
Completed series available on my patreon for as little as 1$ tier - https://www.patreon.com/jamminrabbit

*NEW Ellori foursome with anubians: https://www.patreon.com/posts/49690495

Ellori foursome with harpies: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ero-witch-48583970

Ellori sex with a dragon:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/18-ellori-x-zeke-46264745

Ellori sex with a futa dryad: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ellori-x-futa-43341085

Ellori sex with a minotaur: https://www.patreon.com/posts/surprise-for-ero-41520283

Futa Ellori sex with Mira: https://www.patreon.com/posts/update-3-ero-h-40394146

There was little left to do other than to wait until the end of the month. Quinny needed a little more time to prepare and gather her forces that had been spread across Juna. In a few days' time, we would be laying siege to Thanreas. Everything we had worked towards, sacrificed, and lost culminated to this.

Whether we were ready or not come end of Redvern, the war must be nipped in the bud before it has a chance to fully blossom. Either Edith Percouli answered for her crimes, or we all perish.

As I made my way to Eudora's tower, a group of four children ran past me toward the demi-human encampment. Suspicious of their motives, I followed after them to make sure they kept out of trouble. Of course, that was too much to ask.

The rascals crawled underneath the fence barrier, thinking they were in a covert mission and unaware that I'd already caught onto them.

"M-Maybe we should head back. I think I heard my mom calling as we left," one boy, who couldn't be older than ten, said to the group.

Another wagged a finger in his cowardly friend's face. "We got this far didn't we? Besides, my gramps says they're as dumb as animals. No way one of them's gonna catch on."

They hid behind several large tents made of leathers thrown over scaffolding and pitched poles. Crates and barrels stuffed full with weapons were set between each shelter, providing adequate cover from being seen. 

The bravest of them, whom I recognized by his messy, short brown hair as Jonah, pulled a spear from a weapon's rack. It was unwieldy in his hands and wobbled as he tried to find the right place to hold it to keep balance.

Now was probably the best time to ruin their fun before things got out of hand. However, a black-furred minotaurus had walked around back to investigate the commotion and found the children waiting.

Three of them staggered back and fell on their butts. The one carrying the spear brandished it in the minotaur's face.

"Stay back, monster!" he exclaimed with a trembling voice.

"That's enough, kids. Your parents must be worried sick not knowing where you are." I revealed myself from behind the trees, spooking the entire group and the minotaur.

Rio extended a tendril to disarm the boy of the spear and placed it into my hand. I had all four of them sit on their knees in front of me, each hanging their heads in shame.

"It's been some time, hasn't it, Jonah? Don't tell me this was all your idea?" I asked, folding my arms across my chest.

"First knights, then demons… when another group of monsters showed up, I thought they were gonna attack, " he answered.

The minotaur and I traded sighs.

I knelt down and put my hand on Jonah's head. "I know it's hard to believe with everything that's happening. These new faces are on our side. We're going to stop all the bad people soon, but you need to stay at home to protect your family— not go out looking for trouble."

Jonah looked like he wanted to protest, then took another look at the minotaur's enormous build and cowered.

"I think they are brave and have the makings of future bannerkins," the minotaur complimented his would-be attackers.

"You're going to encourage their recklessness?" I glared at him.

"My name is Gwarm. I take no offense for what they thought about doing. Instead, this can be turned into a valuable lesson." Gwarm rose to his full height and extended a hand large enough to crush any one of the children's skulls.

All of them reared back. I thought they would run. Jonah swallowed his fear and shook the minotaur's hand.

"I… I'm Jonah… I heard your kind eat humans. Is it true?" he asked.

I thought to scold him, but Gwarm bellowed in laughter.

"We eat bigger things than humans to become strong. You can become as strong as me if you eat what I do. Come, I'll show you. High Priestess Ellori, you come as well." Gwarm yanked Jonah into his shoulder, and I nodded to the other kids that it was alright to come along.

Gwarm led us around to the front where a centaur, orc, and a harpy sat around a bonfire. There was a joke waiting somewhere, but I couldn't think of one. For the longest time, I'd only known demi-humans from inner Talmora and the Weeping Expanse. They were either enslaved or lived among their own species. To see so many races together like in Vessyra still surprised me. It surprised the kids as well.

