
Completed series available on my patreon for as little as 1$ tier - https://www.patreon.com/jamminrabbit

*NEW Ellori foursome with anubians: https://www.patreon.com/posts/49690495

Ellori foursome with harpies: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ero-witch-48583970

Ellori sex with a dragon:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/18-ellori-x-zeke-46264745

Ellori sex with a futa dryad: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ellori-x-futa-43341085

Ellori sex with a minotaur: https://www.patreon.com/posts/surprise-for-ero-41520283

Futa Ellori sex with Mira: https://www.patreon.com/posts/update-3-ero-h-40394146

Without Auren to channel magic into the demonic tree, the massive structure became inert and just that— a mere tree. The two large trunks that were its legs planted themselves firmly to the ground. Thick roots began to anchor themselves into the soil.

Belle was particularly worried about what the pincer-like fireflies and a tree from another realm might do to Ferellis if left here. Unfortunately, many of those insects had already escaped and flown off. The tree was also far too resilient to destroy by magical means despite our calibre. 

Fortunately, like a switch to an oil lamp, the flames upon its branches had extinguished the moment we subdued Auren. Cinders no longer rained down upon the city and its denizens. They had much more to worry about than falling ash anyway. The immediate demon threat had been quelled, and those that survived the initial purge fled for their lives since their commander was defeated.

Mira, Belle, and I sat upon the giant tree's branches watching the citizens return to their city in ruins. There was little we could do for them now, and it was clear to me that Princess Lisette and Ors would not be able to provide us the help we sought.

"Let me down! I am a greater demon, not some livestock waiting to be butchered. When I break out of this, you three will serve me!" Auren cried as he dangled like a pendulum from restraints that tied him to the branch we sat upon.

"Poor choice of words." Mira scraped her dagger's blade along the length of the rope.

The incubus swallowed hard. "W-W-Wait, you have to free my wings first. I'll die from this height!"

"It's a long way down. You'll have some time to beg forgiveness and make peace with yourself before going splat," Belle said.

The blue of Auren's skin took on a lighter shade as the blood drained from his face. Whether out of fear for his life or mind frozen in sheer terror, the otherwise talkative demon had fallen silent.

"My masters!" Thelia flew up to us and bowed her head. "The demons that couldn't escape have been subjugated and are at your disposal. Our numbers swell to two-hundred, including the ones back in Lotherain."

"Well done. I think Mira would like to take over for your next reward." I grinned.

"You erinyes love your whips. My own whip has been aching to see use." Mira licked her lips and sent visible shivers up Thelia's spine.

"Is that who I think it is?" Auren wiggled like a worm until he spun around to meet Thelia face to face.

An amused and smirking Thelia burst into laughter at the sight of a fellow demon in captivity. There was clearly history between them, but not the kind from seeing two old friends meet.

"Do you two know each other?" I asked Thelia.

"We once served the same master. Incubi are one of the most prideful and arrogant demons. The only way they can get people to like them is through magic. Rope and chains are a good look on him," Thelia said of Auren, jabbing a finger into his scowling face and causing him to spin.

"I didn't believe my sisters at first. An erinyes swearing allegiance to witches? You traitorous bitch! Our masters will have your horns and condemn you to eternal suffering for this!" he screamed.

"I serve new masters now, and they reward me properly." She shut her eyes, imagining what Mira would do to her later.

We descended from the tree and paraded the defeated Auren through the city he terrorized. Citizens threw rotten food and spat on him. Several times it looked like he wanted to exert his magical influence, but one glance from us shot down any attempts he had to escape the public shaming.

Sir Laran and a company of city guards accompanied Princess Lisette, providing aid to the injured in a triage tent. Her regal countenance was ruined by the dirt stains all over her blouse and face. They all looked no worse for wear. At the very least, they were alright.

"You and Quinny aren't twins for nothing. Both of you have a habit of getting your hands dirty," I remarked as she exited the tent to greet me.

"It's good to see you all safe. I can't thank you enough for your timely arrival. The demons on the other hand… I could go without seeing them in this lifetime." She frowned at Thelia and Auren behind me.

