
Completed series available on my patreon for as little as 1$ tier - https://www.patreon.com/jamminrabbit

*NEW Ellori foursome with anubians: https://www.patreon.com/posts/49690495

Ellori foursome with harpies: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ero-witch-48583970

Ellori sex with a dragon:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/18-ellori-x-zeke-46264745

Ellori sex with a futa dryad: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ellori-x-futa-43341085

Ellori sex with a minotaur: https://www.patreon.com/posts/surprise-for-ero-41520283

Futa Ellori sex with Mira: https://www.patreon.com/posts/update-3-ero-h-40394146

The Goddess Vessyra greedily kept me for a while longer before returning to nest within my soul. Never have I sensed her more satisfied than now after she had fucked me until my legs couldn't move. Cum leaked out of my mouth, ass, and pussy, while the rest of me was drenched in her divine ejaculate.

My head was spinning. Aftershocks of orgasms incapacitated me when I tried to move, echoing the climaxes as though Vessyra's massive cock was still inside me.

"Next time… mmmh… I bring some potions just in case…" I told Vessyra and myself. With a bit of effort, I finally managed to sit up on the bed without collapsing. However, my legs caved in as soon as I stood up. The impact of dropping to the ground sent another shock traveling down my spine and directly to my crotch. "Ahhh— Fuck… I'm cumming again… nnghaaahhh!"

Like someone had lit a powder keg, the nerves in my entire body fired off pleasure signals and briefly robbed me of my consciousness. Coming to my senses, cum had pooled around me, having gushed out from my quivering cunt.

Deep within me, an amused Vessyra was proud of the state she had left me in and eagerly awaited our next romp.

Fed up with trying to control my physically inept self, I whistled for my robes to dress me and incanted magic to levitate my feet from the floor. Being weightless and floating in the air didn't magically cure my sore hips, but at least I could move now.

Cleaning the room was a cinch. A quick aqua and ventus spell tidied the place instantly, lifting all the cum from the floor, bedsheets, and my body. Not wanting to lose out on collecting a potentially powerful alchemy ingredient, I fetched some vials from the laboratory to fill Vessyra's cum with.

The goddess might have been a physical manifestation of magic given form in a forged world, but her dick felt pretty real to me. If the ejaculate wasn't disappearing, then it must have some application. She didn't appear to mind either, but expressed disappointment that I wasn't using it to impregnate myself.

Which begged the question, could I get other people pregnant with a divine goddess' cum using this?

It was probably what she wanted, but I didn't think this world was ready to have demi-gods rugrats running around Talmora yet. I also did ask her to render her ejaculate infertile so I wouldn't be impregnated. The substance within these vials likely wouldn't be able to.

Regardless, I should leave it to Eileen to tinker with it. Fifteen vials of Vessyra's cum was quite the haul, and I came away with possibly one of the best sex in my life.

"Heh… How many people can say they had sex with a god?" I mused to myself.

I began my search for Eileen by checking the laboratories one by one. Why Eudora had so many rooms was beyond me. I suspected they were meant to house an alraune each, but she found other uses for the creatures underneath the mansion instead. She likely also intended this to be her headquarters of a sort, housing many witches for them to conduct experiments and alchemy at any given time.

From the start, it seemed Eudora wanted this tower to serve as a massive siege engine. Even with her gone, the rest of us had come to that same conclusion. This will be what gets us inside Thanreas. Defeating Edith, the Crimson Witch, was another story.

At the end of the hall, a stone bust of Eudora's former adult form sat on a stand. It had a smug grin. Just how vain did she have to be to own something like this. I supposed that was just how that crazy witch was.

Opening the door to the last room in the hall revealed a sight that was both surprising but not unexpected. Eileen and Cammy sat together on the bed, fingers intertwined and dryad roots tenderly enveloping them both, lips pressed together to play a rather erotic tune. My apprentice saw me first and tried to pull away, but couldn't under all those tendrils. When Cammy saw me next, her roots retracted faster than Rio could fly.

"M-Mama?" Cammy gasped.

"Mistress, I can explain—!" Eileen stood up too quickly and became faint, so Cammy had to hold her steady.

"No need to explain. Make sure you two don't have any regrets, you hear?" I grinned and shut the door on the way out as they both turned bright red.

The experiments could wait. Best to let them have their fun.

I dropped the satchel full of Vessyra's collected cum and left a note for Eileen to deal with later. Thinking to search for the others, I ran into another pair downstairs in the kitchen who were much farther behind than the other two.

It seemed Belle and Eleanor were at the tail end of a serious discussion. I recalled having given my colleague an order with the leash to reveal her true feelings to Eleanor. In retrospect, I shouldn't have butt in. It was their business after all. On the other hand, the two were much more relaxed with each other now than before.

"Not too long ago we were enemies, then comrades at arms, and…" The former knight of Abstinence hesitated. She swallowed hard, then reached across the table to put a hand atop Belle's and gave a reassuring squeeze. "I never expected to become friends. I'm still unsure of these feelings myself, but if you will give me time I shall consider them carefully."

"Take all the time you need. I'm just glad we can talk like this again." Belle smiled.

"By the way… are you still… like that? With the thing in your… behind?" Eleanor asked quietly, thumbing her hair in embarrassment.

The serious atmosphere around them dissipated. Belle choked on her own spit. I left them to their privacy and exited the mansion to find Rio waiting by the gazebo. He hopped onto my shoulder as I stepped onto the teleportation circle.

