Ellori, the Ero Witch of Parthun

13 – The Dryad, Flora

We gather around the tree in the morning. Some of the kobolds are more charred than the others after my outburst last night. 

As embarrassing as it was, I won't deny that they did save me crossing the point of no return. I can't believe I almost had sex with Gurk. Just what the hell is going on with me? There's got to be some anti-magic concoction I can brew up to keep me sane.

Or at the very least, less horny.


What if I do make something like that, and then it turns out I'm still horny?!

Oh, Headmaster. You won't hear this, but I don't know who else to pray to. I have no idea how much longer I can last before I become just as sex-crazed as goblins. 

Granted, it's not the worst way to go. Drown in pleasure, feeling good until the end of my days.

I went to the Academy to become a witch simply on the whim of my foster mother. Sure, I was a little promiscuous and a troublemaker early on. Headmaster had to straighten me out into a proper witch, but now it feels like I'm thrown into a pack of wolves in heat.

"Heh…hehe..." I start giggling under my breath. "What am I even doing with my life anymore?"

Kati, Gurk, and I stand before the tree as the kobold chief whispers ancient incantations. His words coax the tree to life. It creaks and groans, shaking off loose leaves and twigs.

My eyes are glued to the trunk as a female human form takes shape. Their guardian emerges with beautiful emerald skin and branch-like hair decorated with leaves and flowers cascading down her back.

The dryad's limbs are like thin branches coiled together. While the body appears human, it is all held together by powerful magics.

Kati backs away, bowing. "Guardian!"

She puts a hand on her chest and says, "You are the one my devoted calls Savior Ellori? Thank you for saving my children. They name me guardian but to my sisters, I am Flora. You may call me as such."

"It was kind of by chance that I ran into Kati's tribe, but I'm happy to help." Unsure what to do, I bow as well, but the dryad lifts my chin to face her.

"A gift is in order." Flora says, which sounds more like a command than an offer.

"You really don't have to— mmmfffhh?!"

I'm once again locking lips with a powerful creature. Her lips and tongue definitely feel human, but as the embrace continues, something begins to ooze down my throat.

"—Nnnngh! Mmmghh??? Gulp… gulp… shllrp… gulp!" 

The viscous substance I quickly ascertain as the dryad's sap pours without end. I have a hard time drinking it all and it begins to dribble out of my mouth. Some of the nearby kobolds come by with bowls to catch the liquid before it touches ground.

It begins to taste sweet, like honey. The addicting flavor is all I can think about, and I throw my arms around the dryad's neck to be closer to its source. She has to pull away to get me to stop, and wipes her lips of the sap with an amused grin. 

I feel the thick, hot liquid slowly make its way down to my stomach. My body is suddenly filled with an inexplicable power.

This isn't like my innate magic that allows me to be a witch. It feels… different?

"Cough! What was that?"

As the dryad stands up, some of the flowers on her body wither away. The lustre of the petals turn dark and disintegrate to ash. "I have shared with you a piece of my heart— of the forest itself."

If that was meant to be romantic, it certainly didn't make my heart skip a beat. There are stories of travelers receiving boons from forest nymphs, but they are no more minor and temporary enchantments. The most someone's ever gained was a bountiful harvest.

This is… not the same thing?

"Your affinity with the forests has grown. My fellow sisters will not hesitate to help you should you find yourself in danger." She kneels down and puts a hand on my shoulder. "I see you, Savior Ellori. You seek to rid our forests of this lingering miasma, thus is it in my best interest to help you."

"Eh? You know of my duty in the Weeping Expanse?"

"Our short exchange allowed me to learn much about you." She says, putting a finger to her lips. 

My face starts getting hot. It just occurred to me I made out with the kobold's guardian in front of them. "D-do you happen to know the origin of this miasma?"

Flora shakes her head, "I'm afraid not. I cannot wander too far from my children. Perhaps my sisters may know. When you venture deeper into the Expanse, seek out a dryad by the name of Willow. She is closer to this corruption than I."

"Thank you so much!"

Not only did I receive a dryad's boon, she also gave me a lead into solving this. Still, this has all been so strange. Setting aside the boosted sex drives of Parthun and the Weeping Expanse's denizens, there are creatures that shouldn't belong here like the gorgon. And how does this tie in with the letter sent to King Marcus?

"There is one more thing I must bestow upon you." The dryad says, her lips curling to a smile. "Your fertility presents an issue."

"My… fertility...?" 

Wait, she's right. The moment I'm impregnated is the end of my mission. I couldn't possibly care for a child, let alone risk being pregnant with a demi-human. "Is it another boon?"

"Something like that."

Flora reaches into her tree, and her hand passes through the wooden layer without resistance. Her hand returns holding a mushroom about the size of my arm. "Behold. Do your Academy's archives know of the tennoraphallus?"

My student instincts kick in, "Oh, oh! They're mushrooms that survive off being lodged in animal intestines. They proliferate by ejecting their liquid pollen that is scattered alongside feces. That liquid pollen has been used as a contraceptive— eh?"

I watch as Flora inserts the tennoraphallus halfway into her crotch. Her face contorts in delight, and suddenly the mushroom rises like a penis growing erect. 

Realization comes too late.

Four branches shoot up from under me, immobilizing my limbs and forcing me on all fours. The entire tribe and Gurk watch on as Flora approaches me from behind. 

"You… you can't be serious?! We're going to do this here? In front of everyone??"

Flora grabs my ass and caresses it. She lays her new organ on top of my butt so I can feel its size. It's big. Real big.


I'm so pent up from being interrupted last night that just getting touched sets me off. If she puts it in…

Her mushroom dick finds its way to my entrance. It's warm, like a real one. She rubs the head against my slit, sending waves of pleasure through my body.

Oh, god. Flora's actually going to fuck me… with THAT?

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