"I understand it's difficult to let the perpetrator live, but I urge you to allow me to hold him in captivity for my experiments," I said.

"If that's what it costs to end this war Edith set upon us, then so be it. Do not let my city's destruction be in vain." With that, she stormed past me and slapped Auren across the face so hard her hand stung.

Thelia chuckled at his expense.

"Saving the city wasn't all we came to do. Where is Eudora?" Mira asked, crossing her arms.

Although Mira could have used a little more tact in broaching the subject, the other reason we came here was to also find out what happened to the Cackling Witch.

Unfortunately, the grim look on the princess' face stamped out our hopes.

"They waged a fearsome battle of the likes I thought might split this world in two. I regret to inform you that Eudora did not come out the victor. The last I saw of her was in Edith's clutches, presumably returning to Thanreas," she explained.

Mira clicked her tongue. She took her anger out on Auren by kicking his shin, causing him to hop in place in agony and screaming into the gag Belle placed in his mouth. For all that Mira sasses Eudora, the time we spent was undeniably genuine. I still remembered the talks I had with her in private, the moment of vulnerability she revealed to me alone— I wished so much that she was alright.

"Hmph. This is Eudora we're talking about. That madwoman won't be done in so easily. She's probably cooking up a scheme while locked up and mocking Edith at every turn," Belle said.

The thought of Eudora patronizing Edith for every little thing like she did with us brought a smile to my face. Now I was dreading the earful she would give us once we saved her.

"We'll be returning to Lotherain to resume plotting how the siege of the Eternal City will go down. What about you?" I asked the princess.

"At dawn, I shall head straight to Semiramis to demand fealty from the nobility of Juna," she said.

We fell silent. Even Thelia was at a loss for words at the sheer cunning of the woman before us.

"Aha— hahaha! Eudora was right. You truly are a sly fox. Perhaps a snake is more appropriate." Mira cackled.

"Princess, this was not part of the deal. You can't just waltz in and seize Juna. Its people won't just stand idle for you to replace their late king. Please, see reason!" I begged.

"All of Juna is mine by right of succession. I was to be wed to King Uldrin until his… untimely demise, and he had sired no children who may inherit the throne. The nobility might resist, but with what army now decimated by demons? I already have mine poised at their throats right from the beginning. None of you will intervene unless you wish to have one less force participating in your siege on the Eternal City." Without so much as an ounce of shame in her guile, the princess waved a dismissive hand.

I could protest no longer. From the very beginning she wanted the Kingdom of Juna, and now it was in her hands. My efforts in liberating Semiramis had only served its lands to the princess on a golden platter.

Mira put a hand on my shoulder. "Leave it. We have a better chance at defeating Edith than to wage a political war against the princess of Ors. Or shall I say, Queen of Ors and Juna now?"

Princess Lisette scoffed.

The rest of us were escorted out of the tent by her guards, no less friendly than when we had first arrived.

"That was quite the warm reunion." Belle sighed.

Warm was putting it lightly. My head was hot with anger. After all the good work we did, squandered by political greed and ambition— the same that allowed Edith to get as far as she did by manipulating those vices.

"As much as I'd like to give Lisette a piece of my mind, we've done all we can here. Let's return to—"



Green and Red descended in time for a much larger shadow to engulf us. The people around us screamed in terror as a silver dragon landed next to us with Blue riding on top like it was a horse.

"Sorry, I'm late!" Zeke bowed shamefully. "I… I got sent flying so far I got lost. Then the harpies somehow found me."

Green, Red, and Blue circled the dragon like cats around their favorite toy.


Completed series available on my patreon for as little as 1$ tier - https://www.patreon.com/jamminrabbit

*NEW Ellori foursome with anubians: https://www.patreon.com/posts/49690495

Ellori foursome with harpies: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ero-witch-48583970

Ellori sex with a dragon:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/18-ellori-x-zeke-46264745

Ellori sex with a futa dryad: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ellori-x-futa-43341085

Ellori sex with a minotaur: https://www.patreon.com/posts/surprise-for-ero-41520283

Futa Ellori sex with Mira: https://www.patreon.com/posts/update-3-ero-h-40394146

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