Back into the real world, Rio took flight to join the harpy sisters engaging in a game of tag with Zeke. He wasn't the only one. Luna and Talos joined the fray, soaring across the skies to enjoy what little peace was afforded to them before the battle.

I held the green gem Vessyra had given me between my fingers. It glistened underneath the sun and emitted a strange glow. I shouldn't have known what to do with this, but a reliable whisper urged me to have Mira ingest this. Whether it was protection magic or an empowering magic crystal-like jewel, I had no idea. I needed only trust the goddess that dwelled inside me.

Mira wasn't home when I returned to the great hollow. Instead, a busybody goblin carried out chores and cleaned the place in my absence. He scurried about, putting alchemical ingredients left out by Eileen, putting bookmarks on open tomes that I had yet to finish and shelving them in where they belonged, and wiping down dusty surfaces with a towel.

"You know, I can clean all this in an instant with magic? You didn't have to go through the trouble of cleaning everything by yourself," I remarked, entering the comforts of my home.

"Gurk want Mistresses to come back to clean home. Messy no good. Work hard to make sure Mistresses comfort when back!" he exclaimed, not missing a beat in his tidying.

I flew over to the alchemy racks by the cauldron and imbibed two drinks— a restoration potion and stamina draught. The feeling in my legs and hips returned to me, and I could at last stand on my feet without the need for magic.

"I thought Mira would be home. Where did she go?" I asked Gurk as I plopped down onto the couch.

"Mistress went to visit priestesses. Not sure when she is back," he answered.

Knowing Mira, she was going to be there for some time. As an eligible high priestess herself after succeeding in the Trial of Love and Lust, the carriage-mansion full of priestesses was a feast for someone like her.

As Gurk was about to race past me, I snatched him onto the couch and into my arms. 

"Gurk still has work to do! Home still dirty," the goblin said..

"So busy that you don't have time for me?" I reached into his pants to pull out a green dick that was quickly getting erect in my hand.

Gurk made himself comfortable on the couch as I got to my knees to perform a blowjob for him. The feeling of his stiff cock in my mouth was right where it belonged, like old times when it was only just us, indulging in each other's desires in much more peaceful times. 

Before I knew it, he came into my mouth. I swallowed every drop, savouring the test of my goblin lover's juices. His rod remained erect.

Good, I thought.

Shedding my robes off for the second time in one day to have sex, I climbed on top of Gurk. His eyes went wide when he saw my own erect penis.

Do not worry, my avatar. Vessyra's voice played melodically in my head. I shall grant you the magic to control it as you please.

My penis suddenly disappeared, much to mine and Gurk's surprise. Vessyra said I could control it, but now wasn't the time to figure out how. I lowered my dripping wet pussy onto his cock.

"Aahhh! Yours is the best, Gurk… mmh!" Our hips met, every inch of him had buried into me, and our gazes locked on one another. Gurk was by far not the biggest. He didn't need to be. It was as though the flesh inside me had long been molded into his shape. Like his cock was made for me and my pussy for him.

"Mistress feels hot. Different than before… feels better," he said.

I began to ride him, luxuriating in the cock that stirred the most incredible pleasure I could ever ask for. Of course, having sex with someone you loved always felt better than with those you didn't. It was why Vessyra was the Goddess of Love and Lust. For when those two feelings were present during the act, there was no greater joy.

That's right. I loved Gurk, my little goblin partner. It didn't matter to me how different our races were or the circumstances that we met in. He had been with me through thick and thin, put himself in danger to help in spite of his own weaknesses, and toughed out things he didn't want to do for everyone's sake. 

While his dick pounded me, I stroked his cheek and kissed him. My body was soaring without the use of magic. This indescribable joy as we consummated our love sent me into a state of bliss. 

"I love you, Gurk. Cum inside me!" I begged sweetly.

"Gurk loves Mistress, too. Gurk be good mate and take care of both Mistresses as wives!" he promised. We sealed that vow with another tongue-deep kiss, drowning in the pleasure of each other's bodies.

A piping hot load of cum gushed into my womb. His hands squeezed my ass. Even as he came, the goblin continued to fuck me, making sure every drop went as deep as he could push.

Both of us climaxed at the same time, but I hadn't had enough yet. Vessyra's enormous cock had made my pussy sensitive, and every little touch lit up my nerves. I wanted more. I knew Gurk did, too.

"Hah! I have returned from my conquest. Those priestesses are nothing to my techniques. Gale was especially pent-up being away from me for so long. Gurk, let us celebrate with some cake in Loth—" Mira burst through the door going into a tirade about her sexual subjugation, but trailed off upon seeing us in the heat of sex. The corner of her lips pulled up to an impish grin. She shut the door and approached us, stripping off articles of clothes until she was completely naked before us. "Good thing the day is still young. Isn't that right, darlings?"

The sight of her naked body, breasts swelled from being pregnant, triggered my dick to magically reappear in an erect state.


Completed series available on my patreon for as little as 1$ tier - https://www.patreon.com/jamminrabbit

*NEW Ellori foursome with anubians: https://www.patreon.com/posts/49690495

Ellori foursome with harpies: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ero-witch-48583970

Ellori sex with a dragon:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/18-ellori-x-zeke-46264745

Ellori sex with a futa dryad: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ellori-x-futa-43341085

Ellori sex with a minotaur: https://www.patreon.com/posts/surprise-for-ero-41520283

Futa Ellori sex with Mira: https://www.patreon.com/posts/update-3-ero-h-40394146

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