
Now over 30+ ADVANCED CHAPTERS, exclusive patron-only chapters, available on my patreon- https://www.patreon.com/jamminrabbit

*NEW Ellori foursome with anubians: https://www.patreon.com/posts/49690495

Ellori foursome with harpies: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ero-witch-48583970

Ellori sex with a dragon:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/18-ellori-x-zeke-46264745

Ellori sex with a futa dryad: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ellori-x-futa-43341085

Ellori sex with a minotaur: https://www.patreon.com/posts/surprise-for-ero-41520283

Futa Ellori sex with Mira: https://www.patreon.com/posts/update-3-ero-h-40394146

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Ever since Sheila arrived with some fifty priestesses, those numbers had gradually swelled to three hundred as more arrived not just from Vessyra, but also from across outer-Talmora. It was strange at first, especially seeing so many demi-humans soliciting themselves like they were prostitutes but without cost. Though when their religion and dogma revolved around encouraging sexual freedom and fertility, I should expect nothing less.

However, I would have at least imagined they had measures in place, such as medication or magical means otherwise, to prevent unexpected pregnancies. They certainly did. The priestesses simply chose not to.

For several hundred women to constantly be engaged in sex for weeks at a time, in a human city whose subjects numbered upwards of ten-thousand and awakened to the thrill of screwing a beautiful other race humanoids, pregnancy was a given. As a result, Eileen and Cammy had diagnosed nearly four in five priestesses pregnant.

To make matters worse…

"I can't believe you two are also pregnant," I groaned.

Sheila and Ceris had tummy bumps. In fact, they were about the same size as Mira's.

"It wouldn't be our first child, and it certainly wouldn't be the last," the elven priestess said.

I stared at the both of them suspiciously. "Who fathered the one you're carrying now?"

Both of them smirked and left me without an answer to continue applying their make-up.

We three high priestesses made use of the carriage Sheila had come to Parthun in to prepare. The massive two-floor structure was every bit lavish as their bedchamber back in Vessyra. Its first layer served as a cafeteria and living space, while the entirety of the second was a bedroom in which they all shared a single large bed.

It was hard not to gawk at that bed, knowing full well the orgies those priestesses had together during the journey.

"Ah! I simply cannot get over how beautiful you look, Ellori. Would it be too much to ask for a quick one?" Sheila asked, clutching her blushing face.

"Now, now, Sheila. You mustn't scare her too much. Reign yourself in, for we shouldn't keep our disciples waiting." Ceris hugged her companion from behind. She slipped her hand through the slit in the gown to press two fingers into the beast's soaking wet crotch. Sheila shuddered and let out a pleasured yet disappointed sigh.

She and Ceris had swooned at the sight of me donning one of their robes. The incredibly thin and transparent garb exposed my breasts and groin, and consequently, my penis as well. I suspected this was their plan all along, because they keep throwing glances at my nether region.

"How do you two even wear this all day? It's like I'm not wearing anything at all," I complained.

"That's exactly the point." Ceris wagged a finger as though she were a teacher, seizing the opportunity to provide a lesson. "We may not all have living clothing like you, but these allow us to quickly disrobe in the event of fornication."

"It is also to lay bare our skin to the goddess. All things emerge from the fertile womb naked. The less we wear, the closer we are to Her," Sheila added.

They had absolutely no idea of my relationship to Vessyra. It was for the best. Who knew how much more they would lust after me if they found out I held a fragment of the goddess' power. As far as they were concerned, my empowered form was the result of magic and alchemy.

If you were listening, Vessyra, your presence put me in a precarious spot with your own priestesses.

A faint chuckle echoed in my head and a divine flicker warmed my chest. 

I was sure she got a kick out of my predicament. Though I supposed even a higher being such as herself could stand to take their mind off war. After all, for the goddess of love and lust, knowing her priestesses were pregnant had to be a celebratory occasion.

"What exactly does my role entail?" I asked them.

Ceris ceased toying with Sheila's body and helped her back to her feet. 

"It is a simple ceremony. We shall stand side by side and bid our disciples good fortune in their future," she said.

"That's it?" I wondered dubiously.

They nodded.

The time came to meet the priestesses outside. There were hundreds of them sitting on their knees in front of the carriage. Those who were not pregnant and curious onlookers who came to watch the ceremony, remained standing some ways behind. 

Many gasped as I made my way down the steps. Of course, nearly all of my sexual partners were in attendance. They had either seen me in my academy robes or completely naked, but wearing the thin veil was a new sight for them. Especially Gurk, whose erection bulged in his pants. What made it more embarrassing were the hundreds of eyes, clearly focused on my own penis.

