rubbed her chin and nodded. "Will do."

Winnegan was quiet the whole way to Parthun. I might have been successful, but Mira and Belle had yet to return from their mission in Ferellis. It seemed like I'd been seeing so much battle that the serenity of night over Lotherain was unnerving. The rebuilding of the city was well under way and seeing strides since I left.

The population was oddly much less than I remembered.

Alira was there to explain when I arrived. "We couldn't sit by and let the rest of Parthun be devoured by demons. Ceris and I devised a plan, with Noelle and Eleanor aiding us, to split into multiple groups in guarding towns across the kingdom."

"With the influx of priestesses and demi-human armies, we have a lot more mouths to feed. Regaining access to the fertile lands will help us in the long run. Good call." I clasped her hand and yanked her in for a hug.

"Finally feels like we're doing what we're meant to do. Just wish people weren't getting hurt for this. More importantly…" Alira's eyes fell to our old instructor, who reeked of sweat and dried ejaculate. "Good to see you again, Instructor. You used to give me a good headache drilling me about the intricacies of somatic spellcasting."

"Hmph. Doubtful you have improved," Winnegan taunted.

Alira rolled up her sleeves and made a fist. "Just let me get a slug in."

"Now, now! She'll get her just desserts. Why don't you take her into Eudora's mansion and make an example of her?" I suggested.

"I know a gorgon who's been dying to get her fill of a new sex slave," she said.

Thelia handed the leash to Alira, who gladly took it and made her way into the tower. I sent Rio with them to keep an eye on Winnegan in case she broke free.

"Alright, Thelia. You've been a good girl, so I think you deserve a special reward for being so obedient." I pinched her chin and grinned.

The erinyes demon's eyes fogged up, and her cheeks took on a darker shade of red. Between shallow breaths and quivering lips, she said, "Yes, my master!"


*NEW Ellori foursome with anubians: https://www.patreon.com/posts/49690495

Ellori foursome with harpies: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ero-witch-48583970

Ellori sex with a dragon:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/18-ellori-x-zeke-46264745

Ellori sex with a futa dryad: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ellori-x-futa-43341085

Ellori sex with a minotaur: https://www.patreon.com/posts/surprise-for-ero-41520283

Futa Ellori sex with Mira: https://www.patreon.com/posts/update-3-ero-h-40394146

Interested in seeing quicker releases? Consider dropping a review and making a comment. If this story hits 10 reviews, we'll go right back to a release every 3 day!

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