"I hope you don't mind some extra mouths to feed," Gwarm announced to his companions.

"Sit them by the fire, but not too close."

The harpy, who looked to be from a species of black bats, roasted giant slabs of meat skewered on metal spears. She seasoned with spices the aroma of which I didn't recognize, but was incredibly fragrant and mouth-watering nonetheless. The boys who had hidden behind me stared at the glitsening food with curiosity.

"Bellina is as skilled a cook as she is a javelineer," Gwarm said of his harpy friend.

"You boys prefer it well-done or rare?" Bellina asked them.

Jonah was let down to his friends. None of them must have eaten yet, because they answered her enthusiastically.

"I have a daughter who prefers fruits and nectar over a good steak. Never get a chance to show off my recipes to her. You kids make sure to eat your fill!" She handed each of them meat so big that they didn't know where to begin eating.

Biting into the charred flesh set off an explosion of flavors in my mouth. It tasted as good as it smelled despite the underlying gamey flavor, which was mostly masked by the spices Bellina lathered onto it. She even tossed a piece to Rio, who snatched it in mid-air.

"Boys, what do you say?" I asked. They replied with a mixture of thanks and gratitude while ravenously digging into the meat. "Sorry for the trouble, Gwarm, Bellina."

They shook their heads.

"Better they are troublemakers young rather than later." Bellina grinned at the boys.

"They are welcome to return anytime, but we all much prefer they use the front entrance." Gwarm chuckled.

"I'll drill that into their heads," I assured them.

I escorted the boys home with a full belly and a new perspective of the demi-humans that came to Parthun. What they thought were man-eating monsters turned out to be no different than their own parents. And who could fault them for thinking this way to begin with? The history we carved and lessons we sought was a collective effort. Today, they were given a glimpse of another perspective. One that I hoped to carry into the future.

We at last reached Jonah's home. He stood at the front door and wasn't eager to part ways just yet.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"I'm sorry for causing you trouble today. Mallory and Ulric tried to tell me it was a bad idea so they didn't come with me. It's weird not being yelled at for doing something wrong, and the nice bird lady even fed us." He kept his eyes to the ground and kicked a nearby stone.

"If you need a scolding, I'll be happy to give you one. But it won't do any good if you already know what you did wrong. Next time, you can introduce Mallory and Ulric to your new friends at the camp." I smiled warmly.

Jonah blushed. He swallowed his hesitation and steeled himself for his next words.

"I may just be a boy, but one day I'll grow big and strong like Gwarm to be good enough for you!" he declared.

Now even children were proposing to me? At this rate, my future would be a rather crowded one.

"You still have a lot of growing up to do after today's little stunt. If you're still a good boy by the time you're older, then expect a sweet little reward from me. Let that be your motivation, okay?" I winked.

The boy became as red as a tomato, and a bulge grew between his legs. Rio and I left him with that encouragement. Hopefully he'd stay out of trouble from now on, and it wouldn't be so bad to have a young hunk to come back to in the future.

With the short detour out of the way, I went straight to the tower so as to not keep the others waiting. Cammy was outside of the mansion, appearing more perturbed than I had found her this morning.

"Did I keep you waiting?" I asked, coming up from behind her.

"Oh, no. That's not it. The, uh… my presence inside poses a problem to the alraunes. They seem to have a strong urge to… fertilize me," she answered.

I choked on my spit upon hearing that. We needed to get inside to hear what Eileen and Belle had to say about the towers emerging all over Talmora. 

"Well, then. I guess this witch has to show them to keep their tentacles off my daughter."


Completed series available on my patreon for as little as 1$ tier - https://www.patreon.com/jamminrabbit

*NEW Ellori foursome with anubians: https://www.patreon.com/posts/49690495

Ellori foursome with harpies: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ero-witch-48583970

Ellori sex with a dragon:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/18-ellori-x-zeke-46264745

Ellori sex with a futa dryad: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ellori-x-futa-43341085

Ellori sex with a minotaur: https://www.patreon.com/posts/surprise-for-ero-41520283

Futa Ellori sex with Mira: https://www.patreon.com/posts/update-3-ero-h-40394146

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