The heart in my chest beat so loud it might as well be a war drumming.

Ceris and Sheila took my hand on either side of me. Their touch calmed my nerves a little, but nothing could wash away how embarrassing it was for so many priestesses to stare at my dick lustful intent. It took every ounce of willpower not to be turned on by this display of exhibitionism.

Alright. Get a hold of yourself, Ellori. Ceris already told you this ceremony was simple. By the look of it, all I had to do was just stand around. Hopefully, it would be over soon enough, and I could get back to being clothed again.

"My beloved cherubs," Ceris began addressing her people. "It gladdens me to see so many of you have the glow of a maiden. That you bear fruit is a sign that Vessyra has smiled upon you. Those who have yet borne— do not fret. Your time will come, and we shall all rejoice together. Today is an occasion for our sisters to be reminded that you are loved."

As Ceris said this, Sheila licked her lips and began to pant. The sitting priestesses all had their eyes on the three of us, each had a gaze that lingered and longed like one you would give a lover.

In the back of my mind, I knew something was definitely off.

Sheila had me swap positions with her. Now I was standing to her right, and she was standing between myself and Ceris.

"What happened?" I whispered.

"Don't worry. I just thought if you're the first, Ceris and I could at least taste you second-hand," Sheila said.

I drew a blank.

"Now, my dear priestesses, step forward. One by one, and receive Vessyra's love through us," Ceris announced.

"W-What?" I choked.

Upon the high priestess' word, the sitting priestesses rose to their feet and approached us, beginning with me.

A young elf, slighter older than Eileen in appearance, with skin much darker than Gale stood in front of me with an expectant gaze. She had short, black hair dyed with purple highlights that bring out her lavender eyes. A line began to form behind her.

Unsure of what to do next since I wasn't briefed about how the ceremony would go down, we stood there awkwardly facing each other. Her eyes, however, were fixed on my penis.

"Y-You're every bit as stunning as Sheila described, High Priestess Ellori," she finally found the courage to say.

"Hehe. You're sweet. I'm sure In a few years, you might give Gale a run for her money with how pretty you are," I complimented in return.

The elf blushed and erupted into a very teenage girl giggle. She then took a deep breath, shut her eyes, cupped her hands on my face, and pressed her lips to mine. Caught by surprise, I did nothing to stop her as a tongue slipped into my mouth. 

We were full on deep-tongue kissing, and if that wasn't enough, she grinded her breasts against my chest. Erect nipples teased my skin, she was practically humping me. Her inexperience lulled me into taking control and going with the flow. Shoving my tongue into her mouth made her squeak, but the sweet moans coming from her as she sucked on my meat was music to my ears.

"Hahh… shhllrrpp… mmmmh… I cahn… feel it… the goddesshs' lohve— mmrpph…" she uttered between breaths.

With our bodies pressed together, the stimulation set off waves of pleasure that traveled down to my penis. I couldn't control it any longer, and it became erect. The elf engulfed my standing member between her thighs and threatened me to blow a load, but I managed to focus my thoughts elsewhere so as to not embarrass myself.

When the elf and I parted, a trail of saliva that linked us together snapped. Her shallow breaths came out haggard, and her face in bliss like she just experienced an orgasm. She stepped back, bowed, then moved onto Sheila where they embraced like a married couple and continued where we left off.

"Th-This is the ceremony?!" I came to my senses and gasped.

On the other side of Sheila, the elven priestess winked at me and pointed to the line where seated priestesses await their turn.

"It is indeed. The celebrations begin after in the privacy of our carriage. Don't keep them waiting, Ellori. Plenty of our disciples would to taste you next," Ceris said, as she embraced the dark-skinned elf who had just finished with Sheila.

The next woman in line was a beastfolk much taller than me, whose breasts were barely kept in check by her robes, hooved feet, and upturned horns on her head. Just like the elf, she stared longingly at my erection and bit her lip.

I gulped hard.

Waging war was one thing, but I might not survive today's ceremony.


Now over 30+ ADVANCED CHAPTERS, exclusive patron-only chapters, available on my patreon- https://www.patreon.com/jamminrabbit

*NEW Ellori foursome with anubians: https://www.patreon.com/posts/49690495

Ellori foursome with harpies: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ero-witch-48583970

Ellori sex with a dragon:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/18-ellori-x-zeke-46264745

Ellori sex with a futa dryad: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ellori-x-futa-43341085

Ellori sex with a minotaur: https://www.patreon.com/posts/surprise-for-ero-41520283

Futa Ellori sex with Mira: https://www.patreon.com/posts/update-3-ero-h-40394146

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